Day 57: Game Room (Third Shift)

Jun 30, 2011 15:14

Having already met two new people today, Zack found that his mood was slowly starting to improve, if only out of necessity. While he didn't like dumping his problems on his friends, he was even less willing to do so with a stranger. More than that, Rose had been very personable and he'd felt good about himself for being to help her with a few things. It was remarkable how something as small as a good conversation could help so much.

And even better was the fact that he could now go wherever he wanted. It was probably the best part about Sunday. Better than that was that he hadn't been scheduled to see a visitor today. He had an idea of who might have come to see him, and while he missed her, he didn't need to see her the way she would probably be now.

So, the question remained: where to go? He would need to get outside at some point, but he figured he'd leave that until the end of the day. At the moment he just wanted to keep his mind busy, which led him to deciding on the Game Room. Even if he couldn't find someone to play with, enough of the stuff kept there was also usable for one person. Once he got bored of that, he could head out onto the recreational field and run some laps.

Those guys didn't even have to order him to do that. Still, Zack preferred that: to do something for himself rather than because he was told to.

The Game Room was completely empty when he entered, but Zack hoped that it would fill up before long. In the meantime, he grabbed a deck of cards and sat down to deal out a game of Solitaire.

[For Tifa.]

mikado, izaya, kirk, zack, tifa, scott pilgrim

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