Goku took a giant leap into the room, going even so far as announcing his whereabouts with a loud battle cry. Staff poised to strike, the young boy watched the room for any hint of movement. He turned in a circle, glaring daggers into the darkness as he surveyed chair after couch after table. The lack of lighting put him at a disadvantage, but as far as he could tell nothing was around except him.
"Huh." Well, that was certainly boring. It would be easy to just smell the room, but there was too much stink from the kitchen and the mass of bodies along the hallways to get a good sense of the Sun Room. Straightening himself, the monkey boy took this quiet opportunity to scratch his butt before moving through. It was disappointing to see that all the destruction he had caused last night had been completely erased as if it had never occurred in the first place. Everything was once again whole, and it royally pissed Goku off. He had worked pretty damn hard to maximize damage! Apparently awesome feats of strength meant nothing to the people working this place, and that was a true shame.
Oh well, he thought. If Taura was correct, there would be plenty of monster butt to kick once they reached the kitchen. After last night's total fight fest, Goku was itching to polish his rusting skills on some monster flesh! Women were a lot more tricksy than men, so it was hard to say if he truly trusted her, but ultimately the deal had just been too tempting to turn down.
So, more carefree than he should have been, Goku leisurely strolled through the Sun Room in search of the cafeteria doors with his pseudo staff twirling through one hand.