Day 59: Meeting Room 1

Oct 19, 2011 12:34

Major Cartwright had spent the latter half of the day speaking with patients, but as dinner time came she had someplace else to be. As did three specially chosen patients. Everyone seemed convinced that this would go smoothly, but as the female soldier stood there with some sort of electronic bracelet in hand, she couldn't help fiddling ( Read more... )

maya, soma, castiel

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damned_soldiers October 24 2011, 04:04:17 UTC
Again, he remained silent for a beat before relenting. Technically, she had a point and it would likely come up later; it might as well be now when they had the time to casually chat. Ha, shooting the shit with a patient! He never thought he would see this day.

"Surveillance, mostly. I double as a sniper when necessary." Both jobs usually kept him far from other people, and Travis was just fine with that. He was pretty sure his peers were just as happy with the arrangement as well. His brown eyes lost their focus as they lingered on something or someone in the background behind Maria.

"You are probably used to more interesting fare at night." The girl may have been relatively normal in comparison to some of her fellow patient's, but it was unlikely she had not teamed up with those who excelled in more unique talents than military-issued combat training. "I may not be able to shoot fire out of my--" He quickly rephrased his statement before all of his polite etiquette went down the drain with one word. "--self, but we normals can achieve our goals just as effectively..."


madeinthehrl October 24 2011, 05:22:22 UTC
Soma nodded, offering a faint smile at the major's timely save. He didn't have to try to be so restrained; she'd spent the last year of her life living in various barracks, and there was probably very little she hadn't heard by now. Still, the attempt made her relax a little, for what it was worth.

"...I think it's better this way, actually," she offered after a moment, sensing she could probably afford to be a little more casual now. "I probably do work with more interesting fare at night, but 'interesting' isn't necessarily what I want in a straightforward mission. I've spent much longer fighting with soldiers who don't have unusual talents. I'd much rather work with abilities I can understand and rely on."


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