Night 60: Bus Unloading Area

Jan 03, 2012 12:47

[From here.]The sensation of the crisp night air causing his face to sting was not completely new, but Castiel was still hardly used to it. Temperature hadn't affected his vessel before he'd been drained of his power, and it was yet another aspect of being more human that got under his skin, literally. The trenchcoat he was wearing had a practical ( Read more... )

dean winchester, castiel

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poorexample January 4 2012, 01:16:18 UTC
Castiel usually didn't approve of traveling by any manner of vehicle, whether it was Dean's car or a bus, but in this case he realized it was the best option that they had. It would be much faster than traveling on foot, and they also wouldn't be in much danger of being attacked if they were inside such a large vehicle.

That was his theory, in any case. For all he knew, there were some very large and powerful things hiding out in the woods.

He followed after Dean, making sure to keep to a half-crouch in case something was tracking them. He didn't sense anything, but he could rely on his divine instincts anymore. It left him feeling very exposed, but the blade in his hand at least gave him some sense of security.

He drew up behind Dean and waited for him to make sure that the bus itself was clear, waiting as he got the doors open. He frowned in response to the question, but at this point Dean had educated him enough that he could piece out what he was asking. "The latter. It looked like a piece of technology rather than an ancient or enchanted object." Which meant that it wasn't his area, but that wasn't going to stop him from figuring out how to destroy it.

Then again, whatever had weakened them at the end of the previous night might have been something other than a device of that nature, something controlled by Landel. It was a worrying possibility, but one that he had to keep in mind.


theroadsofar January 4 2012, 23:05:12 UTC
Okay, so Star Trek it was then.

Dean went up the steps, training his flashlight down the narrow aisle. It helped to know generally what was causing the whole powers limp dick thing, especially if it could have an effect on both an angel and a demon. He figured they could talk about what this device looked like once they were on the road. Dean concentrated on checking the seats and underneath in the dark little patches that all kinds of ugly things could be lurking, taking it slow, row by row since the last thing he wanted was to get jumped by a gremlin or something 'cause he was in a hurry. Dean went back to the front once he'd cleared the back of the bus, bending down to work at hotwiring the bus and thinking that man, if Future Him had any sense, he should've taught his angel buddy here how to do basic stuff like this.

It took awhile but eventually the bus shuddered to life.

"So try to get this thing down to Doyleton? If you've got other plans, I'm telling you now this thing isn't rocking four wheel drive."

Not that he expected Castiel to even know what that was. Or that there were things that you just didn't do, like driving a friggen school bus because it maneuvered like crap and it was a school bus.


poorexample January 5 2012, 19:46:13 UTC
Castiel wanted to tell Dean that his efforts were pointless, that he would have known if there was something sharing the space with them, but he didn't have that sort of authority anymore. In the end, it made more sense to be absolutely sure, and Dean was used to this sort of thing; it didn't take him that long to determine that things were "all clear."

However, the whole situation was making Castiel feel useless once again. It was a far cry from how things had gone last night, when he'd been filled to the brim with divine power and ready to smite anything that came his way. Except he hadn't even been given that chance.

Now he was forced to stand there stiffly while Dean did all the work, and he knew that any attempts to offer help would likely only waste their time. Still, Castiel watched with rapt attention as Dean worked on getting the bus to start. Seeing the wires in his hands reminded Castiel of a surgeon working on a patient's veins. It was an odd image, though the way that the bus hummed into some sort of life only added to it.

Castiel shook his head, clearing it of those unnecessary thoughts as he took in Dean's question. "It does have four wheels," he pointed out with a frown, not quite comprehending what Dean was getting at. "But regardless, yes, the plan was to drive to that town."

It was hardly a guarantee that they would find anything there, but that had never stopped them before.


theroadsofar January 6 2012, 23:15:32 UTC
Dean shot Castiel a look. He would've thought the angel was being smartass with him, except Castiel was giving him one of those frowns like he seriously, honestly didn't get it. Nevermind. Dean scooted into the driver's seat and tried to get comfortable.

Wasn't easy. There wasn't anything much more wussy than a school bus and he felt dirty just sitting in one, like he could try to floor this bad boy and he'd be lucky the thing didn't tip over on them if you looked at it wrong. Judging by Castiel's face, he'd guess these thoughts weren't crossing his mind. Just him then. Nice. Dean rested his hands on the wheel and began to pull the bus out of the driveway. Not exactly able to burn rubber here and considering he didn’t know the road and it was, y’know, a friggen bus, Dean couldn’t say how good their time to Doyleton would even be. Still, anything beat walking, right? During the day it was doable. But the night, with all the monster and other weird shit out there? Dean was fine with the crappy bus option. It was another layer between them and what was out there, at the very least.

“No point telling you to buckle up,” Dean shrugged. “Just park yourself somewhere and sit tight.”

The headlights of the bus spilled out in front of him out as Dean navigated it out and down the start of the winding road. He hadn’t been to Doyleton since that whole whacked-out thing with the portals and the Doctor (don’t even get him started on that, Christ), and he had no idea if it was still the same or the thing from the other night with the exchange of power might’ve switched things up there too.


poorexample January 8 2012, 02:49:17 UTC
[To here.]


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