Nightshift 24: Hallway outside entry room

Jun 03, 2007 16:16

The giggling and the stinging scent of pepper faded as Gin and Jack changed their route to the second set of stairs near the doctors offices.  It was Gin's first time leading, usually Jack took that job, letting him take up the reasonably safer rear guard.  He kept his flashlight trained on the path ahead of them, his knife in the other hand.  With ( Read more... )

yuber, cliff, yazoo, usopp, integra, sasuke, hinamori momo, yohji, kadaj, sephiroth, gin, roy, captain jack, alucard

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arc_wrench June 12 2007, 19:27:30 UTC
[[from here]]

HK turned the corner from the cell blocks and continued on. The area up ahead lead to the dining hall and sun room, but after that...

"Statement: After we pass these doors," he pointed towards the Sun Room, "I have no knowledge of the compound's layout." Everything else he knew perfectly. Even if he was a meatbag now, he still had near-flawless spatial recall of the areas he had seen. Just one more advantage to having a droid mind.


icy_demise June 12 2007, 19:36:22 UTC
"Well, now is a good time to go figure out what's over there, don't you think?" Hopefully something useful, as far as SubZero could tell, all the patient blocks were on the same side. That was where everyone, male, and female, had been taken for dinner.

"Just go down the first hallway you come across, we can just check out everything we come across, if we have too." This could turn into something that would take several nights to finish.


arc_wrench June 12 2007, 19:52:09 UTC
"Statement: Very well." HK was a little miffed at SubZero's tone. He was an intelligent droid, he knew how to explore an unknown area. "Query: Shouldn't you be on point, meatbag? I would rather not be damaged by a preventable assault from behind."


icy_demise June 12 2007, 20:37:22 UTC
"Preventable assault from behind? I'm smart enough to know better than to go around stabbing allies in the back without good cause. And I have good enough aim to avoid hitting you." He was almost insulted that HK would say something like that.

"You are a pretty small target after all, but you don't have very much muscle, you should work on that, HK. Maybe do some push ups, get a good work out. If not you'll start to get fat."


arc_wrench June 12 2007, 20:45:46 UTC
"Annoyance: No, meatbag, I was not referring to the possibility of your treachery. I was more concerned about the guards. I'd rather not have an ambush from behind succeed simply because there was no one watching the rear. Only civilians are idiotic enough to not keep watch in a hostile area." And gammoreans. And weequay. And... meatbags really were idiots, all of them.

"Statement: I am fully aware of my current status, meatbag. I have no intention to allow my muscle fibers to shrink and drown in blubber." A thought his mind only labeled as 'Ew.' "In the meantime, thank you for being such an effective meat shield."


icy_demise June 13 2007, 20:42:53 UTC
"You think I'm not watching our backs? I like getting attacked from behind just as much as you do. However, if you think you'll do a better job of it, be my guest," The fact that HK apparently thought he was incapable of being a rear guard was somehow worse than being suspected of treachery.

Betrayal was one thing to be suspected of, incompetence was another. However, he wasn't going to get into an argument about it, and instead set off down the hall.

[[Going here]]


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