Peter didn't know if he and Firo had left on the best terms, if only because the younger man was still so confused about what was going on in this place. The change in time period had a lot to do with it, but it had also sounded like he'd had a lot going on in his life before ending up here. Then again, who hadn't? Peter had just exploded before
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The place was already pretty packed with people, all crammed inside and eating away. Like Lightning, it was the smell that got to him most though. It was strong, oily... and definitely familiar. Not from home, but from that building they were all being held in. Where had he smelled this before? In the cafeteria, right? But what was the...?
"Oh!" It hit him all at once what it was. He remembered! "They have those things here!" Lightning had gotten here too late to try it, so she probably had no idea what he was even talking about. "Um. They served it once back at the main building, but they haven't had it since then. I think it's supposed to be a delicacy. It's like this round sandwich thing with multicolored sauces all over the insides! 'S pretty gross, actually. But they come with these skinny, yellow things that are really good!"
He probably sounded a bit excited explaining this whole thing. Probably because he was. It also kind of made him feel all important, like he knew a little more information about local Pulse culture than one would think since he'd been there longer. ...Which actually wasn't something get a big head about, but the guy was kind of proud about it anyway.
However, with the line of people in front of the... counter, she guessed it was, she was reminded of the cafe NORA ran- no wonder Snow seemed to have a reason for excitement. Despite what he said, she was quickly getting the impression that this wasn't exactly the finest establishment the town had to offer. At least she hoped it wasn't. Cocoon restaurants weren't like this at all, in general.
In any case, she rubbed her hands together briefly, trying to get rid of the tingling, then pulled out the papers again, deftly separating out the appropriate one before practically shoving it into the other l'Cie's chest.
"Knock yourself out then," she said flatly. She had little interest in this... supposed delicacy or whatever came with it, regardless of how many people seemed perfectly happy as they sat and devoured the food in question. She wasn't used to heavy things at all, so she was certain that it would likely make her sick even without what was sure to be way too much flavor.
Snow was actually surprised, though, when Light went and relinquished her paper thing and shoved it at him. He hadn't actually looked over his little book of papers so he hadn't realized what they were. Not until now, now that he had the chance to look one over and see what it said. Oh. Oh! "Hah, really? Thanks!"
This was kind of exciting, even if it meant he had to wait on a line now. The line was really short at the moment, thankfully. Looked like a lot of people had gotten their food by now, and the Tasty Burger staff had apparently prepared themselves ahead of time for the influx of "Free Tasty Burger meal" coupons, so they were handing things out pretty quick. So it only took a minute or so before Snow found himself holding two bags (yes, two cause he used his own paper thing as well) of food in one hand. ...Apparently, the people here enjoyed handing food out in bags rather than on plates. He'd noticed they'd done that this morning before they'd gone into the "buses," too. So it seemed like this was pretty normal. Not that he really cared. As long as it wasn't on the ground, right?
Well, whatever. Once they were in hand, he grinned and held them up to Lightning, offering a bag to her so she could experience this famous Pulse cuisine he'd just been rambling about. She hadn't seemed very enthusiastic, but she had to at least try the yellow things. He was sure she'd change her tune once she actually tried them.
Of course, all of this seemed wrong to her. The question kept leaping into her mind- were these random people really worth trying to fool by the military forces currently in control of the institute? Why hide what they were doing behind the facade of a hospital? From what she'd seen so far, none of the town's population seemed very happy about their presence; the ex-soldier seriously doubted that any of them would really notice or even care if the 'patients' stopped showing up at all!
But it also brought up another odd thought, and Lightning's crossed arms only tightened around each other as it occurred to her: Did the modern people of Pulse as a whole not want to fight Cocoon any more? ... Did they even know about l'Cie?
... Then, in her intensified state, the young woman's eyes landed on someone wearing what must have been the restaurant's uniform, holding a long staff...thing in her hands. After several too-long moments of confusion, she realized that-- was she cleaning the floor manually like that?
This place was... wrong. There was no other word to describe it.
And as soon as Snow returned, it was obvious that she was beyond ready to get out again. "I don't really want that," she said flatly, stepping back slightly towards the door, holding up her hand with fingers half-straightened. Even with as little as she'd eaten during her time imprisoned, she wasn't very hungry at all, and the scent of this place wasn't helping.
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