Night 60: Hall of Voices

Jan 10, 2012 13:53

((From here.))The terrain, at least, appeared a lot more stable than the last hall they'd entered. Claude's gaze swept across the dark path ahead, dimly lit by his friends' flashlights. As difficult as it was to see, he caught glimpses of symbols and signs painted in bright crimson on the walls. The sight immediately reminded of him blood. As a ( Read more... )

claude, guy, anise

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razing_phoenix January 14 2012, 01:02:06 UTC
While Anise didn't seem too confident in agreeing with him, that was still what she did. It didn't seem like any of them had any better ideas, and turning back wasn't an option. Apparently neither was looking back, but it seemed like the others were as stumped on that as he was.

Claude didn't hesitate too long before heading forward, though, and so Guy made sure to trail after him. He didn't mind bringing up the rear, especially if it was possible that there was going to be something biting at their heels. He'd rather whatever it was got to him first, instead of Claude or Anise. It went against his instincts to be expecting an attack from behind and not do anything about it, but what if disobeying those words had some sort of terrible consequence?

As they walked deeper down the dark cavern, however, Guy could have sworn that he heard voices whispering around him. He couldn't make out anything that was being said -- in fact, it was possibly in some sort of foreign language -- but it was unnerving nonetheless. "Do you hear that?" he called up to the others.


gald_digger January 14 2012, 14:41:50 UTC
The sound of more strange voices brought a chill down Anise's spine. The first voice had been creepy enough, but these continued chattering along in sharp hisses and harsh whispers, as if carrying on an animated conversation... yet Anise couldn't understand a word of it.

"Yeah," she answered Guy, giving a few nods before she picked up her own pace to match Claude's. "Where's it coming from?"

Was someone watching them from somewhere they couldn't see? Under the light of the flashlight, the walls still looked pretty solid, though there was the chance of there being holes hidden in some of their jagged ridges. She couldn't find any, but it was still hard to shake the feeling that they were being watched.

"... They're getting louder," she observed after a long, uneasy pause. Anise could make out the sounds somewhat clearly, but the words themselves didn't mean anything to her. A foreign language? But more importantly... "Maybe they're somewhere ahead of us." That was the logical conclusion, if the voices got louder as they moved forward, even if they didn't really seem to come from a specific direction.


full_score January 18 2012, 23:48:31 UTC
At this point, Claude wasn't sure whether he cared where the voices came from, as long as they didn't get separated or fall under attack. They didn't exactly sound like they were ahead of them, though. Rather, the voices seemed like they were all around, but only increased in intensity and volume the further they continued down the passageway.

Suddenly, though, among all the gibberish, he thought he heard someone hiss a name: Ronixis J. Kenni. Maybe it had been just his imagination, but that detail shook Claude's focus just enough. Did this things know something about his father? Before he had time to fully process his actions, Claude glanced over his shoulder.

Everything went black, and the night suddenly ended the same as usually did.


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