Gant was probably not the first patient to feel more dignified after that kind of stirring announcement given by the General. Now that man knew what he was talking about. They certainly were not animals, like ol' Landel used to play at. All his passive aggressive comments and mustache twirling had gotten a bit on the chief's nerves. Not that he would have admitted that in front of the Head Doctor, no no no! But given the choice of the two, Gant much preferred the General over the Head Doctor.
It also helped to know how the system was actually supposed to work. So it was the badges that meant everything here, if you didn't have time to back you up. The seniority thing was fair enough; you survived, so you got some perks. But hard work also earned you privileges. The badges. He had wondered why some people had them and others didn't. Looking at his own record... Gant had nothing. Not a thing. Probably meant he should get busy. And what better way to start than the drug test.
If this had been a different situation, Gant would have balked at the idea of taking in experimental drugs. But as it stood, he had come to realize a few things about this place in his week-long stay. One was that the objective wasn't to kill them. Even Aguilar had hinted that they had a purpose for being here. It went beyond just trying to instill fear. There was an objective, and Gant was interested to find out more. Unfortunately, that meant putting himself into danger, but as long as he had a weapon, it probably wouldn't be so bad.
Once he was suited up for the night in his precious orange suit, and geared to the teeth with candlestick, scalpels, radio and flashlight, Gant stepped out the door and into the hall. His destination, the Medical Wing.