Night 57: F21-F30 Hallway

Jul 14, 2011 12:52

Aguilar's announcement was met with a satisfied smirk from Erika as she realized she had been correct in her theory on why things had reverted (for the most part) back to how it was for this one day. It also provided her some information about the nature of the visitors themselves: They were genuine, or at least as genuine as this place could get. It also explained why she never got one, but Erika was fine with that. She had better things to do then entertain her parents, as her Master would never choose such a boring way of communicating with her. The rest of Aguilar's rant, on the other hand, was nothing but an amusing diversion up until he announced his own surprise: The medical wing was now open. The detective couldn't help herself then, giving a short amused chuckle at the turn of events.

"Feeling one-upped, General? Landel opened his new playpen so you had to open one up too?" Perhaps this situation really was favorable for them; if those two kept going at it, maybe one of them would be stupid enough to turn the entire gameboard upside down. It was interesting to see a power struggle going on for this gameboard right before her own eyes and actually have it be mostly evened out for once. It was an interesting setup, but for tonight, Erika was going to have to ignore it. Tonight, it was time to tie up loose ends and then tomorrow, she was free to start making Mr. Pilgrim's life miserable or something.

Remembering the fiasco from last night, Erika packed a tad extra today: That spare uniform in case she needed extra clothing. While her dress was indeed repaired from her tearing it into ribbons last night, she had no desire to do that again just to keep a pawn alive. That was too much of a sacrifice for the detective to make as she grimaced at the memory. With everything packed, the detective started to make her way towards the meeting place.

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rose (tvd), jessica drew, lana skye, erika

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