Night 59: Main Hallway 2-East

Nov 11, 2011 19:31

[From here]

Once they hit the dead end of this hallway, Tifa directed them to the left. A pitch black corridor greeted them like the entrance into a giant monster's belly. There was the usual apprehension, but it was an unnecessary feeling tonight. They both may have been injured, but it hardly made them infirm. If there was ever a night to brave the darkness, it was this one.

Beside her, Zack stood, waiting on her cue since she was the one leading this operation. Tifa gave him a confident nod and moved forward. She took one step and stopped short. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end as the hallway before them came alive with the sound of growling.

Apparently her analogy hadn't been too far off. Out of the abysmal bowels before them stepped a rabid, ragged hound. It was in some later stages of decay and bigger than any dog had the right to be. It wasn't alone either. Several claws clicked across the linoleum tiles and clogged the entrance like the guardians of hell's gate.

"Well, let's hope they don't spew fire," Tifa quipped lightly as she bent forward, awaiting the first wave of attack. It came shortly, but the dog had aimed itself at Zack. That was fine by Tifa; she turned her attention to the next closest beast that came out of the darkness.

zack, tifa

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