Day 59: Cafeteria (noon)

Oct 09, 2011 13:41

By the time lunch rolled around, things still weren't getting any better. The voices hadn't gone away; instead, Firo was pretty sure they were getting more frequent. Ennis had been silent since last night, but Czes's voice had been an insistent buzz in his ear all morning ( Read more... )

sonia, zero, tsubaki, bella, anise, sora, firo, utena, goku (dragonball), renamon, claude, niikura, hakkai, claire bennet, chipp, ruby, seishin, leanne, albedo, byrne, guy, venom, peter petrelli, nigredo, rose (tvd), two-face, rita, erika, castiel, rapunzel, the scarecrow, maya, mikado, trickster, alaric, daemon, claire stanfield, mccoy, l

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chippforprez October 15 2011, 21:59:04 UTC
The idea that he was going to potentially catch some big game was actually good news to Chipp, who started to grin at the thought. But then, that grin quickly faded as Daemon mentioned how all of the animals around here apparently mutated and were rotting, and Chipp just let out an aggravated sigh. Really?! He couldn't even go out and catch his own game? That couldn't be right, he stubbornly thought, but Daemon had yet to be wrong about anything he said about this place and Chipp didn't think that was going to change anytime soon. Still...

"Like... everything is rotting? There's gotta be some animals outside that are okay, they can't get every damn thing around here." It wasn't like Chipp was trying to challenge Daemon or anything, but it seemed like his stubbornness grew with his hunger. Well, some warning was nice, but Chipp was going to take his chances. Starving wasn't really an option here and he needed something to eat other then that gruel crap. Even if it wasn't Japanese food...

It was a relief, though a confusing one, to know that no one had been hurt or maimed or anything. At least, Chipp was glad that Daemon wasn't stuck dragging his knocked-out ass places, but as the man mentioned, it only brought more questions in mind. Especially that bit about being taken back no matter how far you went out, and also how they felt rested... because Chipp did feel oddly rested despite theoretically being up all night.

"Yeah, you're right, I feel like I slept all night when I didn't at all. But that doesn't make any sense... Shit, and that stupid Harrington guy couldn't even tell us anything. What the hell is up with this place?" Chipp sighed, but he knew that Daemon didn't even have the answer to that. "Sorry, it's just... It's something else."

Maybe an interdimensional prison, like the one Justice was held in? Chipp didn't know how the hell that worked, but it would be nice if it was like that. Because Justice eventually broke out of that, even though that was bad news for the rest of the world. "Well, I guess we just better find the guy in charge. No way around it." It wasn't like he was just going to find a way to get himself out and leave everyone else in here.


bastard_sadi October 16 2011, 15:16:57 UTC
Daemon didn't want to completely take away Chipp's hope for catching food, but his expression was still sympathetically apologetic. "I admit I haven't explored too far outside the walls, I spend most of my nights hunting within the building. But the few times I have been out there after dark... I'm not sure the mutation thing is confined to just this institute. It may be this entire realm. Someone I spoke to mentioned being caught in town after nightfall and all the town's inhabitants mutated as well. They might not all rot, however. I admit, I'm not an expert on what exists for wildlife around here. You could ask on the bulletin board if you're curious. Have you found that yet? There can be considerably useful information on there at times."

He waved away Chipp's apology with a small smile. "I understand, believe me. This place is more than frustrating. All the odds are stacked against us. And Harrington did tell us some things," Daemon pointed out, listing them off on his fingers.

"Despite the fact that the staff try to shove the knowledge that everything we remember and know about our lives and our abilities is delusion, some of them aren't normal either. Harrington can call fire and I was told today that apparently Landel himself has some dangerous ability like this as well. Harrington also let slip more about the resistance - namely that there is one, people on the outside trying to bring this place down, and that they've managed to infiltrate Aguilar's own forces with a mole so cleverly hidden that the staff here can't discover his or her identity. And finally, that while Aguilar is in charge here at the moment, Landel is still the one with the answers and the control. He's still the one that needs to be brought down if we want to end this place."


chippforprez October 17 2011, 23:49:45 UTC
Leave it to Daemon to get all of the important parts. Chipp looked rather impressed which how much Daemon was able to squeeze out of Harrington's bullshit half-answers and avoiding their questions... They didn't get much, but what they did get became understandable to the ninja once his friend actually put it all out on the table. So, it was as he thought: Their enemy was this dude named Aguilar, but the real "master" of this whole screwed up place was a guy named Landel. It really was like the Guild; infighting and power struggles, which only served to make their enemies weaker. Yeah, if they wanted to destroy themselves, then Chipp was more then happy to help them out.

"I get it. So there's basically a power struggle over this place, and we're all caught in the middle," Chipp sighed, crossing his arms and looking at the ground in confused contempt. "Well, at least we know the names of everyone involved. After we get rid of Aguilar, then we still have to deal with Landel. But after that, we're finally finished."

Chipp didn't mind, as long as he knew what he was up against. But it still sounded like this whole mess would sort itself out even if they didn't interfere. All the backstabbing and betrayal and all of that dramatic crap sounded like there were people on the outside who were trying to help them, but Chipp wasn't the kind of guy who liked to sit back and let other people do the work for him.

Speaking of work.

"Huh, a bulletin board? Where's that at?" Bulletin board? Now that he thought about it... Did he see something like that?


bastard_sadi October 18 2011, 12:30:11 UTC
"Where there's power, there's a power struggle," Daemon drawled, his tone dry as he took another bite of gruel. He knew of only one case where this wasn't really true, but that was a long way from here. "Landel was the one running this place when I first arrived here. It was run pretty much the same, but with more playacting during the day, more pushing their ruse about the state of our sanity. Oh, and there was actual food. Biggest downside I've seen so far. I don't miss the crazy smiley nightclothes they made us wear. At least Aguilar has dropped us in actual clothes."

Even if they were uncomfortable. Seriously, that was the biggest differences he could point out so far from what he'd observed since reawakening. Aguilar and Landel were both madmen who had to be stopped. but Aguilar was a soldier, he would likely be difficult to get to. Landel was another matter, but what he'd learned from Renamon about what he could possibly do added up. And also made him far more dangerous.

Then again, Daemon had assumed there would be someone here with dangerous abilities. Someone had transported them all here and then blocked all their abilities. That was no simple feat. Especially in his case.

Chipp's question brought him back out of his thoughts and he pushed them away for the time being, taking another bite of his gruel. "Ah, yes. Many of the patients here use it to pass messages to one another, or make plans for after dark, since things get a little chaotic once the lights go out, as you saw last night. The board's in the Sunroom. Rather large, it's hard to miss."

Another question occurred to him and he tilted his head to the side, studying the other man curiously for a moment. "Did you happen upon anyone else you recognized here, by any chance? From your home?"


chippforprez October 19 2011, 21:48:43 UTC
A board in the Sun Room... Oh, he was talking about that big room with the open ceiling probably! Chipp thought he saw something like a board there, when he was circling that weird kind of blanket fort. He really ought to have taken another look at it, though maybe he could do that after lunch. Just a glance, since he couldn't think of anything to really write on it. Of course, he didn't think it was right to look at messages left for other people. Not unless it was messages he wanted to intercept, of course. As the ninja's mind continued to work in his mysterious ways, he tried to sort out exactly the kind of questions he had for Daemon, like why (or how) Landel left and was replaced with this other Aguilar idiot, and more about the outside and -

Then Daemon asked him about meeting someone and everything halted in Chipp's mind as he visibly brightened up, remembering the great discovery he made earlier. How did Daemon know about that? This guy was pretty amazing, which made Chipp glad he was on their side rather then the enemy's. Yep.

"Yeah! I met Venom, we uh..." Tried to kill each other once, that didn't exactly reflect their current relationship. What was that word Venom used? "We were supposed to work together back home, before I got kidnapped and he got kidnapped. Can't believe he's here, of all people, but that means the Assassin's Guild isn't part of this shit. They're probably going nuts without their leader."

Chipp looked almost disappointed. If he hadn't been careless... Then he could have been out there getting rid of the Guild for good. Sorry, Venom. It was then that he realized that he used the same word too: "home". Like ... this place obviously wasn't, but it was starting to really sink in with Chipp that this place was something else. Way different then what he would expect.

"So, uh... what about you?"


bastard_sadi October 19 2011, 22:24:11 UTC
"At least there's a familiar face for you," Daemon replied with a faint smile, looking a little more relieved. he hoped whoever this Venom was, he could look after Chipp. Not that Chipp might not be capable of doing that himself, but Daemon had a protective streak in him for his friends.

...And Chipp had managed to get himself set on fire within hours of waking here. Something told Daemon this one might need a little looking out for.

At the man's question, his smile faded a little. "I did. There were some here when I first arrived. This place, though... they did something to me. I'm missing time. A couple weeks. I went to bed one night and woke up almost a month later. Everyone I'd known and met and worked with was gone. I don't know if they got out, or if they're held somewhere. I don't know what they thought if I vanished on them with no warning like I did. So... I've had to start from scratch again. Last night was my first night back out again."


chippforprez October 22 2011, 16:15:30 UTC
Missing time? Chipp looked just as confused as Daemon did, but that confused look turned into a worried one as he considered the implications of what the guy just said. So he was asleep for a month... and in the meantime, everyone he knew had gotten out of this place one way or another. That sounded exceptionally harsh, and Chipp also had to wonder why Daemon had been knocked out in the first place. A coma? Or did the military do that to him? He looked sympathetic for a moment, before nodding once to show he got the message.

"Shit... You could've fooled me, you looked like you had your shit together," Chipp mumbled, feeling slightly guilty that he had burdened this guy with questions and shit when the guy just woke up. It sounded like they were almost in the same situation, even though this guy had still been here way longer. Still, a month? That was a long time to stay asleep, which meant someone did something.

Someone did something, and were they powerless to do anything about it? The more Chipp learned about this place, the more he got the idea that they were basically lab rats in a maze and there was nothing any of them could do but run around and try to survive. It really pissed him off.

"This is the most messed up..." He looked around, wondering why no one else looked as pissed as he did. Well, maybe they were, but then why wasn't anyone doing anything. Was that a mark of how powerful they were, or how powerless the rest of the them were against the military. He had to do something about this tonight, no matter what.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere. Not until I see this place burn to the ground." He declared stubbornly, crossing his arms and glaring down at the floor as if imagining it. That was going to be a promise.


bastard_sadi October 22 2011, 17:09:52 UTC
"I'm very good at keeping my 'shit' together, even when thrown surprises," Daemon chuckled, his voice wry, looking as if he didn't mind Chipp's words. In truth, he still felt a gaping hole whenever he thought of how much he was missing. His father and Lucivar. The others that had briefly appeared from home. Ren. River. Renji.

His Jewels, he mentally added, thumb rubbing absently over his ring finger where his Birthright Red normally rested.

He shared Chipp's frustration, watching as the man tried to vent it, but there was nowhere for it to go. Not yet. "You may have to get in line," Daemon chuckled, but the sound held little humor. It hinted at violence smoldering just below the surface, however. A deep icy rage just waiting for an outlet. "They won't be allowed to continue their game. They will make a mistake somewhere. No one is perfect, not for long. You're not the only one who's vowed to leave this place a rubble."


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