After handling two conversations that had been difficult for completely different reasons, Castiel had to admit that he felt weary. It was not a sensation that was new to him; between Izaya showing far too much interest in his kind and Ruby simply being who she was, some peace and quiet was what he craved
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The sentiment lasted until the woman's last sentence. Once again, Tear's thoughts moved to a memory, and her eyes hardened. Claude had mentioned his own inability to speak. Coupled with this detail, could it be, then, that the place where Guy had met his temporary end was in the basement?
She attempted an indirect approach. A part of Tear knew nothing concrete could be conveyed if she talked of death. If both Renamon and Claude were correct, she had to connect the dots herself. Therefore, Tear pressed a question. "The third and fourth trials," she began, "do you have an idea of what they contain?"
There lay a beat, then her lips shifted in something like concern. "However... Nearly all seem to be adamant that going through the third set of doors is not a good idea. And continuously warn others away when it comes up. It's something to at least keep in mind. It's likely dangerous." More than likely, from a stoic child's retelling. But it adjusted nothing. Stagnation was not an option. Renamon would move forward--there were no other options.
There was a prolonged silence, with Tear nodding just once. "I can agree to this but on one condition," she added. "I can only go down to the basement on nights they conduct special counseling." She had the paramedic group to focus on, after all.
Renamon's eyes returned to Tear. "I'll contact you, then. And whenever you want to go to that town, let me know. I'll keep a look out." That said, the Digimon rose, meeting the nurse coming to collect her halfway. After some discussion, Renamon was pointed in the direction of the music room, a task the Digimon seemed to find arduous, and unable to easily escape from.
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