Day 59: Cafeteria (noon)

Oct 09, 2011 13:41

By the time lunch rolled around, things still weren't getting any better. The voices hadn't gone away; instead, Firo was pretty sure they were getting more frequent. Ennis had been silent since last night, but Czes's voice had been an insistent buzz in his ear all morning ( Read more... )

sonia, zero, tsubaki, bella, anise, sora, firo, utena, goku (dragonball), renamon, claude, niikura, hakkai, claire bennet, chipp, ruby, seishin, leanne, albedo, byrne, guy, venom, peter petrelli, nigredo, rose (tvd), two-face, rita, erika, castiel, rapunzel, the scarecrow, maya, mikado, trickster, alaric, daemon, claire stanfield, mccoy, l

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scientist_skye October 16 2011, 21:25:25 UTC
Ema furrowed her eyebrow a little at how discouraged he sounded in response to her conclusions. He seemed to be taking Ema's empirical methods awfully personally. It wasn't like she was doing this to be a jerk--he had pointed something out and she was investigating it scientifically. Her forensics supervisors would be proud of her. If she actually had any.

Sighing a little, she turned her attention more wholly to Mikado. "I never said you were lying." Lying about spoiled food that obvious wasn't didn't make any sense, and from what Ema could tell his disgust was completely real. "But I think you're mistaken. They've tampered with our food before, so it's possible that you're hallucin..."

Realizing something awful, Ema trailed off. What if the one hallucinating was her? Maybe they had drugged breakfast in order to lull them into complacency to eat something awful for lunch in order to make them sick and lower their resistances? Actually, that hypothesis made more sense than the reverse. Mikado had missed breakfast. There had been no opportunity to drug him before now.

Sitting up slowly and going a bit paler, she pushed the tray away. "But maybe it's better I not eat. Just in case." She gave the goop one last poke from the side, willing herself to see the truth in it. Nothing about its appearance changed.

"We should talk about something else. To distract ourselves."


ofthemotions October 17 2011, 02:09:52 UTC
For a moment, she kept arguing. Then with little change, she suddenly looked a little unsure, and gave what he was saying the benefit of the doubt. Mikado's expression instantly lightened, smiling at Ema brightly. That she was listening was the thing that mattered. It might have been that she thought the reverse was true from what she said, from the way she trailed off. But really, as long as she didn't eat that, Mikado was okay.

He nodded in agreement to her, still smiling a little. "Okay. I'm sorry for being so... strange about that, Skye-san." But he would easily concede to her now and keep to other subjects. "Where are you from?"


scientist_skye October 18 2011, 00:21:43 UTC
"It's fine. This whole place is strange, scientifically speaking, so stuff like that happens all the time. Don't worry about it." Ema never really blamed Mikado for the misunderstanding (although at this point, she wasn't sure who was actually mistaken). A week and a half in the Institute was more than enough time to realize patterns and interpret other people's behaviors accordingly.

Thankfully, he took her up on her suggestion to change the topic. Smiling herself, Ema replied, "I'm from Los Angeles, in the U.S. It's not a perfect place--there are lots of reasons for the police force to keep their jobs--but I like it. It's home.

"How about you? You don't seem American to me." He did, however, seem human. And Earth-ish. At least, he seemed that way from what she could tell; she had to admit that there was no solid, empirical process by which she could discern otherwise.


ofthemotions October 18 2011, 06:14:06 UTC
That was an interesting way to put it. He raised his eyebrows. "Scientifically speaking?" She couldn't be much older than him, if at all. Maybe it was a hobby... Or she just meant it as a manner of speaking.

Ah, wow. She was from a ways away. Or, er. Technically Mikado was from further, if this really was America, which... seemed pretty likely at this point. He swallowed, then offered an awkward smile. "No, I'm definitely not American...." He had never been out of the country before this. "I'm from Ikebukuro, in Japan." He glanced to the side, slightly uncomfortable. "This is all a little strange to me." Something of a large understatement.


scientist_skye October 19 2011, 16:56:47 UTC
"Ikebukuro?" The parroting was to make sure Ema had the name right; she actually had no real idea where that was. Still, it seemed like her 'Earth person' hypothesis had been confirmed. Mikado was Japanese, which meant that he was from the same world (or a highly similar one) as she was. The thought was comforting, in a weird way.

At that last statement, Ema frowned slightly with concern. The boy seemed incredibly uncomfortable, which she supposed she couldn't blame him for. It was hard to feel at ease in this place. "It's strange to everybody, even us Americans." Assuming they were in America, but there really hadn't been any indication that they weren't. Unfalsified running theory. "Are you still new? I'd say it gets easier, but it really doesn't. We just have to hang in there and hope for the best until we find a way out of here."


ofthemotions October 19 2011, 20:41:26 UTC
She said it pretty well, considering. He nodded. "Yeah, Ikebukuro. It's in Tokyo." Which hopefully most people knew of. There were enough animes set in Tokyo, after all. He noticed she hadn't replied to his original query, and wondered. Maybe she didn't really know either, and had just been trying to sound smart. It was unnecessary for him to point that out--he instead paid attention to what she was saying.

"I've, uh, been here a couple days now," Mikado answered. "This is my third day." Did that make him new still? He was still getting the hang of things here.... And from the sound of it, everyone still was as well. Well, most except people like Snow, it seemed. "It's an experience, at least. How long have you been here, Skye-san?"


scientist_skye October 22 2011, 03:52:06 UTC
Ooooh, Tokyo! That was easy enough to recognize. "Oh, I know Tokyo. I've never been there, but I hear it's really nice." She actually didn't know much about they city other than it was the capital of Japan, but that seemed like the polite thing to say.

At his question, she had to stop and actually think. Timewise, she was getting ready to wrap up her second week in the institute. That was depressing, and the frown on her face served as a pretty clear indicator of the downturn of mood that the realization brought her. "Two weeks this Thursday, which I think is two days from now. So, I've been here awhile." After a pause, she added, "If you have questions, I can try to answer them. We're usually not under a military like we are now, so things are weird for all of us--not just the new people."


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