Nightshift 24: F1-F10 Hallway

Jun 02, 2007 13:32

(starting at the end of the hall in F10)At the strange cryptic message that came over the intercom and the quiet click of the locks coming undone, Max exchanged a glance with her roommate and slipped towards the door. She didn't bother with trying to find a makeshift weapon, she could handle herself well enough without one, but she'd tucked the ( Read more... )

matsumoto, sheska, haruhi suzumiya, kairi, lust, elena (ffvii), sora, susan, naminé, utena, miku, river, rukia, artemis, max, raven, rena, renji

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lustful_thing June 2 2007, 20:42:07 UTC
She could walk without the crutches now, but it was still difficult. Lust moved slowly, her bladed knuckles held at her side. She'd wasted far too much time as it was - how many nights had she done nothing? Three? It was pathetic and there was no excuse for it.

Tonight she intended to get something done.


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lustful_thing June 3 2007, 23:45:47 UTC
"Watch where you're going!" Lust snapped, turning to glare at the girl who'd blundered into her. Was it so difficult to keep an eye on what one was wandering into? She kept her clawed weapon lowered, at least, immediately recognizing the child as no threat. Hadn't she seen her with River on occasion?


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lustful_thing June 4 2007, 02:37:31 UTC
"You shouldn't be wandering about by yourself, anyway," Lust mumbled, tucking back a bit of her hair. "You're one of River's friends, aren't you?" If that was the case, Lust supposed she'd herd the girl wherever she was going. For River's sake.

It was sickening, the attachment she'd formed to that girl, it really was.


theycutitout June 4 2007, 03:05:54 UTC
River was finding that she wasn't particularly stable directly after the experience she'd had with Schuldig. It was almost as though she were on a boat for the first time, a primitive one used for travel across large masses of water, trying to get her sea legs. Every foot fell a fraction of a second sooner or later than she was calculating. It was aggravating and somehow liberating at the same time to feel so not precisely fractured. She'd even tied her hair back with the rubber band binding her pens, seeing as though she lacked a brush to pull through the knots. Her eyes weren't plagued by dark circles, and she felt fresh. New ( ... )


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lustful_thing June 4 2007, 20:31:29 UTC
"River, child, what's wrong?"

It was odd, that Lust's first reaction to River speaking with such clarity was to assume that something was amiss. But River was not lucid in the least, and to see her as such was disconcerting. Quite disconcerting.

"What have they done to you?"

They had to have done something to her. Though River showed no signs of distress, she wasn't acting herself. Or was she? Lust didn't know exactly how River had become what she was, not the details. Perhaps this was what this place did - reverted its wards to their original states. And River did look happy...

"What else would you call me?" Lust asked, raising an eyebrow and reaching to tuck a bit of River's hair back behind her ear. "Now tell us what's happened, you're rambling."


theycutitout June 4 2007, 22:46:25 UTC
River opened her mouth to answer all their questions and then shut it again. They were confused. It was only natural. She hadn't really told anyone what her plan had entailed, and it would be hard to make them believe that she hadn't been influenced by the doctors or nurses somehow ( ... )


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lustful_thing June 4 2007, 23:22:40 UTC
Lust wasn't certain what to say. Obviously, whatever had been done was pleasing to River. And certainly she was 'normal', or her speech was at least.

"If this is what you want," was all that she said. It was all that she could say. "And as long as you're alright."

Was this what River had eluded to at breakfast? It had to be. And it wasn't permanent. Then what was the point? Why torture herself with one small breath of repair when it would only fade away? But Lust supposed that something was better than nothing. That was a very human way of looking at things.

"Whatever the case may be, it's foolish for us all to stand in the hallway like this. We'll only attract unwanted attention."


theycutitout June 5 2007, 13:25:46 UTC
River returned Elena's hug with a bright smile before stepping back, wiping away the tears from her eyes and forcing herself to focus on what she needed to get done tonight. There was so much to do and so little time, potentially, to do it. Even if two steps from this hall she would lose herself, she's seen Mom and Elena.

"Right. We should move on. I can't say I'll be too effective tonight if we run into anything. Not unless I'm near Schu," she replied conversationally, trying not to let too much emphasis fall on what she was implying. Schuldig held the trigger to a weapon far more powerful than anything she'd been before here. If nothing else, someone would always hold that and the key to put her down if need be. "You might be running into hi-" River stopped herself mid-sentence and winced. Not only was she doing it again, but she'd probably sounded far too eager for her own good at the prospect of seeing Schuldig again.

"Sorry. I'm trying not to do that anymore if it's not needed," she apologized.


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lustful_thing June 5 2007, 20:12:52 UTC
"I have nothing planned for this night," Lust said, with a shrug. "But I have little desire to go anywhere I'm not wanted."

She didn't need to deal with that. She gave River a speculative look, but said nothing. She'd make her own inquiries in the morning, no need to bother the girl about it now.

It wasn't as though it was difficult for Lust to get her hands on information, should she want it.


theycutitout June 6 2007, 00:26:10 UTC
River frowned; she knew from their brief conversation that Rufus ShinRa probably despised her already. She hadn't made the best of impressions, so it was doubtful that he would trust her to accompany their small group. Still, she wanted to see Schuldig... If only to tell him what she needed to tell him while she still bore his gift.

"If it's alright, I'd like to go along just to check up on Schu." River's eyes shifted to the floor, a little embarrassed to admit it. "President ShinRa has a negative opinion of me, though, so I doubt I'll be welcome. I could go with you, Mom. If they don't let us come along... After I check up on Schu," she was sure to add. Again.


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