Nightshift 24: Hallway outside entry room

Jun 03, 2007 16:16

The giggling and the stinging scent of pepper faded as Gin and Jack changed their route to the second set of stairs near the doctors offices.  It was Gin's first time leading, usually Jack took that job, letting him take up the reasonably safer rear guard.  He kept his flashlight trained on the path ahead of them, his knife in the other hand.  With ( Read more... )

yuber, cliff, yazoo, usopp, integra, sasuke, hinamori momo, yohji, kadaj, sephiroth, gin, roy, captain jack, alucard

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broken_exorcist June 17 2007, 03:35:49 UTC
Allen followed, feeling much like dead weight. He was still unsure of what exactly was going on, but maybe tonight's adventure would at least yield a few answers. He hoped. This business of shinigami and Akuma and who was friend or foe was terribly confusing. Rukia's touch had been so warm though. It was almost like Rhode. She'd not been an Akuma, she still had a human soul, human heart, human warmth. But she worked for the Earl. Her touch had been warm too. Until she'd...

He shook away those thoughts, content to let the others lead. He still didn't know his way around, and while he was not terrible with directions, he wasn't great either. Not to mention the darkness; things were always harder to find in the dark. He was curious as to where the others had acquired their flashlights. Most of the people walking the halls seemed to have them, so perhaps he'd simply overlooked it?

Allen was concerned over Mustang as well. He didn't seem to be at his best. Not that he knew the man well enough to be sure, but... He'd seemed better at lunch, from what he could recall. Allen was tempted to ask if Mustang needed assistance, but would the man find it offensive? Kanda always rebuked him for offering help, but usually took it anyway. And Mustang did seem much nice than Kanda. He matched his pace to the Colonel's, his expression worried, despite his efforts to hide it. "Um..." he said quietly, "you can lean on me if you need to sir."


notmyfather June 17 2007, 03:43:12 UTC
Valyn, having exhausted himself the night before, recognized the signs in Mustang. And wasn't about to point it out. It would be rude to draw attention to anything that could be seen as a weakness, especially in a warrior. And Renji had stated that Mustang was a soldier. No, Valyn certainly wasn't going to be so crass as to point out that the other man may need assistance.

Of course, if something happened, it could be a problem. Of course, they were there to protect the man, apparently. But Valyn knew soldiers, and they didn't exactly enjoy being protected....

Damn it all to Evelon, tactics weren't exactly Valyn's strong suit. Not battle tactics, at any rate. Politics he knew, battle strategy he didn't.

Well, it wasn't his problem. It had been made very clear he was simply there to be there. He was going to keep quiet.


muted_flame June 17 2007, 04:03:06 UTC
Things had been nice and quiet for a time, but Roy had known that wouldn't last long. Granted, when Rukia broke the silence, it was for a good enough reason. He glanced over his shoulder at her, doing his best to lift the weary expression from his face. How many times had he been forced to mask his fatigue so as to not worry his subordinates? Granted, Hawkeye had always been able to see through it...

"I've gotten the door open, but I've yet to see where it leads." That would be outside, naturally, but beyond that? Suffice to say he was more than a little curious.

Then Allen had to offer his assistance. It seemed like he had changed quite a bit since earlier in the day, when he had been trying to attack another patient. Maybe this was he was to make it up to him? Though that didn't make any sense, since Roy wasn't the one who had been attacked. The personality shift was odd, but he was going to refuse that offer of help no matter what the reasons behind it were.

"It's fine. We're just about there, anyway." Staying on the right side of the hall so he was as far away from the Sun Room as possible (Roy knew that particular room was hectic every night without fail), he turned to the door opposite that room and opened it - into the Sun Room.


muted_flame June 17 2007, 04:09:24 UTC
[ To here. ]


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