Night 57: The Coliseum

Jul 14, 2011 22:53

Touching the sandy grounds of the coliseum was a catalyst, and the progression of day did not mean the end of the process. By fortune or otherwise, this group's efforts were not allowed to halt simply due to the rising sun. Therefore, when nighttime was pronounced, those who had undergone the beginnings of an incomplete trial were pulled from their ( Read more... )

s.t., sakura, scott pilgrim, depth charge, nigredo, two-face, castiel, erika, sync, indiana jones, trickster, sai, sasuke, haruno sakura, aidou, peter parker, brook

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Comments 137

tsunagari July 18 2011, 10:00:16 UTC
Sai blinked his eyes open, the realization that he'd blacked out again a troubling one. Getting to his feet quickly, he realized further that he was still in the area. As he was still on his side facing Sasuke, still with the equipment he'd had before, he wondered what the point of the black-out had been, as well as the reasoning for the general's comment. They were late? They'd been there already ( ... )


sasuke_of_sound July 21 2011, 05:29:51 UTC
Inexplicably, there was again the sense of time lost after arriving in -- wherever it was they had arrived after opening those doors. Sasuke blinked awake as abruptly as he had the last time, the faint taste of dust in his mouth and the weight of his own clothes enough to confirm that he hadn't somehow ended up in his own room in the morning yet again. Aguilar's voice provided the last piece of necessary evidence, Sasuke jerking to a fight-ready stance and hands automatically falling into position to defend.

As there had been last night, he could sense the chakra flowing through his body, strong and reassuringly familiar right down to the knot of Orochimaru's curse bite staining his left shoulder. The sheath of the Kusanagi -- and he knew it without needing to draw it, from the balance and fit of it against his body as familiar as that of his limbs -- imprinted briefly between his belt and his back, and for the first time since coming to the Institute Sasuke could feel a full flood of strengthSharingan settled into his vision, ( ... )


tsunagari July 22 2011, 08:17:58 UTC
As Sai listened to Aguilar's answer, the frown on his face became more and more pronounced. So it was as he thought. The two of them were to fight each other. And of course it wouldn't just be a friendly sparring session, but instead a fight to the death ( ... )


sasuke_of_sound July 23 2011, 18:39:33 UTC
So Sasuke's suspicions had been correct: the structure of the room was undoubtedly an arena and those in the stands were undoubtedly meant to be observers. As if Aguilar were recreating his own personal Chuunin Exams for his entertainment and the dubious amusement of the others that had been needed to get this far into the basement. Was that their entire purpose, after all the trials that required more than two people to pass -- to spectate and to serve as a threat?

It was the most blatant example of what Sasuke had long thought the purpose of the Institute; selection of the strongest and the most powerful. But Aguilar had made a critical mistake in not only giving their powers back but showing himself. There was something between the viewing stands and the arena, that much had been obvious by Aidou's attempt to cross it last night, but there were few barriers that couldn't be broken by a shinobi at full strength ( ... )


blood_and_pocky July 19 2011, 23:51:52 UTC
Because it was so unexpected, the sudden jump between his cell and the Coliseum sent Aidou's mind flailing, searching for an iota of sense to hold on to. It was a level of disorientation he hadn't felt since his first night in the Institute, when he hadn't yet learned how often blackouts happened. His stomach turned over unhappily. Hands on his knees, Aidou breathed through gritted teeth. What is going on!? One minute he'd been here, the next in M52 during dinner, and now he was back again. He was being tossed to and fro like a ragdoll, and he didn't like it ( ... )


see_my_back July 20 2011, 01:57:23 UTC
Sakura was already in no mood to be toyed with. But being thrown into a new place faster than she could blink was enough to set her off further. It wouldn't be the first time she'd used chakra to jump from one point to another, but usually that came with careful planning or a well-timed escape. This was... nothing like that. Adding to it, the man had just called them late. Haruno Sakura, model student, proud kunoichi, and brilliant pupil of the great Hokage did was not lateAdding insult to it all, the voice was easily recognized as one she'd heard over the intercom. Not the doctor, but whoever it was that'd replaced him. She fixed the man with a flat look, glaring across the stands as she committed that appearance to memory. People had survived meeting Landel, there was no reason to think they wouldn't survive this encounter. Though... judging by the setup, something big was about to go down. The stadium reminded her of the chuunin exams and the final tournament. Once again, she was stuck watching while her friends were out on the ( ... )


promisedawhale July 20 2011, 23:15:23 UTC
Michelangelo had been taken!

That had been the only thing on his mind while Brook had awaited the opening of the doors. He knew what could be done when people were taken from their rooms - getting brainwashed enough to attack your friends, or worse still, tortured - Brook did not want either one for his friend. So he'd gotten ready, leaving his dinner alone to take up his shikomizue and set a note on the bedside table. He had just heard the start of the nighttime announcement when things suddenly went black and he was thrust yet again to the strange room that was the Coliseum.

"Wait, no...!" Brook shot to his feet and looked around just as he had the night before. Of all the days for him to be teleported when his roommate was in some kind of danger! Why must this have happened tonight?! "I have to go back!" he said before thinking, then remembered what had started last evening and looked down to the floor. It was the same, with Sai and Sasuke still in the ring's center with Sakura and... it was Aidou, wasn't it?... seated along ( ... )


el_aguila July 21 2011, 21:21:58 UTC
Youth made for terrible temper, it seemed. The General could only hmph in disdain, his expression laced in disappointment. They failed to realize the reason for their presence in this godforsaken place was of their own making, instead appearing quite satisfied to lay the blame on the overseer. How would they feel, then, to know that when the curtains closed and red stained the sandy arena, they would have no one but themselves?

Ah, though, perhaps that was for the best. Rage was an excellent catalyst for accomplishment, and at least the children were not stupid and did not stare at him dumbfounded and dumbstruck. The man detached his arms from each other long enough to offer a dismissive wave. "The audience could stand to be less impertinent," he remarked almost casually, before fixing his dark eyes on the younger of the competitors. "But to address your query, Uchiha Sasuke, you and your companion are here to fulfill a requirement. I'm certain I don't have to divulge the details of your task, but let's keep it clear for everyone ( ... )


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ARENA its_the_mileage July 24 2011, 20:58:07 UTC
Indy woke to grains of sand digging into his cheek and someone yelling his name. And stabbing pains from his left hand, which he was lying on. (It could've been worse; he could've landed on the machete.) Gingerly, he rolled over and then up, feeling around for his hat. He found it and replaced it on his head at the same time the yelling, sprinting red-and-blue form resolved itself in his still-uncertain eyesight into Peter ( ... )


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ARENA its_the_mileage July 25 2011, 23:54:09 UTC
"Out of the ground?" Indy speculated. He hoped not. If it came up from underneath them, they might be dead before they got a swing in. "Could be anywhere, though. It wouldn't surprise me if there's a hidden door here somewhere." In the stands? That throne in the middle? The lighted ceiling ( ... )


EAST SEATS unheroed July 26 2011, 02:05:11 UTC
The cramped, pitch black hallway and the creepy imagery had all done a great job of setting the mood, which had really just annoyed Harvey even more. Still, all of the signs had pointed to them successfully completing those previous challenges, and he'd gotten a jolt of adrenaline from knowing that they were walking through a door that most of the other patients hadn't ( ... )


Re: EAST SEATS vsyourface July 27 2011, 08:43:03 UTC
One of the last things Scott remembered as his consciousness burbled back to awareness was something about cyanide. And a bad joke about Parseltongue. Oh right, and Peter pricking his finger on a fang like he was freaking Sleeping Spider-man, followed shortly after by one Indiana Beauty. How had any of that led to Scott getting knocked out again?

There were voices, muffled at first, but clearer the more awake Scott felt. They came from both below and beside him. "Ughh, who's talking?" Scott groaned, rubbing his head as he sat up in his seat (not that his head actually hurt; it just seemed like the thing to do in situations like this).

Wait, his seatScott jerked fully upright. Yes, he was sitting up, with cool stone under his butt, and next to him a- "Gah!" Scott almost shouted "Monster!" at the sudden sight of exposed muscle, bone, and eyeball next to him, but he caught himself in time. It was just Harvey. He was sitting somewhere with Harvey. Okay, he knew where one person was now. So where did that leave everyone else ( ... )


EAST SEATS unheroed July 27 2011, 18:07:50 UTC
It didn't take long for the other spectators to come to. Because that's what they were, wasn't it? They were just supposed to watch as Jones and Peter were either maimed by something or--

Well, he'd just have to see where this all went. Harvey watched as Sangamon sat there (was he eating something?) and Depth Charge started pacing back and forth in frustration, but it was obviously Scott's awakening that stood out the most, mainly because the kid yelled"Watch it!" he snapped, though he couldn't exactly blame Scott for getting startled when the first thing he saw after coming to was a burned, deformed face. Still, having a little more courtesy would have been appreciated ( ... )


Re: EAST SEATS vsyourface July 27 2011, 19:45:08 UTC
Scott gave a muffled groan and answered "Would it count as a 'no' if I said I wasn't really thinking?"

He got himself back upright (no thanks to Harvey, who pushed him almost as soon as he was sitting up again), and watched as his seatmate moved to the edge of the stands. Once Scott's head was done spinning, he got back to his feet and joined the party.

[To here]


SOUTH SEATS el_aguila July 27 2011, 03:51:22 UTC
Another set of hopeful achievers added figures to results, and Aguilar should have been pleased. Tonight was the first in history for two groups to pass the threshold into the coliseum in a single night. A part felt satisfied, in fact, to witness an increased rate in patient activity. Their involvement had finally yielded the fruit they had long since desired; anyone would call this good.

The rest, on the other end, remained a little more than nothing. To anyone's eyes, the General was a mere figure among the southern stands, something unnoticeable to the untrained eye. This would last until the instant he addressed his new audience.

"I hope you enjoy them, Dr. Jones. You have quite the arsenal," said Aguilar as he leaned into the back of his seat. One nod went to the teenage combatant. "You will need your all to pass this particular test."


SOUTH SEATS unheroed July 27 2011, 18:12:10 UTC
[From here.]

"So," Harvey started, leaning his hands down onto the stone edge of the stands as he sent a glare right up at the general. He realized how surreal this was, but he didn't care; he needed to take advantage of this opportunity while he had it.

"You have us right where you want us and you've decided to grace us with your presence." It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to realize that he was being sarcastic. "So what the hell do you want?"

What was this whole basement thing all about? It was Landel's creation, but Aguilar had to know a thing or two if he was here. And Harvey was sick of not knowing a thing.


Re: SOUTH SEATS vsyourface July 27 2011, 19:46:10 UTC
[From here]

Scott didn't speak to Aguilar yet. He just gave the man an intense, angry stare. In combination with the stunt Scott had just tried, that said all that was needed for him. Besides, Harvey had just asked the main thing he would have asked, and he doubted the secondary thing ("Why are you such a dickface?") would be answered seriously.


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