Nightshift 24: Hallway outside entry room

Jun 03, 2007 16:16

The giggling and the stinging scent of pepper faded as Gin and Jack changed their route to the second set of stairs near the doctors offices.  It was Gin's first time leading, usually Jack took that job, letting him take up the reasonably safer rear guard.  He kept his flashlight trained on the path ahead of them, his knife in the other hand.  With ( Read more... )

yuber, cliff, yazoo, usopp, integra, sasuke, hinamori momo, yohji, kadaj, sephiroth, gin, roy, captain jack, alucard

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Comments 76

killing_suzie June 3 2007, 23:23:10 UTC
Jack was just as good of a rear guard as he was a front man, and he had Gin covered. He followed Gin silently now, ears peeled for any more of that creepy laughter, but thankfully it seemed to have not followed them. Hopefully they wouldn't run into more fun before they got to the stairs.

And actually, if his sense of direction served him right, this was getting them closer to where they wanted to go anyway, so at least it wasn't wasted effort.


traitors_smile June 4 2007, 00:11:14 UTC
Gin could hear faint noise in on either side of the hallway, but nothing seemed to be heading in their direction. They continued on in near silence now, both of them listening and watching. He could see the stairs in the distance. It wasn't very far, so he hoped whatever was going on upstairs was either still back by the first staircase, or had long since passed them.

[[to here]]


never_learns June 4 2007, 01:08:04 UTC
[From here]

Yohji followed Cliff along the dark corridors towards where the Doctor's offices were. He'd only been along here once, and that was in daylight with nurses leading and that time he hadn't exactly seen the need to memories the route so he'd been less attentive than he should have been.

"What do you make of the lovers spat betweeon those two?" he asked quietly, gesturing towards one of the intercom boxes on the wall. He wouldn't trust either of them as far as he could throw them, but it was more worrying if they'd been dragged into a chest beating match between the two of them.


gotahunch June 4 2007, 01:27:12 UTC
Cliff was glad he'd gotten the nurse to show him around during the last shift. Insticts aside, his sense of direction was pretty bad without a communicator. The doctors offices were a straight path though, just past the sunroom and around the corner.

"I think if they keep on like that things are gonna get bad pretty fast." That much was obvious. The only question was how bad and how fast. "You know how messy breakups can be."

He glanced around for monsters - there was a lot of noise coming from the sun room but he kept moving past it. Distractions later. "Something happened. To hell if I know what."


never_learns June 4 2007, 01:42:55 UTC
Yohji couldn't disagree with that statement. "Yeah, and we get to be the innocent bystanders caught in the middle." Not exactly his favourite place to be. Thing tended to get nasty. "Wonder who the rebound fuck was," he muttered sourly. He'd hate to be in that position for sure.

Yeah, Yohji was glad to not be going into the Sun Room right now. It sounded less than pleasant. "Must've been something pretty messed up to get them to drop the pleasantries altogether." At least they were showing their true colours.


gotahunch June 4 2007, 02:32:03 UTC
[to here]


uncage June 5 2007, 20:08:15 UTC
[from here]

Kuja kept his flashlight in front of him, ears perked as his eyes scanned through the darkness. From what he could see, he was close to the location called the 'Sun Room'. Even though his sense of direction wasn't what it should be, the genome had a very good memory. He could pick up noises coming from behind the doors, the sounds of battle.

But now was not the time to assume the center stage. After all, he was in no position to gain the spotlight. Quickly passing the double doors, the sorcerer proceeded down the dark hallway.


uncage June 6 2007, 18:25:40 UTC

sasuke_of_sound June 6 2007, 02:40:22 UTC
[[from here]]

It took a moment for Sasuke to adjust to dark silence after the people-filled (and periodically flashlight-lit) hallway outside the patient quarters, but there didn't seem to be many others around to take advantage of the pause.

Sunroom on his left, another room on his right -- start exploring here, or go further and work back?

Well, first things first: Sasuke glanced at Sai, waiting to see whether the other nin was planning to follow him or go off to find Naruto.


tsunagari June 6 2007, 02:50:15 UTC
Sai had paused, glancing down the hall Sasuke had indicated. His face was still set in a light frown. He did want to find Naruto. Then again, he couldn't be sure the boy was even down that hall. Right now, Sasuke was the only link he had to anything.

And... at least Sasuke seemed to remember who he was. Perhaps the issue with Naruto was something best left for a time when they could sit and discuss it.

"I'll come with you," he said shortly. "For now."


sasuke_of_sound June 6 2007, 03:49:19 UTC
Backup meant it would be easier to start further and work back; there was less necessity for an assuredly easy retreat. Good.

"If we come across anyone you're looking for, you can leave," Sasuke said, although Sai had probably already decided this. "I'm going to the far end of the Institute tonight. Scoping out the place first."

With that, he moved down the hall on silent bare feet, holding his sword low in case anyone decided to flash a light that might catch on it and give it away.

[[to here]]


hajike_tobiume June 10 2007, 15:07:17 UTC
((From here.))

When shinigami didn't want to be noticed, they generally weren't. The 5th might not have been as specialized as the 2nd, but there was a certain amount of stealth learned purely as a survival technique as the years of service moved on. Momo was no different, silent and unseen save the faint light hanging from her waist, as she moved down the hall, hugging the left wall.

Alert for creatures, none were seen, though she could still faintly feel that reiatsu she has earlier. Yet, she was no closer to identifying it as before leaving her once again with just a suspicion. It was times like this where she wished she'd been more alert when around both Aizen-sama and Ichimaru-taichou.

Stopping at the first door on the right, Momo looked back to check on Integra's pogress and wait to see if this door held the knight's fancy. She watched Alucard for a moment before returning ehr attention to the hall. The shinigami was starting to feel bad for the vampire and the way he was being treated.


steel_maiden June 10 2007, 15:19:04 UTC
She wasn’t going to let Alucard’s spoiled house pet syndrome distract her any longer. They’d stalled enough as was and who knew how much time they really had to try and get anything accomplished before trouble found them.

As they exited the cellblock there were two choices as to where to proceed next. A hall went off to their left, while another continued straight ahead with a nearby door. Seeing the girl already ahead and waiting respectfully -like a proper soldier should- for her command, the knight only nodded towards the door on the right. “See if it’s unlocked then."


madvampireking June 10 2007, 15:28:09 UTC
He lingered behind the two women, head still hung even as his eyes watched as they deliberated their choices. So the vampire watched with a baleful eye, as Integra finally decided to try passing the door. He gave a disinterested glance down the hall they came from, before simply idling around.

This time, he wouldn't speak to her. At all.

Only -she had to come to him first- at her behest.


hajike_tobiume June 10 2007, 15:38:20 UTC
Momo nodded and placed a hand flat on the door's surface. She didn't feel any vibrations or anything that might have indicated danger, so she tried the knob.


She gave the knight a small smile at that and pushed the door open. She was going to suggest that Alucard head first through the door, but he looked like a kicked puppy at the moment. The shinigami decided she'd go first.

(( here))


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