Firo was glad to see the end of lunch, if only for the fact that in a few more hours, the day would be over. Night was the only time he had any real freedom of movement, and it was the only time he could do something worth doing, instead of just sitting around
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The younger boy was probably going to take refuge in those showers for the rest of the shift; Scott knew he would have had he been in Peter's shoes. The way Peter had bolted upon spotting Scott pretty much confirmed that Peter didn't want to face anyone from the Coliseum. And if he was honest with himself, Scott wasn't sure he wanted to face them either. He knew he had to, though. He hadn't seen the boy's face for long, but he was obviously still a wreck. They needed to talk - as soon as possible - because they sure as heck weren't going to be able to talk with anyone else about this, not with Aguilar's voodoo silence spell in place.
There was one person he could talk to, though, it seemed. Peter had been standing up from lunch with a familiar-looking man when he'd spotted the boy, and thankfully, that sasquatch of a man wasn't nearly as easy to lose in a crowd. If he couldn't talk to Peter himself, Scott reasoned, the next best thing he could do was to talk to someone who had just talked to Peter instead. He wasn't sure if that was a strategy that would pay off yet, but it was the best he could think of on the spot.
The tall man (what was his name again? Max?) was headed for Arts & Crafts, it seemed, and so Scott hurried to catch up. As they passed through the door, Scott reached up and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey. You. Me. We need to talk." It took a moment for the rest of his brain to catch up with him. "About Peter. You just talked to him, right?" he added to clarify.
[Why hello, Samuel, how are you today? Please excuse the young Mr. Pilgrim's rudeness. He's glad to see you again, really.]
Look, it'd been a long day. Ruby, Dean, Castiel, that whole mess. He'd been glad he could talk to Peter, but if he was being honest, he wasn't feeling up to round two. Especially not when round two was being demanded of him.
Still, years of playing the good cop to Dean's bad cop paid off. That and. Well, were they friends? People were interested in other people for all sorts of reasons, but he read people pretty well and Scott hadn't seemed like the type. If he was being short, he was probably worried about Peter.
Sam paused. "I did," he replied carefully. He gestured toward one of the tables, stacked with glitter, those crappy dull scissors that couldn't cut through jello, and construction paper. "We should probably grab a seat."
"What did he tell you?" Scott asked, just as bluntly as before. "He didn't seem, like, I dunno... Unstable, did he?"
Peter had every reason in the world to be, but Scott was still hoping for a "no" on this one. Anything that would stop Scott from worrying that Peter would go looking to throw his head on a blade the first chance he got as "penance". Or some similar kind of emo bull. Scott knew all too well through his fannish obsessions that Peter Parker angst could be some of the most dangerous in the world at times.
"Uh." He paused. Scott might be Peter's best friend, but Sam's conversation with Peter had been...personal. For both of them, frankly. Admitting you'd killed someone was really freaking personal, in fact. In the end, he just tackled the easier question.
His eyebrows drew together. "He's going through a rough time." That wasn't really an answer. He sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, it might be better if you just talked to him, Scott."
He felt bad he couldn't help, but the truth was, he wasn't in any position to make judgment calls on Peter. He'd spoken to the kid a total of two times. As much as he got what the kid was going through, he was self-aware enough to know that he know. Kind of identifying a lot with Peter. Which just wasn't the best case scenario for being objective.
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