Night 59: M11-M20 Hallway

Oct 24, 2011 08:44

What in the name of all that was holy and good was going onTolten couldn't begin to imagine what a 'red alert' in this place consisted of, but his instincts kicked in and he leapt to his feet with a frightened expression. He was suddenly very glad he'd eaten his weak dinner, and the greyness that swam behind his eyes didn't drag him back down to ( Read more... )

mikado, byrne, klavier, doctor facilier, guybrush, badd, tolten, gumshoe, damon, kratos, edgar, indiana jones

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Comments 26

M12 saviored October 24 2011, 22:22:48 UTC
If there was ever a better way to interrupt a perfectly decent conversation, a banshee of an alarm was...not it. Sorry to disappoint.

Ow. He didn't stand there with his hands planted over his ears like a two year old the way his roommate did, but seriously. That was edging on this side of painful for someone with his level of hearing sensitivity. Oh. Great. And they got a light show out of it, too. This was just shy of-

His hearing.

Something inside him froze as the noise cut out. He was watching Klavier when realization came over him. Well. Would you look at that.

Because he recognized it. Obviously. How could he not? He knew full well how it felt well he healed properly, the rapid knitting of skin and muscle, and he hadn't felt it in a hell of a long time. Way too long. Something-lifting. He didn't know what it was, but he knew what it meant. Not as tangible as regaining a lost limb. Close, though.

Klavier might as well have not been there. Who cared? If he was right-and he was; if anyone mistook what was happening here, they ( ... )


rocksthecourt October 25 2011, 00:37:11 UTC
Whereas most people's primary sense was their sight, Klavier's primary sense was his hearing. So although saying the man was audibly sensitive tended to be a tad misleading, it still held that sounds affected him more than visuals did. Most people might have just jumped at the sudden, earsplitting alarm, but for him seemed like that aggravating sound was drilling itself into his skull. Not just loud, but annoying in that maddening, nails on chalkboard sort of way. His hands had flown up to his ears before he'd even had a chance to consider doing otherwise, and he stared up at the intercom in alarm.

Needless to say, all sense of conversation stopped.

Just as quickly an odd... pink light went through the room. It reminded him of something out of a science fiction movie, when someone had their retina scanned for identification. Only this light swept over the entire room, passed, and moved on as though never there. ...What was that?! Where had that even come from? A more direct question might have been who exactly this emergency was ( ... )


saviored October 25 2011, 05:31:46 UTC
Whoops. Had he gotten a little obvious?

Okay. That might've been more than a little. Look, it was a hard to rein it in when the rush of power was there, a solid high that he'd been denied for far longer than any vampire should've. Holding back? Really not part and parcel of the undead life. Plus, Klavier was just making it ridiculously easy. If he'd ever had any doubt that Klavier was straight-up human-and let's be honest; he hadn't-this solidified it. You didn't taste that kind of fear on anything supernatural.

He put the dagger down, dismissive, as though he hadn't just sliced himself open with it and then looked at Klavier like he was a walking meal. He held up his hands, palms out. See. Weapon-free. Completely harmless.

"Relax. It was just an experiment. Sorry. Didn't mean to spook you there." He slid off the bed, casually closing the distance between them. If he had any intention of doing anything to Klavier, it seemed to be the furthest thing from his mind.

"And if I had to take a wild guess, I'd say they just set a bunch of ( ... )


rocksthecourt October 25 2011, 18:06:48 UTC
Yeah right, was his initial reaction when Damon put aside his dagger and held his hands up harmlessly. He didn't really have a good reason to think that, honestly. It could have just been his natural cynicism coupled by a healthy paranoia bred from three weeks of this place. It could have just been an instinctive distrust of something unnatural that he didn't understand, or in all probability, it was that association he'd made with that...'ability'... and Albedo that made him immediately assume the worst. ... Okay yeah, those were all fairly good justifications for his feelings, actually, and if this had just been some guy, Klavier honestly wouldn't have doubted his immediate instincts at all ( ... )


spandexorgtfo October 25 2011, 02:56:28 UTC
Kratos' head jerked up in the midst of his nighttime preparations at the sound of the alarm. An emergency...? "Agh!" His face contorted into a grimace as I.R.I.S's long-forgotten voice continued to scream through the intercom. It had never been like this, had never been this loud before; was the matter so urgent that they needed to deafen everyone in the--

He had one second to thank fate that Tolten had already left before his world exploded into pain and his veins set themselves on fire. was running through his blood, liquid mercury, searing everything it touched as power returned and senses faded. He crashed into his desk; the world was spinning; his eyes were watering from the suddenly overwhelming brightness of his room; he couldn't move; this was why he'd been out of commission for a week, he recalled ( ... )


spandexorgtfo October 25 2011, 05:51:41 UTC
[to here]


M18 meanandgreen October 25 2011, 03:20:47 UTC
In the life of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, very few things are certain. You never know when the next alien invasion will hit, or when a hoard of rat-eating robots will chew a hole through your living room wall, or when a gang of magic wooden ninjas will come and knock you for a loop. But if there's one thing Raphael could be completely sure about, it's that alarms were never a good thing. Neither was waking up in a strange place with a headache the size of Jersey, but he had a feeling that was the least of his worries ( ... )


M14 unmocked_lawr October 25 2011, 05:04:03 UTC
A project of great importance. What was that, Javert wondered, though he suspected he'd find out soon enough. In the meantime, the soldier's voice was his cue to begin preparing for nightshift. There was no mention of experiments tonight, but he supposed Aguilar and Berg had more important matters on their minds tonight. No matter; he would locate Ema Skye first, and they could decide what to do from there--

His hands came up, clutching instinctively at his ears, as alarms shattered the silence. His sword clattered to the floor, but the sound of it was lost in the scream of the alarms and the voice of I.R.I.S. blaring from every speaker. Code Red.Had the mission gone wrong right at the start? There was no time to ponder the broadcast; something eerily pink was sweeping through the room and lingering over the walls and furniture. Javert frowned, carefully brushing the back of his chair with one hand: nothing ( ... )


Re: M14 tasteoftruth October 25 2011, 20:55:21 UTC
Badd, again, didn't bother to look into his box until he'd finished his dinner. The paper cutter was there, the gun was missing (with Byrne, he hoped), but wadded up in the bottom was a mass of faded, tattered grey cloth ( ... )


Re: M14 unmocked_lawr October 26 2011, 06:26:49 UTC
[to here]


Re: M14 corvus_veritas October 26 2011, 14:25:55 UTC
[Barging in from here - timeskipping Badd and Javert.]

Byrne sprinted all the way to M14, nearly collided with the door upon reaching it and tore at the door handle trying to get in. Go go go go no time to be polite and knock on the door when something was freaking chasing you AAACK.

Politeness also didn't matter when there was no one around to upset.

He stood inside the room with his back up against the door, speechless. How the hell did Badd and his roommate both leave before he managed to get there? Running the whole time, too? ...Oh man, speaking of running, all of that exercise was catching up to him now that the adrenaline was starting to pass...oh god, he was--no he wasn't getting too old for this yet he just--need to take a brief break--catch breath--hahh--hahhhh ( ... )


its_the_mileage October 26 2011, 01:04:18 UTC
Indy could've done without the alarm. His hands were still halfway to his ears when the whole room lit up red. Apparently they took their emergency states literally at Landel's ( ... )


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