Nightshift 24: Entry Room

Jun 02, 2007 21:34

( coming from here.)

The hall was dark and quiet as Max led the way deeper into the building and away from the dorms. She could hear the faint murmur of voices coming from... somewhere, but couldn't quite pinpoint a location ( Read more... )

allen, valyn, naruto, integra, hinamori momo, rock lee, rukia, max, susan, roy, alucard

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steel_maiden June 16 2007, 17:25:33 UTC
The blonde ignored the attitude of the shorter one, too accustomed to receiving such looks and tone whenever she was made to deal with the common police or lower military ranks who knew nothing of her Organization above them. “Max” as she called herself, clearly had no desire to be too helpful without personal reason, but that was well understandable.

She raised an eyebrow as the taller woman again spoke, mentioning something about the past. Integra’s eyes were on Susan as she wondered if the stranger’s delusions then included being from some future time. The knight could also see easily by way of expression that the woman didn’t particularly believe her. But that was no matter, she had no intention of being any more detailed about her profession unless given reason to.

Integra only allowed a look of cold amusement to reach her eyes as the woman admitted the location of the files all the while claiming them useless. “Thank you. But unfortunately I’m quite use to dusty old things that enjoy wasting my time.”

She wasn’t feeling cruel enough to actually look at her servant again as she said this. But it was quite hard to erase that image of his five hundred year old corpse covered in webs and dust, rotting away on that first night that she’d found him.

“Most likely there will be nothing of use to us, but one never knows when even the oddest thing may prove of slight benefit later on.” With a last nod to the two other women, the blonde continued on. Again following Momo, but only because the girl seemed so insistent to be the first to check every room. A noble notion perhaps, or maybe just more of her naivety shining through.


transgenix June 16 2007, 19:11:58 UTC
Max nimbly stepped aside to let the other women - and the silent shadow - past, but waited until they were in the room before quite visibly rolling her eyes. The younger girl had seemed nice enough, but Max wasn't so fond of the older woman. She didn't like her, and though she couldn't put her finger on why not, she usually followed her instincts on such things.

So, with a flip of her dark hair over one shoulder, she turned to Susan once more. "Should we head out back to the hall since these are just waiting rooms or something? We can explore further once out there and figure out where to go?"


is_god June 17 2007, 04:35:19 UTC
Susan nodded, the gaze following the strange party as it went past them. She really wasn't so sure about these people. "Let's go."

And quietly, she added for Max's ears, "Okay, maybe we are in a nut house."

She also couldn't help but notice that more and more people were coming in. While her initial urge was to be friendly, look for more allies, one weird encounter had been enough for her. Better, for now, to stick with Max and not go looking for trouble. She was starting to think that she'd been lucky enough to get a relatively sane figment of her imagination partner.

(to here)


hajike_tobiume June 17 2007, 05:45:02 UTC
Momo poked her head into the file room, noting it was empty and quite small. It really didn't look like all three of them would comnfortably fit inside, so the shinigami opted to stay in the main room.

"I'll stand watch, Hellsing-san," she said as she stood off to the side of the doorway into the file room. "Call if you require my assistance. I'll be within earshot."

Momo turned her attention to the rest of the room, dark eyes scanning the movements of the room as the knight presumably went to investigate the files. Susan and Max had left, but the two boys were still there. She was watching them a little closer when she heard her name.

She looked over to the four people that entered the room and recognized Kuchiki Rukia. Her eyes instantly teared up.

So they did follow through with the execution.

She glanced back at the file room and said in a low voiice that would only carry into the room, fighting hard to keep her voice steady, "Another shinigami has arrived. I must see to her, but I will be back."

Wiping the tears quickly out of her eyes, Momo slowly walked to Rukia, drawing in deep breaths as she forced herself to calm back down.

((Momo drops down a thread))


hajike_tobiume June 17 2007, 06:01:00 UTC
((Make that two threads))


steel_maiden June 18 2007, 23:52:16 UTC
The door to the file room had obviously been forced open beforehand. But it was a strange sight as she let her flashlight’s beam linger on the broken lock momentarily. Integra would never be one to miss details -especially now- but this wasn’t even that inconspicuous. The metal of the door’s lock was thoroughly rusted. Though as she looked further, she could only realize the woman’s comment about dust had been far more an understatement than anything else.

“Bloody hell,” Integra grumbled at the familiar scent of stagnant air and dust. Damned place looked as if it hadn’t been opened in years. But why would they have a room they never used? It wasn’t as if its entrance was concealed in any manner to be some forbidden space. Not like the sublevels of her own estate.

Distractedly the knight glanced away from the filing cabinets, in time enough to see Momo disappear back out into the larger room with some excuse of seeing to someone. Having just met the girl, Integra had no real instinct to call her back or to even investigate who the small brunette had recognized.

With only another peripheral glance to check that Alucard had remained at least (so no enemy could surprise her from behind), the blonde turned back to try and open the drawers nearest to her.

Though she disliked the filth now smearing her fingertips, Integra only spoke lightly as she began to look through the names. “Interesting isn’t it? That this room would be here after you were so adamant at claiming there was no such area on this floor.” None of the names she was reading were familiar to her, but she at least wished to find the H's. Hellsing or Harker were likely the only choices for her own file's title should it be here.

Tugging at another drawer, she continued talking to what may as well be a literal shadow for all his silence. "Though I won't rub your nose in it, vampire. These likely are useless. I simply wanted to see in order to decide that for myself."


madvampireking June 19 2007, 00:40:21 UTC
Alucard had kept a silent vigil up till now. He did not want to speak to the new people they've ment, seeing as he had the nagging suspicion that, Integral would simply try to insult him further. As was his punishment for getting too uppity, what with his sudden stint of freedom.

He did have to swallow his pride when they came across the filing room, however. Luck just seemed to hate him as much as his Master did. But it seemed that the filing room hadn't been used in ages though. It was just so old. If he didn't know any better, the room would do very well as a crypt, like the old tomb in the basement he had been imprisoned in. He beared Master's comment about 'old dusty things which wasted her time', though.

Let's see who was useless when the monsters came. She needed him as much as he needed her.

"Oh. I was about expecting you to reprimand me, for trying to drag us off to the second floor," was his rather short reply. "You've been doing that all night anyway."


steel_maiden June 19 2007, 00:57:42 UTC
Some of the drawers were either jammed or locked. Though it was hard to tell the difference with the layer of dust that covered them all in the flashlight’s narrow light. Finally seeing something of slight promise though, Integra only scowled at the blasphemous name as she jerked the folder free. “But isn’t this how I always am when you’ve done something to deserve it? Have you developed some emotional sensitivity since our sudden removal from the war, Alucard?”

As she spoke to him cynically, she was only balancing the folder in one arm. Holding it open as she kept the flashlight in the other hand. Well now, their captors really had gone through some special attempts at thoroughness now hadn’t they? Fake histories and all. Though she couldn’t imagine how they would have captured the vampire’s likeness on film. Integra only stared at the picture a moment, before snapping the folder shut again and raising it back over her shoulder.

“Here’s some light reading if you wish. Now help me open these lower drawers. I’m looking for Harker.”


madvampireking June 19 2007, 03:42:21 UTC
She did have a point. Integral was fair, and rewarded him when he did his job well. She also punished him if he overstepped his boundaries. Which, of course happened sporadically over his period of servitude to her. Alucard would admit that he was quite deserving of such treatment -this was about the fourth time that thought had crossed his mind- and maybe it was time to apologize.

"Yes...and....yes. Look."

It was now or never.

"Two days without a master have made me quite rash, Integral. I apologize to you, yet again." He took the folder in his hands after she looked through it. He'd read it later, Integral would appreciate it if he assisted her first. The vampire knelt down, slim fingers wrapping around a handle, before yanking one of the lower drawers open, with a violent jerk. "Here you go."


steel_maiden June 19 2007, 04:13:05 UTC
There was a moment’s pause as she turned her head slightly, clearly listening to the vampire though she was still giving the file cabinets alone her cool gaze. Integra never ignored him when he really was saying something of value. In this case a quite rare apology.

Though his admittance -refreshing as it was- still didn’t fully satisfy her curiosity about exactly what had gone on in Alucard’s mind in those two days alone to have him so clearly out of sort when she returned.

He was like a confused dog, with no direction or discipline, barking at her out of frustration all day today. In the oddest actually reminded her of an upset pet whose master had been gone longer than they'd expected. A dog frantic over that absence, yet getting their own vengeance once the owner did return. Chewing up the sofa cushions and wetting the carpet as if to say ‘don’t you dare abandon me again, I didn't like it’.

Hah, what mad ideas her mind came up with when left to wander. “Being your own master wasn’t as refreshing as you’d believed it would be, was it?” She held back a smirk at his expense, knowing they were back to trying to remain cordial with one another. Integra would withdraw her barbs and not be cruel until he again merited the treatment.

She didn’t ask if he’d actually missed her of course though. No, she wouldn’t go that far. But her final acceptance of his apology was evident none the less. “And how do you feel? Good enough to wait until later tonight to drink?” Bad behavior brought punishment and withdrawal of privileges. Good behavior resulted in basic needs being fulfilled, and even -occasionally- most wanted rewards.

After the drawer had been ripped open, the knight knelt down as well. An odd picture with both master and servant on their knees at once in the small room. “Thank you.” Integra said curtly, sorting again through the many names. Searching for the surname that instilled so many thoughts of the past and its battles. Though she could not know the first name as well brought even older memories to her vampire also.


madvampireking June 19 2007, 05:53:59 UTC
He flipped through the contents of 'his' folder, eyes scanning each page and whatever printed text there was, to be read. It was impressive, how much they actually knew. Even if they had distorted his past to make it seem he did belong in an asylum. 'They' had no choice but to commit him, it would've seemed.

Even if he really did, deserve to be locked up in one. Alucard let a bitter smile before closing the folder. He'd give it a more throrough read when he had the time. When Integral and him were somewhere more private, maybe.

Besides, if he kept up such 'stellar' behaviour, there was a chance of getting something special when she decided to forgive him later. Already she asked if he wanted to have a feed. His bitter smile became a leering, almost hungry one.

"Of course I can wait. I'm not that hungry anyway," he replied to her, before bowing and letting her search through the open file drawer.

"You're welcome."


hajike_tobiume June 20 2007, 01:28:48 UTC
Momo returned to the file room. She stuck her head in to make sure no monsters had mysteriously materialized in the closed room. The feeling of tension surrounding both the knight and the vampire seemed to have lessened somewhat, so the shinigami hoped communication would go more smoothly now.

"I have returned, Hellsing-san," Momo said. "I will keep watch out here until you are finished. Please lket me know if you find any files regarding myself."


steel_maiden June 20 2007, 21:39:32 UTC
Ah, there it was. Harker. The blonde removed the file, opening it only long enough to check that it was indeed the one intended for her. She wasn’t sure what ridiculous passages its paperwork may hold, but there was little reason to bother with that now. Because if they could escape soon, it wouldn’t even matter what information was held here.

Bringing herself back to standing, she answered her servant none too surprised. “Yes, that’s what I thought.” It would be highly doubtful that he’d really be feeling the pangs of starvation in as little time as this. He was simply too spoiled and therefore behaving moodily at not having his steady food supply any longer. “Oh, and that reminds me. Does the name Adelheid Bernstein mean anything to you? I spoke to the boy at some length earlier about-”

Integra found herself interrupted as Momo suddenly returned to them. Discussion about finding adequate blood sources and perhaps feeding from some of the prison population would be best saved for later then. Integra gave the vampire a look which implied this before addressing the girl. “Welcome back I suppose.” Had whoever she’d seen not been so important to her then? “And we’re already finished here. The files are sorted only by the aliases they’ve given us though. Unless you know yours, these will be of no help to you.”


madvampireking June 21 2007, 05:23:57 UTC
Alucard gave a passing glance to her folder, and suddenly, his eyes were riveted to her false name. It was the mockery to end all mockeries, naming his Master after his long dead, first wife. Of all the people they could choose, why did they have to pick her? It sent a slight chill down his spine, knowing that they were aware of every detail, in his five hundred year old existence.

It brought what Iruka had said, to mind, too. That possibility didn't seem so far fetched anymore. The vampire was sure to keep a calm front though, now wasn't the time. "Yes, I've spoken to him on several occasions. He has agreed to feed me, on the condition that I don't run off and stalk his friends," he replied with a grin, relieved at the change of subject.

Alucard fell silent again when Momo returned, giving his Mater a quick nod, before-

His head jerked upwards at the sound of creaking, protesting metal. And then the loud roar from somewhere outside. Thankfully, whatever it was, it wasn't standing at their door. But. The thing was still somewhere uncomfortably close, its strong, feral stench told him so. Shit.

Immediately, he motioned for them to be quiet.


hajike_tobiume June 21 2007, 05:35:45 UTC
Momo frowned. "The nurse called me 'Miss Walker', but that's all I--"

The shinigami shut her mouth as she heard something crash into the main room. She crouch low to the ground, hand quickly turning her muted flashlight off, and slid forward to look out into the room.

She breathed a little shallower as the scent of rotting flesh wafted to her position. Whatever Rukia's mission had been, it seemed to have provoked this monster. Momo did not move any further, instead choosing to watch the creature instead. Rukia was with her group and Momo's priority was protecting Integra.


steel_maiden June 22 2007, 22:56:46 UTC
Much the same as those beside her, the blonde also froze in silence at the sudden roar which tore through the air from somewhere all too near their location. If Momo had wished for her own file from the cabinets, that thought was surely forgotten now as all attention went immediately to the source of whatever was so large to be that unnaturally loud.

In this instance, all Integra could compare the cry to would be the chaotic screeches of her servant’s hungry familiars. But as this of course wasn’t the case, she was only put on edge wondering what had come. It was equally frustrating that she had no weapon of her own to defend herself with either. She was fully dependant on Alucard now.


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