[ from
here ]
It was only thanks to Chipp's frightening speed that he and his companion managed to cover that much terrain in a single night, finally reaching a section of the mountains that surrounded the Institute that could be traveled on foot - somewhat. Chipp hit the brakes just as they arrived at the base of a narrow strip of trail, kicking up a cloud of dust that obscured the already dark path. Sane, reasonable people wouldn't even think of attempting to take the trail in this kind of darkness, when it looked even difficult to scale during the day. Chipp was only mostly sane and mostly reasonable, giving the mountain trail a challenging look before crouching so Venom could get off his back.
"That worked out better, didn't it?! We should travel like this from now on," The ninja grinned, seemingly pleased with himself for finding a compromise to the whole "things keep moving even after he stops" problem. Of course, he was assuming a lot of things, like that Venom liked being tossed around like a potato sack for one.
Either way, they were finally at the last place Chipp could even think of to look for a man who had to hide. Mountains were just the sort of natural protection against enemies that he would have considered, so it didn't seem too far-fetched to assume that Landel had decided to come all the way over here to hide. Even if it was... rather far from the Institute itself, now that Chipp really had time to think about it. Well, they were here, so they might as well look.