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wantsyourzex July 18 2011, 07:34:51 UTC
[from here]

ZEX found his thoughts wandering to Teisel again as he walked through the halls. Ah, he'd been such a wonderful bodyguard! Big, intimidating, and easily manipulated into doing whatever he pleased. Whatever had happened to him? He'd been quite fond of the large human... but it was so hard to rely on anyone in this place for long. They all seemed to vanish in time. Except him, for some reason.

What he really needed, unfortunately enough, was a new bodyguard, someone who could take Teisel's place at his side as a beautiful human shield. Finding one, however, was the tricky part. He'd really been lucky with Teisel. What a marvelous find! There weren't many humans here that fit his... proportions.

His vision was poor in the dark, and he still had his invisible assailants pestering him, so he was somewhat distracted when he nearly ran directly into a large figure in front of him.

"Ah, excuse me..." And ZEX blinked. He recognized that odd pattern of fur on the human's head... perhaps things had turned in his favor after all! He wasn't quite as big as Teisel, but he was certainly big enough. "Oh, we've met before, haven't we? Gant, wasn't it?" Close to a VUX name, but not close enough. Still, easier to recall than some of the other human names he'd heard.


gargantuanlaugh July 18 2011, 18:05:39 UTC
Gant had watched a parade of people walk by in his search for the perfect patsy. The first to come into his sights had been Dent, who Gant found interesting and useful but seemed too shrewd to manipulate. That ax he carried, coupled with the scars on his face, gave the man a grizzly look. Maybe he'd mention it, the next time they talked. Right now, Harvey looked a little too preoccupied to care for even the smallest chat as he hurried on by.

The rest of of the fellows Gant saw pass by were either too young to be much help, despite looking fresh-faced and gullible, or either rushed on by without given him even a change to get a good look. He ignored anyone already with a partner for the night, and that one kid that was mumbling incoherently to himself. He may have been able to manipulate a truly crazy person, but they were much too troublesome to deal with. He would never know if they were just a little insane or completely psychotic.

Gant almost gave up on this hall. He turned, taking a moment to scrub at his face with the back of his fist that clenched the brass candlestick. A smaller person almost stumbled directly into him, and Gant turned at the sound of a familiar voice. Vaguely familiar. He did recognize that face, what little he could see in the faint glow from his flashlight. "Why, yes, I think so. And you're right on the mark!"

Great, the blond remembered Gant's name, but Gant couldn't quite remember when he'd last seen this man. He met him sometime during his stay here, Gant was certain. He had never seemed to have trouble placing names before coming here. "Ah you are..."

And then it hit him. He was supposed to have gotten in-touch with this man over the bulletin ages ago! He probably should apologize for leaving him hanging, but Gant wasn't one to apologize for anything. Instead, he just slapped a smile on his face and greeted the man. "Admiral! It's you!"


wantsyourzex July 20 2011, 00:43:31 UTC
Yes, he remembered this human now. His smooth skin was such a lovely color! Everything within him panged to add him to his menagerie, to classify and welcome him properly. Confounded Institute! He hoped his children weren't suffering too much in his absence.

Gant was certainly big enough to serve his purposes for the night... provided he was willing to provide them, after all. Surely that wouldn't be too hard to negotiate. "Yes, that's right." ZEX attempted a smile back at him. It was nice to hear his proper title. Not that he'd been as rigid about everyone adhereing to formal titles as some of his countrymen, but some recognition was always appreciated. "I'm glad you remember me! And that you're still here... people do tend to vanish quite mysteriously." A moment. "Not that I'd wish captivity on you of course! But it can be reassuring to see a familiar face."

ZEX waved away an invisible creature from his face with a soft grunt of irritation, giving Gant a not-at-all subtle lookover. Primarily for his own benefit, of course, but there was the added bonus of discerning his potential new bodyguard's equipment, in more ways than one. "And such a beautifully unique face as well... mmmm." Leering at him, aware of it or not. "Heading anywhere in particular?" He didn't intend that to double as a come-on as well as a non-chalant inquiry into his activities, but perhaps he was just efficient that way.


gargantuanlaugh July 21 2011, 06:52:51 UTC
The smaller man was giving him that awkward smile. Gant wondered if it was just due to the dim light, or if maybe the Admiral was somewhat nervous in his presence like so many young people tend to be, but there was something off about that smile. He recalled that the man thought he was an alien or something, though he couldn't for the life of him remember the supposed 'species.' He really should have taken better care to note his new friend's eccentricities. It helped foster stronger bonds when he pretended to take an interest in another's life beyond just what they could do for his social status.

"Understandable, Admiral! Quite understandable! One needs allies in a place like this!" His own thoughts moved to von Karma. Oh, how he missed having Manny around this place. It was boring not having his old friend here to poke fun at, or to back him up with all the youngsters from their time coming in. The little army that had come to defend Edgeworth on the bulletin board had been difficult to deal with on his own today. He needed another friend to help rebuff their accusations. Too bad he hadn't be able to keep Lana in his court like before...

Gant could have sworn the grin aimed his way was looking odder by the moment. He shifted the flashlight in his hand, hoping the movement of the beam would clear away the strangeness of it. It didn't much help, though Gant forced himself to believe it was just the light playing tricks on him.

Beautifully unique? Gant grined, unable to help himself. "Rather distinguished, I like to believe." He still wasn't going to buy the alien bit, but in this instance, he could trust that perhaps their difference in culture made the 'beautiful' remark less awkward.

Still ignoring the leer, Gant seized auspicious question and replied in his most innocent voice, "Why, I thought I'd head to the Medical Wing. I'm interested to see whether these little tests they've provided are worth anything or not." He paused, glancing around a bit before returning his green eyes to the man in front of him. "If you're not busy, I'd certainly appreciate some good company for the trip."


wantsyourzex July 23 2011, 05:10:17 UTC
Mmm, such broad shoulders. Humans had such an interesting shape to them! No doubt thanks to their rigid bones. He'd be quite happy to just admire Gant all night, or perhaps do more, but he'd probably have to gain a little more of his trust before attempting it. Humans could be so picky.

"Yes, definitely. There's so much allies can... do for each other." His pleasant smile at the thought was interrupted by a gash suddenly appearing on his arm. He hissed in irritation, instinctually grabbing the wound. Cursed invisible things. They never gave him any peace. He took a moment to try and recollect his thoughts. What was it that Gant had just said? Ah yes. "Mmm... distinguished, yes. I'd agree with that. Delectable, even..." His last words softer than the first as he let go of his arm and tried to look at his hand in the dark. He wasn't sure what he was expecting to accomplish - his eyesight in the dark had always been poor here, even when he had two eyes.

Even if he was still plagued by whatever those horrible things were, perhaps his luck wasn't entirely bad. "The medical wing?" With his best attempt at innocent surprise himself, not that he'd had much experience in sounding innocent. "I was just heading that direction myself, actually... and I'm sure I'd enjoy your... company." Mmm, perhaps he could trick him back to his room later. He'd done it with some of the others after all.


gargantuanlaugh July 24 2011, 00:46:35 UTC
Gant had never been the humble type, but even would admit that he didn't often meet people who tried to flirt with him. He liked the respect and status that came with a good alliance. Past relationships that moved further than that usually ended pretty quickly, after it became apparent that Gant had and always would be only looking out for Number One. He wasn't sure what he was hearing in the strange lilt of ZEX's words, but the possibility he was flirting with him never crossed his mind. He just figured it was another "alien" thing.

ZEX's sudden and easily recognized response to pain had Gant on alert. He looked about, but no one else had gotten close enough to touch them in the last few minutes. Gant raised his flashlight to take a look, ignoring ZEX's too quiet words. "Hurt yourself there?"

Gant didn't really have any bandages on him, and neither did he feel like ripping his nice suit just because the person he happened to be traveling with nicked his arm a bit somehow. "I'm sure we can patch that up when we get to the the medical wing." It seemed they were both intent on the same place, so why not. "Ready to get going then?" Without waiting for an answer, Gant started them on the way.

[To here]


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