[from here] "Well, now," the boy murmured, voice filled with dry humor. "So you have a creature from myth, trials of combat, and now puzzle pieces to fit a door. And what next?"
It was a small and slender hallway, that at first glance, seemed to lead nowhere. Albedo moved further in, the group behind him almost forgotten. For therein laid the other puzzle. Beasts and creature alike, and where there should have been a door, there instead was a head of a serpent. With such a clear explanation in regards.
His hand moved without a thought for the moment after, finger pricking on the fang nearest to him. For who else to have wound themselves than the one who could regenerate it away? With that thought, he turned to smirk at Yomi. Her, too. She was the other one who would have no problem with this. And didn't she want to see where this led?