Day 58: Lt. General Charles Berg's Office [Second Shift]

Aug 21, 2011 11:44

Upon hearing the shift change, and Harrington's subsequent announcement, Berg fought the urge to rub at his eyes. While he understood that neither himself nor Aguilar had the time to do something like work the intercom system during the day, sometimes he thought Harrington enjoyed his new responsibility a bit too much ( Read more... )

grell, sechs, berg

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das_berg August 30 2011, 19:57:27 UTC
It took the subject a moment to give his answer, but Berg patiently waited and listened. He could understand the sentiment behind his answer all too well. But that wasn't to say they were necessarily cut from the same cloth. There were too many differences between them and their experiences.

"Spoken like a true soldier," Berg said with a nod, faint approval coloring his tone. "Of course, for some there comes a time when they must contemplate the possibility that their life simply isn't enough to keep such things safe. If it were a matter of sacrificing our lives to successfully perform our duty, there wouldn't be any question of what we should do, and this institute wouldn't exist."

But the world was seldom so black and white. Sometimes choices had to be made -- difficult ones that made the more faint of heart cringe in horror and disgust.

"Unfortunately, that's not where we're at," Berg quietly continued. The remainder of his coffee had cooled by now, but he wasn't in any hurry to pour himself more. "Simply put, this facility is helping us protect our future."


sixth_attack August 31 2011, 07:55:14 UTC
...Like a true soldier... Sechs couldn't help but let out a soft, hollow chuckle at that, yet no smile came upon his lips. It was sickeningly ironic that he would finally be called "true" of some sort, not just a lousy copy, by someone who he considered to be a great enemy. He would have rather heard words like that from someone he admired or had a strong rivalry with, like Zazie and even Alita... But no thanks to the tyrants running the institute, they were far out of Sechs' reach, and he was no close to fighting on even grounds with the powers which had entrapped him, including the General sitting across from him.

The Replica slowly shook his shaggy head, refusing to accept that rare little gem of a compliment from the General. His pride may have been badly battered, but no amount of praise from enemies like General Aguilar's men and Landel would ever ease his injured spirit. Sechs was a warrior, not a soldier who mindlessly followed orders, that was what struck the solid line between him and Berg.

Sechs felt a painful jab at his heart when the matter of one's worth was brought up. "What is the worth of my life...?" Sechs thought to himself, his words echoing the same ones he cried out in a dream he once experienced during the Z.O.T Tournament, one filled with rage and despair so intense that he almost lost himself in its agonizing depths. That question still haunted Sechs since, and the effects of his M-U quite favored that particular insecurity. Sechs still had no solid answer to that question, as he was still constantly reminded of the fact that he was "just some Replica"... He could only glower at General Berg, wishing to make the man eat his own words and then some.

The former android could sense that they were nearing the end of the conversation. Another small shot of adrenalin entered Sechs' system, and his fury eased off into desperate frustration. "Protect your future?" he asked, his angry scowl twisted with confusion and even a hint of apprehension. "Protect it from what? What's so bad about this threat that's gotten you to stoop down to such sick levels? Why?!"


das_berg September 2 2011, 02:08:01 UTC
The further their conversation progressed, the more emotional Sechs became -- that much was obvious. However, he'd at least contained himself well enough in order to keep their conversation going. Given all he'd been through within the institute, Berg privately considered his efforts quite admirable. Then again, it was only natural he'd want answers. Anyone would.

"That, unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to say," Berg answered. There was a tinge of regret in his voice, and it was sincere. "It is, however, necessary, which is why we're sitting here today. If the initial plans had been up to me, perhaps things would have been different, but..."

They hadn't, so it was useless to speculate now.

"As things stand now, our success rate here is too high for anyone to suggest changes," he calmly added. "This program works, and we need it. That's all I can say on the matter."

If he'd been younger, he might have apologized for the grief and pain Sechs had suffered. But he was experienced enough to know that such sentiments were hollow words so long as nothing could be done to change the situation. Besides, that was of little consequence now. He had a cause, and there was no use for sorrow or pity.


sixth_attack September 16 2011, 05:36:29 UTC
No minute amount of regret, pity or sympathy that came with Berg's answer could ease the Replica's agonizing hunger for answers. Sechs could only sit helplessly beneath the soldier's grip, glaring at Berg with all the hatred he could muster in his yellow eyes. His entire body visibly cringed against the rage that howled for release from his heart.

Sechs was forced to accept that it was just no use to get anymore answers from Berg; like trying to break down that one metal door on the second floor of the institute, Sechs had no access to what he needed. After all Sechs and everyone he knew went through, they were all just as lost and oblivious as rats in a maze; the General might as well had thrown salt into Sechs' deepened wounds!

Bowing his head slightly but keeping his eyes locked on Berg, Sechs released a beastly snort at his opponent. He saw no other end to this battle than in a begrudged draw...

"Fine," Sechs said, his low voice barely steady against his boiling rage. "If you're not gonna tell me about the purpose of your sick little project, then you can forget getting any information about Marc from me!"

With a defiant scowl, Sechs delivered his stubborn statement as a final strike against the impassive General. Sechs didn't care what could happen next, he was done with Berg's mind games! According to Sechs, their conversation was over, and yet he was barely any the wiser from it...


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