Day 57: Intercom, Morning

Jun 26, 2011 01:00

The intercom's jingle was accompanied by a higher volume of static than was considered normal, and as such, the entire first half of the announcement was unintelligible. Fortunately, it cleared in time for the most important parts. That was, after all, what counted in the institute.

As most likely predicted, the doctor's voice sounded upbeat and cheerful. " is time for our usual weekly brunch! As always, we have an array of breakfast and lunch foods available, including muffins, cereals, granola, waffles, pancakes, scrambled eggs, tater tots, sausage patties and links, vegetable soup, bagels, burgers, hot dogs, pizza, and tacos - all of which you can put together or mix-and-match into a meal! And, of course, we'll also have our usual salad bar and fresh fruits, along with tofu and salted soybeans, and our normal assortment of drinks.

"...Mmmm. Doesn't that just sound scrumptious? Oh! And another reminder for our patients to participate in this week's suggestion box and today's movie poll!

"I do think that's all. Enjoy brunch, everyone, and look forward to visitors in just a little while!"

The intercom clicked off.

[ As a reminder, only patients with A or S Ranks get the buffet. B Rank and lower still get the pink gruel. NEWLY ACCEPTED CHARACTERS are free to reply to this with their introduction post. Please have your character wake up in a random room if we have not yet assigned them. Thank you! ]

seishin, intercom

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