Nightshift 24: Hallway outside entry room

Jun 03, 2007 16:16

The giggling and the stinging scent of pepper faded as Gin and Jack changed their route to the second set of stairs near the doctors offices.  It was Gin's first time leading, usually Jack took that job, letting him take up the reasonably safer rear guard.  He kept his flashlight trained on the path ahead of them, his knife in the other hand.  With ( Read more... )

yuber, cliff, yazoo, usopp, integra, sasuke, hinamori momo, yohji, kadaj, sephiroth, gin, roy, captain jack, alucard

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face_of_chaos June 17 2007, 05:21:05 UTC
(( Waltzing in from here))

His movements were sharp and swift around the corner as he left those other humans to tend to the injured. Though those events hadn’t been of any interest to him, the knight was beginning to feel an urge to create Chaos, even if he knew it wouldn’t be to the same degree as his usual capability. This had perhaps been the longest he’d gone through without causing some form of disorder one way or another, and he found that notion not sitting well inside. Who ever had summoned him needed to have a good explanation to hold him back to such a degree, and depending on what it was Yuber doubted that he’d be in any mood to listen.

There seemed to be little movement happening in the hallway as the odd human scurried on their way. Walking a few more steps, Yuber came to a stop before his attention drifted back behind him. “I find myself interested in searching the hallway beyond the Sun Room.” Yuber murmured, although he doubted that his companion would have too much of an objection.


usoppsenchou June 17 2007, 05:26:23 UTC
"Mmn. All right." Usopp kept following Yuber, tired of his own distractions. The little 'claws' he'd made dug into his side uncomfortably, even though the sharp sides were out, covered by his shirt... he kept his head down, although he could vaguely hear the voices of that woman and her female companions in the hall, near the Sun Room door. Female warriors were more terrifying than men; he'd heard that somewhere. Uninclined to break up their reunion, he kept following Yuber.

Running around like this had gotten to grating on his own nerves... and although he didn't think of it in such terms, he was also overdue for Chaos, even in his own minor ways.


devils_tactics June 19 2007, 15:21:37 UTC
Kazuo had wandered aimlessly for awhile, bypassing groups of people he didn't know, until he ran into Usopp yet again. Apparently the thing with the metal head hadn't gotten him after all. And he was now equipped with...cookware. And a basket of...something. Kazuo supposed that was actually a decent weapon, if you could hit hard enough, but it didn't have much range. Kazuo didn't know the other guy, but he'd been out in the courtyard, too.

"Looks like you've been busy," Kazuo commented. "Mind if I come along? The people I was with seem to have a death wish."


face_of_chaos June 19 2007, 23:54:41 UTC
Bypassing the other small groups littering the hallway, Yuber didn’t need to look back to know that Usopp was behind him. About to turn back and continue down the hallway, there was a sudden sense of another drawing nearer to their position. Halting the black knight glanced over the top of his ally’s head as the sight of another human drew close.

They looked to be one from the group he’d seen disappearing over the wall previously. From what he had seen, Usopp had known this particular human. At the question Yuber half turned himself away while his arms folded over his chest. With a careless shrug, the black knight murmured. “If you must”


usoppsenchou June 20 2007, 00:00:10 UTC
"Oh, Kazuo!" Surprised but pleased, Usopp waved at him. "Yuber, this is Kazuo, he's my roommate. Kazuo, this is my ally Yuber, he's an incarnation of Chaos!"

The latter was stated with only slightly more enthusiasm than 'roommate,' as Usopp had long since processed that fact and decided it was pretty cool, but this wasn't the time or place for gushing.

Still, his mood improved a little at the sight of his roommate. "We were just going to... well, explore past the Sun Room, I guess." Since Yuber had already voiced his consent, Usopp grinned at Kazuo in the dark. "Welcome aboard!"


devils_tactics June 20 2007, 00:12:38 UTC
Kazuo took the introduction with his usual stoic response. "All right." He glanced at Yuber and did a quick assessment. At least he seemed a little more focused than some of his other companions.

He looked back to Usopp. "What did you get?"


face_of_chaos June 20 2007, 00:35:26 UTC
If it had been in him, the black knight would have made more than a simply rise of an eyebrow in response to Usopp’s rather… colourful introduction. When it became knowledge though that this particular individual was the roommate of his ally, Yuber found himself silently wondering which side of the scale this human was on. It was something he'd have to wait to discover.

The line of conversation though was one that potentially ran the risk of him being stuck yet again in a situation with no opportunity to cause any form of Chaos. “While this conversation is riveting… it can be done in transit can it not?” He didn’t bother waiting for a reply, and with that said began walking off back down the hallway. They would either follow him or not, but he wouldn’t be reduced to waiting any longer this evening.

(( Disappears around the corner to here…))


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