It was definitely a good thing that Tear had tracked him down, seeing how she'd had a wealth of interesting information for him. Granted, a lot of it he could have guessed himself, especially the details about Landel's capabilities, but it was always good to have it confirmed by a trustworthy source
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She'd managed to avoid it so far; the Admiral knew how she felt, and there wasn't anyone in the Dendarii who enjoyed Jackson's Whole. Or if there was, they'd be turned out as soon as they'd mentioned it. Gambling and sex-for-hire could be gotten a lot of places, most of which had some sort of rules in place. Jackson's Whole was good for one thing, and one thing alone, in Taura's mind. And that was concentrating all of the bad eggs in the universe into one cesspool so that the rest of humanity could step around it.
They also sold weapons, as casually as they sold people, but the price was always too high.
"Most of the battles I've fought have been in space. Which, I guess, is a kind of weather." Hit an airlock with a projectile and you had a lot of weather, for a very short time. But it was rather predictable.
"It is an honor," she answered. Her eyes drifted to Taura's other hand. She didn't seem in the best condition. "You were on the battlefield last night?"
It had meant a complete distraction from tracking the soldiers, which had probably been the goal all along. Just because it hit too close to some personal nightmares, didn't mean it had been chosen for them. "Are you a soldier?"
Taura's next question caught her a bit off guard. She found herself unsure of how to answer it truthfully, given the complicated nature of her time as a Servant and her reign as the king of Britain. The faraway look that clouded her eyes was almost impossible to mask.
"I was. I am no stranger to war," Saber replied simply, choosing not to speak of her time as a king. The answer was true enough whether applied to her life as a king and her existence as a Servant in the war for the Grail.
"There's a lot of people here who don't know the first thing about fighting. This isn't the place for them." People liked to hate mercenaries, but when they did the fighting, they knew what they were getting into. Taura had had less of a choice; she could have done something else with her life, but she'd been designed as a soldier, and she'd spent her adult life proving that she was one. They'd been discarded as failures; Taura had proven them wrong, and did so again with every new day.
Even when she didn't have the body in question. Hah. That showed them, didn't it? That soldier wasn't something you could be born, but something you could become.
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