Night 57: Front Desk (Medical Wing)

Jul 16, 2011 02:09

[from here]Unsurprisingly, the door opened with a twist of the handle and little pressure. The interior hidden behind a door long since locked--if they were to believe the blow-hard of a commander who had taken control--was quite large, dwarfing the sun room in comparison. Enclaves and doorways crept away from them, and Albedo was idly curious-- ( Read more... )

sonia, grell, zero, sechs, albedo, jessica drew, donna, venom, kairi, badd, soma, rose (tvd), terra branford, claire littleton, castiel, sora, the scarecrow, utena, ippo, riku, zex, yomi, guybrush, meekins, claire stanfield, gant, kratos, zack, mccoy

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sheepwood July 24 2011, 18:46:12 UTC
Sidestepping Javert into what he hoped was the medical wing (the fact that the door was open was a good sign), Guybrush found himself a little disappointed. He'd expected something else- guards, mummy-like patients in bandages, a little sign conveniently pointing them in the direction of the infirmary- but it looked like a secondary lobby, complete with a front desk. Shining his flashlight over said desk as he approached it revealed little: some 'hand sanitizer' (but alas, nothing for hooks), some long-dead flowers, a crusty calendar, and a jar of lollipops. With his sweetheart gone, he could think of no one else who might appreciate some dried-up flowers; Elaine preferred her bouquets alive.

He did, however, snatch the entire jar of lollipops, tucking it into a fold in the sweatpants part of his sash. "Never know when you'll need one of these," he said to himself. Having a spare container on hand for collecting samples of swamp water, spit, or any other questionable substance he didn't want ruining his pockets was a trick he learned early. As for the suckers, he shamelessly wanted them for himself or to use as a bargaining tool with children. Whichever.

Backing away from the desk, Guybrush's light flickered- after a couple of good hits, the beam returned to its usual brightness, illuminating a sign behind the desk, the black letters scrawled across it coming into view. "'Are you a good patient?'" He looked to his newly pilfered jar. "Guess that answers that question."

With no monsters, guards, or brainwashed patients leaping from the darkness to ambush them, Guybrush returned his attention to Javert. "Guess this isn't the place."


unmocked_lawr July 25 2011, 16:37:30 UTC
A mere short month ago, Javert would never have dreamed of taking the lollipops in question. Now, the former inspector recognized a bargaining chip when he saw it. It was a pity Threepwood had beaten him to the entire jar, but then, he reasoned, there would probably be a fresh supply the next night. Probably he would never have needed to use them--he and Badd had appeared to reach some sort of truce, if not quite an understanding--but they might have come in handy at some point.

There was nothing else of interest here, pathetically threatening message aside, and Javert turned his attention to the hallways beyond. "There are more rooms past here. Perhaps one of them contains what we're looking for."


sheepwood July 25 2011, 22:50:55 UTC
"Keep going. Can do." With a nod, Guybrush led the way through the medical wing, giving his flashlight another knock to bring the beam to life.

[To here.]


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