Day 59: Intercom, Dusk

Oct 23, 2011 23:37

As late evening descended over the institute, soldiers silently moved to their assigned posts in preparation for nightshift. A tense atmosphere settled over the few who had some inkling of their superiors' planned project, though most had no idea of what was in store.

Before the patient rooms could unlock, though, an announcement cut into the building. A familiar voice filtered through every room and hallway.

“Good evening. This is Lieutenant General Charles Berg speaking. Normally, General Aguilar would be the one to address you, but he is personally overseeing a project of great importance. In fact, a few of you were fortunate enough to be selected to help us in this endeavor. For everyone's sakes, I sincerely hope that we are able to produce positive results together.”

A brief pause, and the faint sound of papers shuffling. “We shall now commence Lights Out. Good luck, and do well.”

The intercom shut off


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