Night 58: Main Hallway 2-West

Sep 08, 2011 22:17

[from here]Snow reached the top of the stairs within moments. This was the part where he was supposed to start raising hell and kicking in doors. If he had still been as infuriated as he had been when first leaving his room, he probably would have done that immediately. Right now, there was a slight delay. Maybe it was just an after effect of... ( Read more... )

zero, byrne, guy, stefan, scott pilgrim, rose (tvd), two-face, terra branford, rapunzel, castiel, gren, hijikata, sesshoumaru, indiana jones, trickster, ippo, claude, woody, daemon, peter parker, claire stanfield, ema skye, snow

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train_tracer September 14 2011, 20:35:05 UTC
[from here]

He came up the last stair and paused, remembering that this was the spot he'd encountered that boy with the flames and the lightning. The kid he was supposed to have met with today, actually! Maybe something happened that prevented him from honoring the meeting, Vino thought. He’d have to ask during the day. He had no time to seek out the boy himself and ask. Maybe he'd leave a note on that bulletin board in the Sun Room tomorrow? He would have to remember to add that to the list. That was important!

No one, apparently. Well… no one that was going to attack him, he supposed. There were probably still other people around, but most of them seemed to be doing their own thing. Good! Perhaps he could get some searching and exploring done!

Vino felt a bit like an adventurer right now, searching for treasure or information or excitement, braving the dark unknowns. Just like in the stories! How exciting!

So let's see here. The hallway farthest away from the stairs had been where he'd intended on going that night, right? Vino heads over in that direction, noticing that it seemed most, if not all, of the people around here seemed to be going in that direction.

A quick peek into that hallway makes Vino pause and reconsider checking out this hallway. There were too many people here. He preferred doing things solo and preferably mostly alone. So he backs out and retraces his steps.

If he wasn't going to look down that hallway, where could he start his exploring tonight?

His eyes drifted to the other hallway, having caught some kind of movement. Vino blinked. Had he imagined it? Well, of course not. Vino didn't imagine things. But whatever it had been, it had moved extremely fast.

... That other hall was in the vicinity, so he might as well, right? He could always come back later when there weren't as many people.

[to here]


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