Night 60: West Wing, South Hall 1-A

Dec 20, 2011 00:26

> ==>


Gamzee startled himself a bit by how loud the horn was in the empty hallway, but followed that up with a grin.

Honk honkNever mind that it might be attracting the attention of a monster or something else he didn't want. That possibility never came to mind. If anything, it would help the rest of his group to find him in these dark ( Read more... )

seishin, gamzee

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unpriest December 21 2011, 19:49:42 UTC
[From here]

Honk honk.

The sound was difficult to miss, startling Seishin a bit as well when it broke the relative silence of the hallway. It sounded like some sort of horn, though the former priest hardly had any idea where the sound came from. Cautiously, he swept the beam of his flashlight around the area before noticing a familiar face a little further down the hallway.

"...Gamzee-kun?" Seishin blinked at the teen, before noticing the bicycle horn in the other's hand as he approached.



mirthfulness December 22 2011, 05:14:13 UTC
Hooooonk. Gamzee honked the horn again in greeting when he saw the familiar face in the hall. He knew this bro! This was one human he'd seen enough to be able to recognize, and he was grateful for that. He really had been in luck when it came to running into people in the halls. If there was any time he was willing to bet the Mirthful Messiahs were lending him a hand, it was then.

He waved, giving the man his usual dopey smile before wandering over. "How's it all hangin' for you, my brother?" No matter the answer, the troll was likely to try and tug him along for the rest of the night. He still needed to meet with the others, but he was willing to bet the two of them had met first for a reason.


unpriest December 22 2011, 13:44:50 UTC
Gamzee-kun was still as relaxed and eccentric as ever, it seemed. Seishin could only hope the noise wouldn't attract any monsters, though Westerning-san had said the creatures usually wouldn't venture so close to the patient blocks under normal circumstances -- last night had been an exception.

Seishin returned the smile with one of his own. "I'm doing fine, thank you," he said without going into details whatsoever. There was no reason to bother the teen with his encounters from last night, after all -- and he was feeling better compared to last night.

"I hope you've been doing well yourself?"


mirthfulness December 23 2011, 00:36:13 UTC
"Been doin' pretty all motherfuckin' well, yeah!" Most people's mileage may vary on this, but everything about the previous couple day's events was positive to him - even the fighting part. Perhaps especially the fighting part. "Got myself some good eats and they ain't tossin' pink shit at us no more on top of that. Then me and a couple sisters done got the treasures at the end of some dungeons. Pretty motherfuckin' sweet."

If life threatening. Most wouldn't consider having to fight off ogres to be anything sweet, but Gamzee was used to that sort of thing from the medium. If you wanted anything good, you had to fight off monsters for it. That was just the way it was. He gave Seishin a thumbs up to express his satisfaction. This human seemed to get into some interesting situations too, so hopefully his past few days had been just as productive. Their definitions of productivity might vary too.

"What about you, bro? Wanna up and come along to where I'm going?"


unpriest December 23 2011, 14:44:47 UTC
Treasures at...the end of some dungeons? Seishin blinked at that, wondering what the troll was talking about. This was an institute, right? What sort of 'treasures' could be found in a place like this? What sort of 'dungeons' was he talking about? "Glad to hear your nights have been productive, then," he said eventually.

The invitation to come along surprised the former priest a bit. After all, he had backed out of their mission half-way, which didn't really make him seem like a very reliable person, did it?

"I wouldn't mind, but..." he answered a little uncertainly, "Where are you going?"


mirthfulness December 24 2011, 03:28:45 UTC
"Fuck if I know!" Gamzee shrugged, not at all bothered by the fact that he honestly didn't know the night's plans passed 'meet up with girls'.

"Got outselves this motherfuckin' sword and shield combo. Figure we might make use of them for killin' shit, but I don't all much know. Maybe there's more shit for us to be findin'." The sword and shied were hardly usable for combat. That wasn't their purpose at all, but he hadn't gotten much of a look at them, so he wouldn't know. All he knew was that the others knew more than he did, which was basically the norm.

"What do you say you come on along and find the motherfuck out?"


lol oops. Apologies for the spam. ^^; unpriest December 24 2011, 19:19:05 UTC
"...I see," Seishin responded to the answer. It didn't give him any clarity at all, did it? He didn't have much of a plan himself, so he wasn't really one to talk, was he?

He supposed it was little different from running around aimlessly by himself.

"...Are you sure? I wouldn't want to get in the way or hold things up..." Though he guessed Gamzee-kun may not be the best person to judge whether he'd get in the way of whatever he intended to do tonight.


mirthfulness December 27 2011, 05:01:56 UTC
As usual, Gamzee waved off the concern. Why wouldn't Seishin be welcomed along? The more the merrier. The more people they had, the less they had to worry about should they get attacked. (Not that Gamzee ever worried that much whenever they were attacked. He'd just thwack the enemy with the nearest blunt object.)

"Nah, bro. These are some of the nicest bitches I know. They'd be sure as all hell to let a wicked smart motherfucker like you along." Not caring so much about their past failures, all Gamzee knew was that this man had never been bad company. He didn't exactly set the bar very high on who he'd be willing to take along during the night shifts.


unpriest December 27 2011, 21:48:18 UTC
Seishin had to make an effort not to frown at the troll's language, but he didn't comment on it. It took a little used to on the former priest's part, even if he did know it was simply the way Gamzee-kun appeared to talk.

From the looks of things the teen was to meet with a few women. He wondered what their destination was, and if they truly wouldn't mind someone like him coming along. 'Wicked smart'...was an interesting description he supposed. The 'wicked' part had probably been more accurate than the troll had realized -- how else would someone describe a man who had given in to his darkness, his own selfishness? How ironic, that it hadn't mattered at all in the end. Was ending up here punishment, then? Exile, from the outside world?

"...Alright," he said after a moment of hesitation, "Let's not keep them waiting, then." Gamzee-kun would have to lead the way.


mirthfulness December 29 2011, 21:42:36 UTC
Leading the way was something Gamzee was perfectly content to do. With another smile, he reached for Seishin's hand, tugging him in what he was assuming was the right direction. If they started to get lost without finding the girls, then he expected the older human would set him back on the right path. He was good for things like that.

> Gamzee: Find those bitches.


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