Day 56: Main Street (noon)

May 08, 2011 20:59

Taura's stomach was growling, but she could be patient. Her nails were still tacky; she'd rather wear nail polish and eat lunch than vice versa ( Read more... )

byrne, celty, s.t., albedo, yomi, renamon, taura, depth charge, mele, zack, hope, the scarecrow

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corvus_veritas May 10 2011, 01:54:58 UTC
Poor Byrne was starving by noon. He hadn't eaten all day - though admittedly, that was his own fault. He'd left that sack meal on the bus, after all. But whatever. He had those coupons in his pocket and he knew at least one of them was for a free lunch. Anything was better than that goo the Institute dished out, anyway. (Assuming that was what had been in the bag. What else would it've been?)

The problem now was finding the lunch place. Where was it? Somewhere down this street, right? He swore he saw it earlier, but now he couldn't remember. Ugh. As he trudged through the snow, looking around for anything remotely resembling a fast food restaurant, his mind began to wander. He started thinking about what Niikura had told him just a few moments ago, his encounter with Badd last night, Kay's being here before, and a multitude of other things, like Gant and Renamon. Oh yeah, Byrne really needed to talk to Gant and Renamon again after everything he's learned so far. Well...then again, he really wasn't looking forward to Renamon's reaction to his apologizing again for not listening to her. Would she be mad? Wo--

...Speak of the devil, there she was right there.

Byrne froze in place. Should he approach her, or should he pretend he never saw her and keep walking? Yesterday he'd told her he would give her words his full consideration, and oh hoh, how he'd done the very opposite when she started talking 'crazy'. He knew he needed to see her again, but... Now that he was finally ready to believe in time travel and other worlds, would she believe him when he said it? This would be the second time he was going to end up apologizing and the second time he would claim that he'd listen to her. Should he even bother?

Oh, screw it. After a good ten seconds he forced himself to walk up to her, cleared his throat loudly--awkwardly--and then called out, "Renamon?"


yin_yang_fox May 10 2011, 04:03:04 UTC
Of the man, the Digimon had seen him approach and paused where she stood, waiting. It had been less than a day since they had spoken, and the man had showed his unwillingness to accept the differences that came with this place. It was nothing to hold fault for, but it was a liability nonetheless--something that could end in his destruction if he held to it too fiercely. Still, he looked relatively unharmed; so far, then, he had not come to pains over his misconceptions.

She shifted to face him, eyes bright and intent. "Byrne," she greeted casually, giving a polite incline of her head. "Are you doing well?"


corvus_veritas May 10 2011, 17:53:13 UTC
Oh good, she seemed to be in a good mood. But her question, despite being simple, caused him to hesitate for a brief moment. Was he doing well? Uh. No?

"I'm fine," Byrne responded after a second's pause, smiling at her as if nothing were wrong with the world. "I was just about to go get lunch, in fact. At uh..." - he paused to quickly pull the coupons out of his pocket and examine them - "Tasty Burger. Wherever that is." Maybe Renamon knew? She'd been here before, right? Hopefully she knew because god, he was so hungry he could die right now. "Anyway, how're you?"


yin_yang_fox May 11 2011, 03:53:39 UTC
She glanced at the coupons, another thing that had not changed in the time that was given. "Would you like me to show you where it is?" she questioned lightly. If she had nothing to accomplish, at the least she could make herself useful to another. That he had moved to speak with her again at least said that he had believed some of what she had said. So she would only continue until the rest settled in. Soon, hopefully.

Of his question, there were ways to answer. Bandaging was well hidden on her calf and forearm, covered by jean and cloth, and of that, there was nothing but a repeat, something similar in nature. Last night's events moved instead to Morgan's goals--and the Digimon wondered if the woman believed her with the found files or if she still believed her friends had escaped. Renamon had stated it bluntly, but she was not overly cruel--if the other wanted hope, she could have it until it became something that hindered actions instead of helped. Regardless, it was not Renamon's concern. "Hm," she wondered. "As well as can be. There's nothing overtly wrong."


corvus_veritas May 13 2011, 04:18:35 UTC
"Ah." Byrne nodded his head. That was good, that she was alright. He had spent the majority of last night in Badd's room, so he had no idea what kinds of things had happened outside. Had anything even happened? He'd have to ask...among apologizing and other things.

To Renamon's offer, he responded more cheerfully. "Sure. We could keep talking there, if you'd like? If you don't have any plans, anyway." By this point, Byrne had gotten over his initial desire to avoid her and now hoped she was free so that he could ask her as many questions as possible. With as long as she said she's been here, she has to have a lot of information on the inner workings of this place - the seemingly impossible quirks of this place. It was high time he finally listened to that information, whatever it turned out to be in the end.


yin_yang_fox May 13 2011, 05:58:53 UTC
Here, again, she inclined her head. "That would be fine," she responded casually. As if she wasn't just considered what to occupy her time with. Her head tilted somewhat. "I should probably eat as well."

[to here]


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