Day 59: Cafeteria (noon)

Oct 09, 2011 13:41

By the time lunch rolled around, things still weren't getting any better. The voices hadn't gone away; instead, Firo was pretty sure they were getting more frequent. Ennis had been silent since last night, but Czes's voice had been an insistent buzz in his ear all morning ( Read more... )

sonia, zero, tsubaki, bella, anise, sora, firo, utena, goku (dragonball), renamon, claude, niikura, hakkai, claire bennet, chipp, ruby, seishin, leanne, albedo, byrne, guy, venom, peter petrelli, nigredo, rose (tvd), two-face, rita, erika, castiel, rapunzel, the scarecrow, maya, mikado, trickster, alaric, daemon, claire stanfield, mccoy, l

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scintillatingly October 9 2011, 23:29:08 UTC
Given the choice, Sora would have hung out in that fort all day. Maybe there wasn't anything that special about it, but it was different from the day-to-day routine he'd been forced to go along with for over a month now, and that made it special. Not to mention he'd been in the process of getting to know two new people, which got cut short when the intercom came on.

So, he may have been pouting a little as he stood in line for his food, grabbing the two tacos he was offered with little response. He knew he needed to appreciate each meal he got when he was being fed so much better than the rest of the institute, though, and so he quickly got over his sour mood.

The question was... who he should sit with? When he didn't immediately spot any friends around, the boy decided that he might as well join someone he didn't know. He'd already checked on his club members, so he didn't need to worry too much about that. He didn't like the stuff Neku had been saying over the bulletin, but he'd already told him they would talk at dinner.

Which was how Sora ended up wandering over to a woman who was eating some of the gruel. Or trying to, anyway. He tried not to focus on that, instead meeting her gaze and offering a warm smile. "Mind if I sit here?"


selfnighted October 10 2011, 21:56:19 UTC
"Of course I don't mind," Maya answered, smiling in return. A short pause, and then she continued, "I have a question. Have you had breakfast?"

Had something occurred that the Intercom Man felt as if he needed to remind the populace about misbehavior? There had been no more food fights since the first day. Something more subtle, perhaps?

Hmm. No matter; she wasn't likely to receive an answer. In the meantime... "I hope your night went well?" Maya hoped the younger ones traveled in groups, if they ventured out at night at all. But it wasn't her place to have that discussion, was it not?


scintillatingly October 10 2011, 22:51:22 UTC
The second that the woman said that it was okay, Sora took a seat, though he was surprised to be asked such a strange question from the get go. He was used to the "how long have you been here?" and "what is this place?" types of questions, but something as simple as whether he'd eaten or not kind of stood out. Did she have a reason for asking?

Well, either way, there was no reason to hold back a reply. "Yeah, I did! Why, did they not let you eat or something?" Sora wondered if she'd been punished. Chipp had been forced to stand even when he'd gone into the fort, though he noticed that this lady was sitting and no one seemed to mind. Well, she would probably explain.

"And yeah, my night went pretty well! I mean, me and my friends ran into someone who was brainwashed, but sometimes you can't stop that stuff from happening." And Riku was injured, but Sora knew his friend wouldn't let that get him down. "My name's Sora, by the way! It's nice to meet you." He reached out to give her a handshake while grabbing for one of his tacos, ready to dig in.


selfnighted October 11 2011, 11:53:14 UTC
"That would have been no bother," Maya answered, amused. Even if the meal options didn't consist of oddly-textured pink slop, oddly-colored pink slop, and formless pink slop, mealtimes occurred more often than Maya became hungry. "It seems someone neglected to wake me this morning," she explained.

Perhaps it wasn't so sinister as Maya thought. But there was no reason Maya wouldn't wake up on her own. Speaking of odd behavior.... It wasn't the first she'd heard of brainwashing, but it was disconcerting to hear of it spoken so casually. 'Sometimes you can't stop that stuff from happening' indeed.

"I'm Maya," she replied, taking his hand with both of hers. "I'm sure you know, but please be careful." Returning her arms to her sides, she followed up with, "Did anything unusual occur last night? ...Ghosts, perhaps?"


scintillatingly October 11 2011, 23:01:08 UTC
No bother? Sora didn't think that their meals being kept from them was something to take lightly. It wasn't like they had many other options for getting food here, after all. He couldn't imagine the kind of chaos that would break out if all of the patients had to go scavenging for food each night.

That didn't seem to be the point, though. It sounded like this woman -- Maya, her name turned out to be -- had slept in. "Well, you didn't miss too much this morning. I'm not sure why they sometimes let people sleep longer than normal, but it isn't too out of the ordinary." It had happened to Sora a few times, and sometimes he wished they'd let it go more often. Still, he knew in the end that he should spend as much time as he could meeting people and running the club.

The fact that she told him to be careful when they'd only just met convinced Sora that Maya was a nice person, and he smiled shyly at her in response. Her next question was way more direct, though, and he was surprised to find that there was someone else who had probably experienced what he had. "...Something like that, yeah," he replied with a frown as he stared down at his tacos. "I saw a few people who used to be here, friends of mine, but they were just illusions." Clearly, he and Kairi weren't the only ones.


selfnighted October 12 2011, 13:12:36 UTC
Let them sleep in...? That was odd. But no matter; Maya had other things on her mind. "Illusions? How did you know?"

Neither she nor Threepwood had come close enough to the phantoms to know for sure; Maya had woken up in her bed before the pair could give chase. Still, the possibility had been on Maya's mind, and from Threepwood's as well, judging from the way he'd vehemently denied it.

There was a pattern here... Threepwood had seen his wife, but it hadn't been Otoya Maya had seen. And Sora had described them as 'people who used to be here'. Oddly specific ghosts, if Maya was on the right track. "Were they acting unusually?"


scintillatingly October 13 2011, 04:10:36 UTC
The fact that Maya was asking that question probably meant that she hadn't been sure herself, when she'd seen whatever it was she'd caught a glimpse of. Sora felt bad that he was the one who had to confirm that it was all one big trick, but it was probably better if he cleared that up sooner rather than later so that she didn't hope too much.

"Not unusually, exactly. They just didn't respond to anything I said, and all they were doing was wandering around." Renji and Axel were pretty active people. Even if Axel had said that he wanted to be lazy, the fact was that he'd done a lot during his time as a Nobody, so...

"Also, I saw them out in the forest way away from the institute. It seemed pretty weird for anyone to be out there alone, y'know?" There were a lot of things that had warned him from the start that they hadn't been real, which Sora was grateful for in retrospect.


selfnighted October 13 2011, 12:19:28 UTC
In the forest? Well, that certainly added to Maya's suspicions about the odd specificity about the illusions. Still, even though they were just that, Maya couldn't help but recall to mind how frantic a certain husband had been last night. Quite rude of the general, was it not?

But speaking of frantic.... Maya glanced at Sora, then at the guns the guards were sporting. Hmm. Was Maya simply a poor judge of human age? Wataru was brave, but at Sora's age... Maya would murder Kivat the 2nd if he allowed Wataru to become Kiva. ... That had been the reason she'd dropped him off at his father's home, was it not?

... Hm. No sense in dwelling on it. "Are you all right?" she asked instead. "Nerves, injuries, anything?"


scintillatingly October 19 2011, 05:30:32 UTC
[I'm so sorry for the delay! I didn't get the notif for some reason. D:]

For a second, it felt like the conversation had just shifted abruptly. Sora had been telling her about his experience with seeing Renji and Axel and suddenly Maya was asking him if he was all right.

Well, maybe she thought that it had all been too much for him. Sora thought that he'd been relating all of the facts pretty calmly, though, so he wasn't sure where she'd gotten that idea. He was going to hope that she was the sort of person who worried in general, rather than it being due to his age.

Either way, he'd been fussed over enough in this place that he knew not to make a huge deal out of it. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine! I didn't get hurt and I'm pretty used to the stuff this place pulls by now." Which was kind of a sad thing to admit, but that didn't make it any less true. Being used to it at least meant that he could usually get over it all that much faster.


selfnighted October 19 2011, 23:48:48 UTC
[It was time for shift change anyway! o/]

What a horrid thing to be accustomed to. For a moment, Maya felt like patting him on the head, but refrained-teenagers disliked to be touched, yes? And asking him again to be careful made it seem as if she didn't trust him. A lecture about the dangers of overconfidence seemed similarly imprudent.

She'd leave it as it was, then. As she was thinking of another topic to make conversation with, she spotted her escort approaching. Ah.... She wouldn't call it good timing, but at least her escort hadn't interrupted in the middle of a conversation this time. "It was a pleasure to meet you." She'd forgotten if she'd said it earlier- Well, no matter, she'd said it now. "Take care!"


scintillatingly October 21 2011, 03:26:04 UTC
Before their conversation could get any further, the soldiers just had to come and interrupt. Sora sighed, wondering how time had gotten away from them so quickly. Still, he'd gotten the lady's name and had also explained what had happened with the illusions to her, so that was a victory in his book.

She seemed nice, so maybe he could track her down again sometime. "It was nice to meet you too!" he called back as they were separated by their escorts. So, to the Game Room now, huh?


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