It wasn't often that Renji felt less like punching people in general as his day wore on. This was a new experience for him. A not unwelcome one, if he was being honest. And the fact that he felt less like punching Fai? Kind of mind-blowing. The sort of thing Zen masters would probably use as a kouan to reach an all-new level of non-punching
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It could not have had a music room, for example.
"Most certainly!" he agreed, reaching out his fingers only to pause when he thought better. Sharing instruments on his crew had never been a problem since they were all friends and therefore family, but sharing with a young girl he'd just met? He could have more manners than that! Especially if he was going to give her back the instrument afterwards. "Ah, but I shouldn't use your instrument after you. Let me see..." he looked up and headed over to the instruments.
Since the room was so prepared, it wasn't difficult for him to find another of the small flutes to take up and return with. "There now, we each have out own! And I forgot before, but you may call me Brook. It is a pleasure to meet you, Anise-san!" he finally returned her greeting as he raised the flute to play, "Now... I suppose I should play a song I know fairly well..."
There were any number of songs that he could have played, but his bias showed once more as he began to play his usual Bink's Sake, trying his hand a bit more steadily than he would have given he had an audience. He didn't want to scare the poor girl away from music because it could seem difficult, after all!
She rested her flute in her lap as she listened attentively to Brook play. It was a simple but lively tune, the kind that might be fun to dance to. When he finished, she clapped for him, giggling.
"That was great!" she complimented him with a smile, though the expression faded a little when she looked back to the open page displaying Exercise 1: C D E, and her grin turned sheepish again. "Ehehe. I guess I'm a long way from playing like that."
Sure, he'd sung for his roommate, but no instruments had been involved there, and while music was music whatever the form, there was just nothing more soothing than being able to play in addition to singing. That was why his preferred instruments didn't block his mouth, not that he had anything against the wind or brass families. Some of his crew had played those and been excellent singers just the same!
Lowering the flute, Brook smiled at her modesty as he nodded to the book. "Everyone has to start somewhere, Anise-san. Even I began learning when I was young, though that was many, many years ago!" he laughed at just how many decades it had been before shaking his head, "Don't let the time get you discouraged though! You've already got three big notes down, so you're off to a good start! And while I'm not sure what that book might teach you, if you ever have difficulty, I'd be more than happy to teach you a thing or two," he offered with a wave, first at the flute, then off at the piano, "I'm most familiar with the small piano they have, but I'm quite sure I can play any instrument they have should your interests change."
If only they had a violin. Then he could have shown her his absolute best playing!
"Wait, seriously? That's amazing! It takes a long time to learn just one instrument, doesn't it?" Was this guy some kind of musical genius? A big-shot composer, maybe? At a glance, he didn't even look like someone who'd be into the fine arts, much less someone seriously talented and dedicated to them.
He had always been proud of his musical talents, especially when he could put them to use cheering up those around him. He was, after all, still a member of the Rumbar Pirates - a crew that could bring a smile to any crying child's face no matter what! Even without them around, Brook had that reputation to uphold!
"I used to travel with a band of talented musicians, and we often shared our knowledge of each others' instruments," thinking of his friends calmed his smile a moment before he brightened again and placed a hand to his chest, "My specialty is the violin normally, and the piano is a close second. It's such a shame that they don't have any violins about... I'd even take a large bass at this point! But I should be thankful that they offer us music at all, right?" He laughed again.
The first time she heard it, she wasn't sure what to think, but now that Anise heard it again... This guy had a really weird laugh. Was it natural for him, or did he do it on purpose? It was pretty funny-sounding, either way.
"That's really neat. I never learned how to play any music. I'm pretty good at dancing, though! ... Um, but I didn't get much instruction for that, either." Anise's fighting style was kind of like dancing too, even if it wasn't so easy for some people to look past the rampaging giant doll to see that. Controlling a body other than her own required considering every single step and swing, and being able to execute them in order, quickly and rhythmically.
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