jei in damned

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seiran314 May 25 2007, 19:11:39 UTC
"Mnn.." Aya sighed, wondering briefly if he had said too much again, and decided to just suck it up from here on. He didn't like to have his secrets out there in the open, but he didn't like the looks Omi was giving him either. Supposedly he should have been used to them by now but he wasn't used to this kind of Omi anymore and he changed slowly.

Lowering his gaze to the table, he let the fork go and forced himself to pick up the water glass again. He sipped slowly while debating with himself, and eventually got tired of his fluttering thoughts.

"Frankly, Omi, I think what you did was stupid." He forced himself to look at Omi, not liking himself for what he was going to say but there was no helping it. This was why Mamoru had kept him around this long, or so he hoped. "For your sake, I hope he's better than most people and doesn't let you down. The way we act together is a sure indication that we're the same, so putting two things together isn't too hard." He paused for a brief moment, and sighed again. "The next time consider if it's necessary at all." It wasn't a command, he was in no position to give them. But it might have sounded like one.


daddyslilkiller May 25 2007, 19:39:59 UTC
...Or not. He winced inwardly as Aya followed up with something more like what Omi had been expecting. Not like he could debate any of it. He had been stupid and irresponsible, and Kurama not taking no for an answer should have just clued him in that telling anything at all would be a bad idea.

The only redeeming feature of the whole debacle was that while they were trapped here, Kritiker wouldn't get caught in the backlash. He may have screwed his team over, but Kritiker would be fine.

He nodded when Aya seemed finished. "I know. There won't be a next time."


seiran314 May 25 2007, 20:04:52 UTC
Aya nodded shortly. If he'd be honest, he couldn't picture this conversation taking place with Mamoru, and for a brief moment he was glad he didn't have to deal with the Takatori heir right now. Then he pushed the thought off his mind, it was pointless to debate over ifs and buts.

"You ought to tell Yohji as well, if he doesn't know already." Based on Yohji's expressions the moment before it was too late already.

Sipping his water again, he fell silent, considering the matter being dealt with, and there was no reason to continue with it.


daddyslilkiller May 26 2007, 00:02:47 UTC
Omi was happy enough with silence, as well. He wasn't really in the mood for idle conversation and the topic at hand had been more than adequately covered, so he picked at his food, pushing it around the plate more than eating.

It wasn't the sulking sort of silence one might expect from a chastised seventeen-year-old, but more one of someone who had a lot on his mind. Unless Aya spoke first, which was thankfully unlikely as far as Omi could tell, he was happy to just wait for lunch to end.


rabastlestrange May 26 2007, 05:57:58 UTC
((Bastie was annoying people there))

Rabastan Lestrange hummed to himself as he wound between the chairs and headed for that (now) familiar red hair. There was only one person who knew with that particular shade, and the worry that had been on Rabastan's face faded into a cheerful grin.


Bast very nearly wuffle-pounced on Aya, stopping himself about a half-foot from the man's chair. Something told him that Aya probably wouldn't enjoy being smacked into by his whole ninety-five pounds of boney self. Plunking down in a chair happily next to him instead, Bast beamed at Omi.

"Hi! I'm Bast! Who are you? Did you eat, Aya? You're going to be as skinny as me one of these days. Prison does that. Did you miss me? I thought you might need a break."

And he actually got that out in one whole breath.


seiran314 May 26 2007, 06:23:55 UTC
Luck never was one of the things Aya was rich with. The time at Landel's had not failed to follow that pattern. The silence between himself and Omi was almost comfortable when Bast decided to join in. He didn't dislike the wizard, but Bast could have chosen another time for his sudden appearance as far as Aya was concerned.

The only indication of his slight irritation was a twitching brow, gaze tightly at his half empty water glass.

"Bast," he acknowledged, ignoring all the talk about food and practically everything else as well. He was half expecting Omi to take care of the social communication, like he had always done, even if Bast obviously was Aya's acquaintance.


daddyslilkiller May 26 2007, 13:55:51 UTC
Aya would expect that, wouldn't he? Omi had to blink a bit first, though, seeing as having one's thoughts interrupted by... well, what seemed like the human equivalent of a puppy on a sugar high was disconcerting at best.

He glanced quickly between the two of them, smile settling into place. Aya didn't seem in a hurry to chase the man off, so he might as well make nice. "Hello. I'm Omi. You know Aya-kun?"

Alright, yes, that was an obvious question, but, well, it just seemed so hard to believe.


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