Night 59: Main Hallway 2-Center (Includes Sun Room halls)

Oct 25, 2011 22:16

[Coming from here.]Upstairs was dark and silent, although to Daemon, the faint pink glow that coated all the surfaces since the alarm went off seemed more concentrated here. Was it stronger, perhaps? Or was there just more to hide? He brushed his fingers against it curiously as he stepped out of the stairwell and into the corridor above, his senses ( Read more... )

maya, yomi, taura, daemon, saber, rose (tvd), rita, zack, renji, tifa

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poorexample November 1 2011, 19:21:40 UTC
While these two female humans (or was the pale-haired one something more than human? Castiel couldn't tell) were more or less unknown to him, it quickly became clear that they were capable. They'd both handled that situation with a decent amount of composure and they were getting down to business now, which Castiel approved of.

He followed them out of the door and then quickly took in the blood-splattered halls awaiting them. Castiel studied the carnage with a blank look on his face, clearly not bothered by the sight; if anything, he was curious to know how it had come to be. Had those two rebel soldiers done this, or were other captives with their regained powers behind it?

Either way, Castiel was itching to use his own power. It was brimming under his vessel's skin, overwhelming in the most familiar of ways. And yet despite all of that, his wings were tied down. He'd been given back some of his ability to use them that one night, but this time that wasn't the case, even if everything else was back in place. It almost seemed deliberate.

"You won't have much need for your weapons," he said suddenly. "I should be capable of taking down any creatures that come our way." He wasn't bragging, not exactly. To Castiel, that was a simple statement of the truth. "It seems like our best option would be to penetrate the outside area and see how far we can travel. If we're able to breach the barrier that's holding us here, then escape might truly be possible." The soldiers hadn't been clear on that, but that didn't mean they should give up before even attempting it for themselves.

Castiel realized that if they did escape, they would be leaving everyone else behind and taking a wealth of important information with them. Still, if he broke free of this place's hold on him then he would be able to come back here with a flap of his wings and move everyone out. That would be far more beneficial in the end, and he couldn't ignore the opportunity to try.


selfnighted November 2 2011, 23:36:15 UTC
Ah... Weapons. Maya had forgotten, but in a situation such as this, it would be more prudent for Maya to run rather than fight. But for a fighter...

"Have you fought all creatures that are likely to appear?" Maya asked as she began walking. The other direction dead-ended into the chapel, so Maya didn't think they'd be going that way, regardless of whether they were making a side-trip to the bedrooms after all. "It's your decision, though," she said over her shoulder while keeping an eye out.

How unpleasant it was, stepping over the carnage. The least the perpetrators could have done was be thorough, Maya thought, but in honesty, Maya wanted to get away from this hall. It was quite disconcerting, as well as...smelly. At least Fangire didn't leave behind malodorous residue when they died.


affictitious November 4 2011, 06:25:46 UTC
[From here.]

The thing about Gabriel was he didn’t really have an ounce of respect for what anyone else was doing. So when he popped up right next to his brother in a flurry of flight (a cracking of his wings neither human would be able to see), nearly brushing his elbow, it was with a very unhurried grin. The glow of a fellow Grace was warm and familiar. How quaint. He’d spent a hell of a lot of time avoiding that glow.

Oh, yeah. That romp had been nice. He felt all limber and carefree. You know, as carefree as a trapped archangel could be. Which, considering it was Gabriel, was pretty reasonable. You could hardly tell he was still. Slightly upset.

The thick, black moustache on his face hid all of that, anyway. Good thing most of the lights in the vicinity were turned off. Otherwise they might have all exploded from the presence of something too big to be contained.

“Castiel,” he said as way of introduction. Wow. Was he about to interrupt a fancy kind of threesome here? He hoped so for his brother’s sake. Even if they were going the whole “Aguilar screwed up” route (or, you know, someone decided a building full of chaos was their good idea of a good time… oh, wait. That sounded familiar, didn’t it?), he still had, you know. Things to do. Important things. Apparently the first important thing was to check on his family. Might as well. Don’t look into it. Sentiments weren’t really his thing; he’d rather go back to the chaos. “Sorry to blow your party, but I moustache ask you a question. Probably not in front of your friends, though. Ladies.” He gave both of them a waggled brow and a slight bow, offering no explanation for his sudden appearance out of thin air.

Hey, it’s what he did. This wouldn’t be the first time.


madeinthehrl November 4 2011, 06:50:01 UTC
Soma frowned a little at the man's statement. It wasn't as if she was offended--there were plenty of people here with more powers than a few enhanced gial cells--but there had been something undeniably exciting about getting her abilities back. The knowledge that they were there wasn't enough. She wanted a chance to use them.

But even that was trivial right now. If the man's powers were as strong as he claimed, they might stand an actual chance at escape tonight. From there, it was only a matter of finding a mobile suit or something--this was a world at war, there had to be something she could pilot--and breaking everyone else out, too.

"If you think you can break us out tonight, then do it," she said, and she would have said more, except the sudden appearance of a man with an...interesting moustache interrupted her. Soma started involuntarily--even her brainwaves couldn't have predicted that--but he seemed to know Castiel, which was apparently what their traveling companion was called.

Teleportation, she thought a little muzzily as she gave him a suspicious look and stepped back. Well, if Castiel could do it too, getting out of here really wouldn't be a problem.


poorexample November 4 2011, 22:58:16 UTC
The first response was one of doubt. The woman seemed to be implying that he couldn't be certain of his ability to take down all of the creatures this place had hidden within its walls unless he had dealt with each one before. She had a point, but she also didn't know what he was or the things he was capable of. Castiel realized that this was an instance in which he would need to perform a demonstration in order to earn his companions' faith.

In fact, he was about to suggest that they get downstairs and outside (and perhaps they could even stop for the one female's weapons, if she was that insistent) when --

The arrival of another angel was unmistakable, and more than that, Gabriel's wings were practically radiant. His brother was no longer attempting to hide them from him -- not like before, with the "TV Land" incident -- and so Castiel couldn't resist taking them in for a moment.

Of course, the moustache Gabriel had decided to adorn himself with for some unknown reason ruined the image slightly, and Castiel sighed heavily. So Gabriel had the ability of flight while he didn't. It was something that smarted, but it made sense considering how much more powerful his sibling was.

When Gabriel looked at the other two patients somewhat lasciviously, however, Castiel automatically grabbed for his arm and started to lead him a small distance away from them. "Give us a few seconds," he said to the pair, almost apologetically.

Once they had some semblance of privacy, Castiel released his brother and looked down into his face. "What's your question?" Even now, though, he was wondering if Gabriel would be willing to teleport the three of them outside. It would certainly make things go much faster.


selfnighted November 5 2011, 00:58:24 UTC
... Had that been directed at her? Maya turned to find that someone had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Ah... An acquaintances of one of her companions? It seemed so.

"Shall we give them their seconds?" Of course Maya wanted to 'accidentally' overhear, but it wouldn't be prudent to test anyone's patience tonight.

"We'll wait for you," Maya said to the man as she gestured to their white-haired companion to (hopefully) follow. For now, Maya was leaving the bloodied hall.

[to here]


affictitious November 11 2011, 06:02:04 UTC
Well, that was. Awfully anti-climatic. (Was he losing his touch?) Gabriel shook it off. He was becoming amazingly adaptable as of late, and shaking things off that he didn't care much about was just one of his newest abilities.

"Don't pull me around like you're ashamed of me, brother," he sneered, ripping off the mustache and letting it flutter down until it disappeared completely. He pulled himself out of Castiel's hand automatically. "Anyway, I came to see if you had, you know. Perked up."

His eyebrows raised in question and implication. Simultaneously.

Since his brother was alive and as well as his permanently dull-eyed vessel could look, all of Gabriel's curiousity was struck on what the mysterious pink wall may have done for his inner angelic Grace. Not much, from the looks of it. (Of course Gabriel would be the stronger one. Obviously. But this was different.)

"You're looking a little tied down, Castiel. Still not strong enough to break the handcuffs this time?"


poorexample November 11 2011, 06:46:22 UTC
The two other patients were quick to leave them be, which was likely for the best. Then again, Gabriel hadn't exactly done a good job of warming himself up to them, considering his entrance. Then again, perhaps he'd gone to all of that effort with the express purpose of seeing to it that they were left alone, at least for a short while.

For once, Gabriel got down to business and even disposed of the moustache that he had clearly been so proud of upon arriving. Castiel watched it dissipate before taking in his brother's questions.

In the end, he couldn't completely hide the tension that had built up in his shoulders. It made sense that Gabriel was able to assess the amount of Grace that had been returned to him right away, but that didn't mean that Castiel wanted to hear it described so glibly.

"Apparently not," was all he said in reply at first, though he realized that a further explanation might be necessary. "It seems my strength and my ability to destroy supernatural creatures has been returned to me, though." In fact, he was fairly certain he would be able to exorcise Ruby if he found her; it was a shame that he couldn't fly and didn't know her location at the moment.

Now came the difficult part, which was asking Gabriel for a favor. "How far can you travel? I'm looking to get outside." It was as close as he could get to outright asking for it, but in the end he was relying on his brother's ability to infer.


affictitious November 13 2011, 07:25:42 UTC
"Oh, excellent. That means no babysitting tonight." Gabriel wasn't going to dwell on the fact that he might have. Considered it. For like five seconds. Castiel did owe him a favor, after all, and chances were someone would need to come between a Winchester, him, and a pointy wooden implement. Considering his history, the chance that could happen again was looking pretty good.

Actually, how about neither of them dwell on exactly what he just said meant. Moving along.

Speaking of favors. Gabriel raised his eyebrows in interest, one half of his mouth curling up. The Grinch would be jealous. Seriously. "That means two favors owed to me, Castiel. You really up for that?" Well, whatever. Gabriel, despite his pride and his humor, as not a moron. And he wasn't really eager to go down the Grace-exploding road again anytime soon. Favors owed his direction would actually mean something here.

He rolled his shoulders, his wings uncurling.

"I can get you outside. And your posse, if you want them. Though, really, bro. All this hanging around humans is going to wear on you." Or make him more interesting. Either way.


poorexample November 14 2011, 01:13:34 UTC
It wasn't as if he had ever asked to be "babysat," and more than that, the term didn't seem to apply. Castiel wasn't and never had been infantile. The only time that he'd required watching over had been the night before, and that was only because he hadn't been himself. Gabriel was the one who had come to see him tonight, not the other way around.

His brother made a point about this leading to more favors owed, but it wasn't as if Castiel had a choice. Tonight might be his only chance to escape this place, and he was willing to be further in debt to Gabriel in order to pursue that.

"I'm willing to take my chances." That was in reference to both owing a favor and working with humans. It was true that Castiel had no allegiances to the two women. They had only met through circumstance, but considering what they had just seen, it seemed logical for them to remain together.

"You're free to search with us, though I imagine you'll be more interested in investigating the extent of your abilities." Castiel knew Gabriel well enough to understand that much, at least.

Now would have been the time for him to explain to his brother what had happened with Aguilar and Prescott and Lydia, but there simply wasn't time. Having received Gabriel's word, Castiel started to lead his brother to the other patients.

[To here.]


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