Night 57: Infirmary

Jul 19, 2011 09:36

[ from here]For as direct as they were being, Riku understood how much of this section of Landel's remained unexplored. They were so focused on acquiring the drug that it hadn't occurred to them to stop-or, if it had, it was a thought stopped by his frustration with his partner for the night. To think he pushed off some old man because he thought he ( Read more... )

sonia, sechs, albedo, jessica drew, donna, venom, soma, rose (tvd), claire littleton, castiel, the scarecrow, hijikata, utena, ippo, riku, okita, zex, yomi, guybrush, meekins, zack, mccoy

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Comments 155

purpletaint July 19 2011, 20:06:43 UTC
Oh, this was dreadfully hilarious, in the end. It could all be well and true but this was Sora's antithesis in form, and they were closest friends, or worse enemies, but Albedo saw similarities in relations, and such an abject denial was too charming to pass up, whether it held true or not. He trailed behind Riku as if there wasn't anything better to do, smiling widely. "My, my. So against meeting with your nearest and dearest. Lovers' spat?" He peered cheerfully at the other. "One usually only throws themselves into work when there's a quarrel, after all."

As if Albedo actually cared. If he knew one of them a bit more, he'd take it a bit more to heart, but as things went, he was only passing the time. Riku was showing himself to be amusing, and what more could Albedo ask? There was little else to do in the dead of night, other than make yourself irritatingly charming and try concocted poisons. How quaint. And where was Nigredo right about now, Albedo wondered ( ... )


antiheroed July 19 2011, 21:23:53 UTC
In another time, the assumption Albedo made would have gotten to him. Part of the reason why he and Sora functioned so differently was because they approached life in such contrasted ways; Sora followed his heart and didn't live in the past or future: he just lived in the moment, while Riku did exactly the opposite. He obsessed over information and added it up in his head until it made absolute sense. That wasn't to say he was without his impulses, but even his impulses made sense in the long run. They lined up. Tonight's excursion, for example, was one such impulse.

But this wasn't another time, and so Riku was left only smirking in respond to the boy's quip. There was a strong chance Sora wouldn't be pleased with him come morning, but he would find a way to make him understand. Riku did have the underlying guilt seeping in over not trying hard enough to find him, especially if he had been right there, but getting stuff done overcame that. They didn't need to always work together. And again, it was better knowing Sora was where he ( ... )


purpletaint July 20 2011, 03:36:33 UTC
Yes, it was far more amusing to return to viewing it as a game, and he only smiled to Riku's retort, batting his eyes. "Perhaps so," he said in sing-song. "I'm sure you know much better than I do, after all. I'm glad your friend approves so much of you risking yourself." Quite opposite from how Sora presented himself, actually, but Albedo wouldn't stay here. He wasn't that much of a hypocrite if it was opposite, and Albedo had a feeling if Nigredo did know, his darling little brother would not be pleased.

That was a guarantee, actually, especially after how Nigredo had reacted this morning. And learning of Albedo's dealings might allow a loophole in their agreement, and Albedo wouldn't have Nigredo go back on his word. It was far more important that his sibling not act as he had before, and prioritize his life over anything else ( ... )


antiheroed July 20 2011, 06:19:25 UTC
This guy had a way of turning it back onto him, didn't he? Riku wondered how much of an impression he had of Sora, and how much he might end up twisting if he saw it to his benefit. At the moment, it was a rivalry, and they were brushing hardly against one another, but he wondered if it would continue. Would it become worse? Would the very instrument of his continuing forward that night cause it? Riku knew about the various special treatments. Would this cause something like that? Was he prepared ( ... )


deadlyjuliet July 21 2011, 03:26:16 UTC
[from hereThe infirmary was much like any other he'd seen. Or almost like them. It was white, plain and had an obnoxiously fake sky painted on the ceiling. Did people honestly believe such things made patients writhing in pain feel better? Have a look at some fluffy clouds while you're groaning from a bullet wound to the shoulder. If you're lucky, you'll get an infection and die from it so you can join the clouds. Grell glanced up at the ceiling, shrugged, and moved forward, edging around the other two still within the room ( ... )


deadlyjuliet July 23 2011, 13:42:16 UTC
Hmph. Nothing. There was no rush like the last time; no sudden feeling of power rushing through his veins. He still felt entirely mortal and, on top of that, completely disappointed. If they were going to give them medicine, they should at least do something. Either something good or something horrific. He wouldn't mind seeing a few of the patients suddenly drop dead after taking the drugs and yet nothing happened. A bit, fat nothing.

With a sigh, Grell tossed the cup back onto the table and turned to walk out. As he left, he hefted the chainsaw, no longer caring if people saw him or not. The expected result had not been reached and now all Grell wanted to do was go out and kill something to release this unholy frustration he felt.

[back out here]


tasteoftruth July 21 2011, 14:07:19 UTC
[From here.]A few of the little containers were already empty when Badd entered the infirmary. Apparently other patients had come before him, taken their dose, and then for some reason not died immediately or convulsed in pain before passing out. That almost counted as a good sign. Badd wondered what Aguilar had held over their heads as blackmail or promised them as a reward that drove them down here to eagerly drink his poisons ( ... )


rolling_go August 5 2011, 05:07:57 UTC
[From here]

With all the dramatics behind this whole ordeal, Ippo had expected instant gratification. He'd closed his eyes in anticipation for... something. Some kind of tingle or feeling within that would tell him he was getting better. Apparently, after a few minutes of just standing, it wasn't going to work that way ( ... )


tasteoftruth August 5 2011, 15:24:51 UTC
After forcing the drug down his throat Badd had waited around for his reward. Nothing had happened, though a few more patients came by for their doses and someone yelled about cockroaches. They hadn't delivered any more instructions beyond taking the pills, and Badd again pondered whether Aguilar had simply been dicking around with them again.

His only reward thus far seemed to be a mild but slowly growing headache. Badd had just made up his mind to storm up to the second floor and try to hunt Byrne down there when someone bumped into him.

"Get away from me," he snarled, and gave the young man a shove. The last young man playing at that had been Niikura. He hated Niikura.


rolling_go August 6 2011, 14:04:51 UTC
"Ah--!" Ippo hadn't expected to be pushed away. Ignored, probably. Yelled at, of course, but shoved? He hadn't been shoved since high school. This didn't bode well. "--S-Sorry!" he finished as he staggered back a few steps, and then thought better of it.

The cockroaches!

That been the whole reason for this messy introduction. Whipping his head around, the young man almost made the same mistake again as he started to back up into the old man for fear of the unknown before him. Truly, nothing stirred in the darkness, but his unraveling mind couldn't be so sure. "Th-There's these cockroaches--" He started to point, but aborted that idea. If those cockroaches were just a part of his imagination, he was going to look like a crazy.

"W-Well... That is... ...." Ippo tried to come up with a smooth transition away from his hallucination, but smooth and Ippo did not belong in the same book together, let alone the same sentence. It eventually just fizzled out into stammering and fidgetting that got neither of them anywhere.


madeinthehrl July 21 2011, 14:52:07 UTC
[from here]

There was no sign of Rapunzel or Tsubaki here, but Soma figured she had been here too long to be surprised. Of course not. That would have been too easy.

What was here, though, was an impressive assortment of pills, syringes, and vials, laid out for the taking. Soma glanced at Utena, unable to hide her growing curiosity.

"These must be the drugs Aguilar mentioned."


roseoverture July 23 2011, 08:27:48 UTC
The first thing Utena did upon entering the wing was checking the beds, even as she noticed the drugs. To her dismay, she didn't recognize anyone, and it didn't seem Soma did either. If Himemiya was in this wing somewhere, she wasn't in the Infirmary. Damn it.

But there were still the drugs, which were... Well, she still wasn't sure what to think about those. Again, she already had a weapon. But weapons were rare things in the Institute. Maybe it was worth it to get one for someone else? The more people armed the better, right-

She shook her head. What was she thinking?! She wasn't going to take some crazy-looking concoction just because Aguilar said it would be okay! ...Probably? God, she wasn't sure, actually.

"You recognize any of these?" she asked, wondering if maybe Soma knew anything more about drugs than she did.


madeinthehrl July 24 2011, 00:41:08 UTC
"They're not labeled--at least, not that I can see." Soma frowned, picking up a syringe and holding it up to her flashlight beam. "Besides, I doubt they would want to make these easily recognizable to us."

The idea of a pin didn't hold much appeal to her--not when she didn't particularly mind the pink gruel, and her escort was already far more tolerable to her than her nurse had ever been. But perhaps if there was ammunition available as reward...

...No. Why would she inject herself with a foreign substance or take some unidentifiable pills just for the sake of a few more bullets? Hadn't this place already done enough to her?

She glanced at Utena, frowning a little. "What do you think?"


Sorry again for the wait! roseoverture July 27 2011, 03:48:11 UTC
Utena sighed, shoulders sagging. She hadn't really been expecting a conclusive answer from Soma, but that was still disappointing to hear. They really had no clue what they were looking at, then. "Hmmm... Uh..." Utena crossed her arms, thinking hard. How badly did she want to get someone a weapon out of this?

In the end, she made the easiest decision for the moment: not deciding. "I think we should go look around a few more places for people first, and then come back here later. I'm not leaving this place without making sure Himemiya's not here. This can wait," she told Soma, moving away from the table and gesturing for the Infirmary door. Here was hoping the answer came to them while they were searching, she thought.

[To here]


mirthfulness July 22 2011, 21:43:56 UTC
> Gamzee: Accomplish mission.And this did indeed look like the right room to be in. Gamzee was rather proud of himself for having gotten this far on his own, despite having to basically follow others in order to manage it. Now his next problem was what to do with the choices available. There were choices, weren't there? He wouldn't explode if he took the wrong thing ( ... )


mirthfulness July 23 2011, 06:32:46 UTC
It wasn't the best tasting thing he'd ever had, but it wasn't going to be coming back up again either. Gamzee stood there several long moments, expecting at any point to perhaps grow an extra limb or a pair of antennae. Much to his relief, neither of the above happened.

However, there was also no immediate reward. Given that there also wasn't anyone around to give him said reward, he could only assume that he'd get results back the next day. Fair enough. The troll was probably too forgiving about this whole matter in general, but then he was Gamzee. He was forgiving about most things.

With little else to do here, he watched the others present for a little longer before wandering back out into the hall.

> ==>


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