Nightshift 24: Entry Room

Jun 02, 2007 21:34

( coming from here.)

The hall was dark and quiet as Max led the way deeper into the building and away from the dorms. She could hear the faint murmur of voices coming from... somewhere, but couldn't quite pinpoint a location ( Read more... )

allen, valyn, naruto, integra, hinamori momo, rock lee, rukia, max, susan, roy, alucard

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muted_flame June 24 2007, 20:37:07 UTC
An apology from the boy was not what he had been looking for by helping him. While he didn't know Allen or any of the others very well, when it came to a fight like this it didn't matter. If people were going to fight together, there had to be some level of trust, even if it only stood during battle. If Roy had been in the same situation as the boy, he would have expected the same from one of them. There had to be that sort of understanding for it all to work.

The smell, along with the loud roar in such close proximity, was making him feel faint. He used his free hand which wasn't shielded to cover his mouth, and then stood his ground.

But then the creature bit down. While his arm was still hardened, he was not a perfect homunculus by any means. The shield he had was not "The Ultimate Shield," which meant that he could still feel the fangs digging in slightly. If his arm had been in its normal condition at the time, it would have been much worse, but...

This was all getting to be too much, especially since he was drained from the weapons he had made earlier.

His knees started to give out.


haiiro_no_chou June 24 2007, 23:17:47 UTC
"Hadou Thirty-three!" she finished, voice strong despite the pain, as a glowing ball of blue energy shot from her palm. It streaked toward the creature, briefly illuminating the room.

Dimly, Rukia had registered what was going on a round her: Allen trying to get up, Valyn and the Colonel both being attacked. It was Vice Captain Hinamori's voice, though, that forced her into action. Gritting her teeth against the nausea and dizziness the spell had caused, Rukia moved the katana to her good hand and sent it sliding across the floor.

Rukia tried to stay up, but the floor just got closer and closer. She had put all she had left into that spell, and simply couldn't hold on to consciousness any longer. The room spun around Rukia, filled with the monster's roars and its stench, and then everything drifted away into blackness.


broken_exorcist June 25 2007, 00:16:24 UTC
Allen had to get moving, he had to get the others out of here and if possible, take care of that creature. The only problem was finding the strength to do more than just stand there on wobbly knees. Mustang was already fading fast, the creature's jaws around his arm. It seemed to hold though, oddly enough, but Allen had little time to sit and think on it.

If he could just invoke it long enough, he might be able to stall it while the rest escaped. He swallowed back his worries and did what he could to focus; light sputtered and flashed around his arm like a fire that just wouldn't start. And just as quickly it was dark. The light went out as he felt a lurch in his stomach.

He wasn't strong enough. The thought haunted him as blackness crept into his vision, the last thought he could keep hold of before he lost consciousness. Not strong enough.


damned_monsters June 25 2007, 00:58:46 UTC
The monster swept one of its wings down to strike Valyn's arm as he tried to stab it; it had learned that some of its prey had teeth, and was wary.

The blue energy that Rukia cast at the monster struck it; it actually stumbled
a step to the side, teeth still biting down on Roy's arm. It hide smouldered; it snarled, a sound that would have been a roar if it had been willing to release its jaws.

It was annoyed; very annoyed. Rukia was out of reach; it was unwilling to leave the doorway. It took out its ire on the best target available - Roy. It reared back, flapping its ragged wings, dragging him forward by the arm, and slashed him with both paws.


hajike_tobiume June 25 2007, 01:03:08 UTC
Momo reached down as she ran across the entryway and scooped up the katana as it slid along the floor. She was grateful that evenin her current condition, Rukia was aware enough to get it to her. The vice captain readied the weapon, compensating for the extra length and weight, and assessed the situation.

Two down, two severely injured and one lone armed shinigami. This did not look good. She gritted her teeth, set herself, and pushed on toward the monstrosity.


notmyfather June 25 2007, 02:24:51 UTC
This was far more dangerous and trying than bouts in the arena - even against his father's trained gladiators or liege lords. But that training came in handy - Valyn had never been more thankful for those hours and hours of training his father had insisted on. As the wing came down, Valyn twisted, thrusting the sword up to try and slice at the membrane of the wings.

"Get out of the way, Colonel!" Valyn barked, recognizing that the man would be in severe danger if he didn't extricate his arm and get away.

The other woman was at least coming to their aide. Perhaps they could at least retreat....

Before Valyn lost too much blood. Light headedness was already beginning to set in.


muted_flame June 25 2007, 05:33:01 UTC
This wasn't working. Just as he had said earlier, they weren't meant to get through, and this thing - far too strong, even for the monsters of this place - was proof of it. It had already taken out two of them, and Roy doubted it was going to stop there.

When Valyn's hit caused the chimera to jerk to the side, he was dragged back onto his feet and along with it. The shield was starting to weaken, and he could feel its fangs digging into his skin.

He tried to heed Valyn's advice before things got out of hand, gritting his teeth as he tried to yank his arm away, but the creature's jaws were too strong for that, and he was basically dragging its teeth through his flesh--which meant that he gave up on that idea sooner rather than later.

So he was an open target, completely powerless when both of its paws descended. The claws started to dig in around his chest and pulled down from there -- and that was when everything went black.


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