Waking carried a sense of disappointment along with it for the first time in a long time. Klavier actually sighed in irritation when he realized where he was. Damn it all. So they hadn't managed to move quickly enough to cover as much ground as they had hoped. It was a shame, really. Last night had actually proven to be relatively productive. If
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The word came suddenly, and with the dead weight of fact behind it. The expression kept for a moment, then lightened the barest degree, Albedo watching the other flatly. "If you're going to hate me, hate me for what I say and do, not the conclusions that you draw yourself. When," The word was sharp, hissed--emotions too potent in the solitary syllable. "Did I say that Nigredo is there to entertain me? When did I say he is mine to play with? Answer me that, Klavier! When did I say I didn't care about him?!"
The boy took in a breath, small chest rising and falling, visibly shifted by the other's words. "Listen to me carefully." He blinked once, the only time his gaze broke during this time. "This is the last time I'll warn you by words.
"Do not think that you understand us. Do not think that it's as simple as you think it appears. Do not. Think. That you can come between us." Again, he blinked, something vaguely human returning to his mien. "And don't think that you understand how I feel about my brother. You don't. Not at all. I would never abandon him."
But when that silence settled after he'd finished yelling, after the anger started fizzling away and he had time to focus on the look that had come across the child's face... he suddenly became vastly aware of the fact that he was... really wrong about not being afraid of him. The rage on his face faded and he simply stared back, his entire body freezing in place right there. There was a tight dread clenching over his chest, but for the life of him, he didn't dare break eye contact or even move at all. Because that look... It was the same sort of look he'd had on his face that night Klavier had had to carry a blood-soaked Rubedo out of the Sun Room. A look that didn't belong on any child's face. Like an animal about to rip something apart.
That might have been why when the silence was finally broken, it just felt like that much more of a slap to the face. Or maybe it was simply because the use of German made the insult feel that much more personal (he hadn’t realized this kid even knew any German). Either way, Klavier was left staring in wide eyed shock as Albedo spoke, every word seeming several times harsher with that look behind it. He actually was stricken speechless.
For a few moments, he honestly entertained the thought that maybe there was a chance that he was wrong. Not so much because he felt his assessment was wrong but simply due to the anger Albedo was displaying right then. After all, weren’t people more sincere when they were truly, honestly angry? Didn’t confessions come quickest when limits were pushed and people became upset? That was what he had learned over the years, and here, too, it held true. It was really difficult to read a display like this as anything but completely honest. And really, it was true that he hadn’t phrased it in that exact way, yes. So Klavier couldn’t answer him.
But as far as Klavier was concerned, the things one didn’t say was just as, if not more, important than what actually was. Albedo may not have specifically said anything about not caring, but he’d never stated he did care either. And hadn’t he just referred to Nigredo as a possession? Hadn’t he said he’d treat him however he wanted? Klavier… would never dare say anything disrespectful like that with regards to his own brother. No matter what he may have done or what his feelings toward him might be. (…Was that why he felt so offended by their situation? Was he actually reading something a bit more personal between the lines of what they said regarding each other?)
No, Klavier couldn’t say he felt like he was wrong. Nor could he say he felt like he was entirely right either. There were far too many contradictions here for him to understand the truth of the matter. He felt like he didn’t have enough information. Now it was simply a matter of whether he really had the stomach to continue digging. …Oh please. What kind of stupid question was that? Of course he’d keep digging. Because as scared as he honestly was right then and there, the idea of leaving this be, of apologizing, or letting Albedo run off and act as he had been under the assumption that he was actually right? That was… unacceptable.
“No…” He was a lot quieter now, still trying to sound firm, but the ferocity was gone. “You can’t say that. You can’t say you’d never abandon him. Not when you’ve attacked him before.” He swallowed and tried to frown, tried to bite back the instincts that were screaming at him and continue speaking. “You’ve said before that you wouldn’t hurt, and since then, you’ve attacked both of them. You were even proud to tell me about the incident with Nigredo. …Now you expect me to believe a claim like that?” Truthfully, he kind of wanted to. He wanted to believe even a little monster like Albedo was capable of loving his brothers. But it had already been disproven so many times. …And it was hard to have faith in someone when you were trying really hard not to back away from them. “You already betrayed him. Do you understand me? That isn’t a ‘conclusion.’ That’s a fact. So what makes you think... you can even say that?”
And don’t assume… I don’t understand anything about the two of you.
Like a dog ill-trained, Klavier would make a mess of things time and time again. Albedo would do well to put more care into his efforts. Or do both a favor and detach Klavier's existence from this disgusting conglomerate of a world. A reality too entranced with its inadequacies, too in love with its own faults to realize the worthlessness of its own meaning. Meaning?! It was faulty to even consider meaning. In this, there was nothing but things lacking.
Nothing but a drone of another drilling into his skull to rattle things that had quieted to life.
As if Albedo could think of it. As if there was anything but.
Oh, but word use. It had killed others time and time again, and here would likely be no different. Klavier had repeated abandon; the man had said betray. And what would always come to mind with those words, what would always be pushed forward with such startling clarity every time? It began with red and ended with black, and even as Albedo had begun to move on, it peaked with emotions, made worse by this creature's trampling. Klavier would speak of betrayal?! As if he knew it, felt it, other than by his own hand. Here, was what Albedo could not allow: here was a twin's tearing, then grinding his heel into the remains. Speak of betrayal? Albedo had tasted it, knew the scent as much as any other. He had betrayed them, he had wanted to kill them, but neither were innocents.
Neither could not claim blood on their hands. Of the three, was it not Albedo who was the most innocent?! And wouldn't that continue to be the most delicious of ironies. That handfuls of lives stained either brother, black and red, and white remained pure.
How he hated it!
He stared forward, humanity again bleached out as if it had never thought to return. "Do you want to banter about methods of betrayal? You, I, and Nigredo all have that guilt, thick and choking. Rubedo is the living incarnation of it, and you the follower in his footsteps. Nigredo and I--our violations are petty, and if you ask him, he'll speak the same."
His fingers tightened, muscles in his hand squeezing the small bones in Klavier's wrist together, grinding the joint to point of pain. "It's not that simple." His face darkened with anger finally, deep and potent, his eyes flashing violet. "I would never leave him. I will never abandon him."
Albedo leaned forward, malice adding a treatise to his words. "Do not insinuate that again."
But Albedo didn't attack, didn't do anything to rip apart the stitches in his hand. Instead, he spoke again. Threatening, horrible... and with a look that had somehow become even more severe. Albedo was furious, apparently. And although he wasn’t specifically doing anything yet, the threat was plenty obvious. But… what he was saying… it was so absolutely frustrating.
What the hell... was the matter with this kid?! "Warned him?" He thought that warning was about "getting between them" not about speaking. So now if Klavier did anything other than smile and nod and act like everything Albedo was saying was absolutely correct, he was going to attack him? If he dared disagree with him and didn't just blindly accept everything coming out of the child's mouth, despite all contradictions, this was somehow considered stepping over some kind of line and justified an assault? It was completely ridiculous! Just like when that “game” they’d played had gotten out of hand, Albedo was being completely unreasonable. He was determined to dictate things into something entirely one-sided rather than on equal footing. This wasn't a discussion or an argument. He wouldn't hear any opposing views or answer questions. Evidently, he wasn’t even allowed to ASK said questions even though they were entirely reasonable given the situation. Albedo hadn’t addressed the issue at all… in fact, he didn’t really answer anything over the course of this entire discussion!
The only thing Albedo had really said just now that was even slightly of substance was only something he was inferring from the boy’s words. That being that apparently Klavier was being nitpicky regarding the definition of betrayals and that all four of them were guilty of it to some degree, so this somehow made it completely alright that he’d tried to shatter his brother’s skull. That was exactly the same as all other forms of betrayal and DARING to ask about it was UTTERLY ridiculous, evidently. Bitterness aside though, the fact that Albedo would actually dare compare Klavier to himself was just…
The hand gripping his wrist got tighter and tighter as the boy spoke. It hurt. It hurt a lot. Far more than anyone would think coming from a prepubescent child. He already knew Albedo was unnaturally strong for his age and size, but the force behind it was still surprising. But Klavier just frowned, wincing and biting back any kind of audible response with grit teeth. He... he really wasn't kidding around! At this point, if Klavier said anything Albedo was seriously ready to assault him right then and there on the bus. And with how fast he could move, it was very likely the man could end up dead before security even had a chance to try prying the kid away. And yes, everything about that look indicated that he was plenty willing to resort to murder by this point.
Klavier tensed, frozen in place. He didn’t respond nor did he make any noise regarding the pain in his wrist. He was almost afraid to. Afraid to speak, afraid to move, afraid to so much as break eye contact. The silence between them stretched and all Klavier could do was breathe and ready himself. Prepare himself to do something drastic if need be should Albedo make an entirely undesirable move despite the man's reluctant complacency. It wasn't like him to give up like this, to let something go. But under these circumstances... did he really have a choice?
Klavier's hand was released and Albedo stared at his own as if it had been dipped in some radioactive muck. He shook, then pressed it against his pants, as if to wipe off residue, sliding across the bench to the edge in the same motion. He stared out across the aisle, something like bile but tasting of blood rising in his throat. He was going to be sick. He wanted to rip Klavier's throat out, so the man could gurgle his arguments softly. He'd rather tear out Klavier's eyes and force them down the man's own throat, see no evil, and speak none of it to me.
"A distraction," he forced out roughly, voice strangely hoarse. "I was a distraction." Of the question of wounds, answered as if nothing had passed. Violet eyes slanted back to Klavier, the rest of Albedo's body remained turned away. "Because I wouldn't allow him to be close to a threat. And he could shoot with precision while it was preoccupied."
Of why he spoke, or the reasons, none were apparent. Possibly to either.
That possibility vanished, however, when Albedo turned his head enough to peer back at him over his shoulder. Dear god, it really was like he was sulking. Like he was such a victim over here. But any animosity held between them would have to be put to the side if only for the briefest of moments.
It was those words. Those first two words finally uttered by the boy were enough of a surprise for it to openly show on the man's face. A distraction. Albedo had acted as a distraction for the sake of protecting Nigredo? For the sake of keeping some "thing" busy while Nigredo "shot" at it? That was how the boy had gotten injured?
On one hand, Klavier trusted Albedo about as much as he'd trust an arsonist with a lighter. The child was a liar and a manipulator. He couldn't really rely on the boy at all to be truthful. On the other hand... Klavier did trust certain factors of Albedo to remain constant. Had Albedo actually assaulted Nigredo, he wouldn't hesitate to say so. He wouldn't be the type to make up a story about it to escape blame. On the contrary, Albedo was normally more than happy to accept blame for his crimes and wholeheartedly confessed. So if he says otherwise... that's perhaps more trustworthy than not.
However, if what he was really saying was the case, then something didn't make sense here. Klavier continued to eye the boy warily, unsure. Asking for further details was apparently out of the question. So should he remain quiet or did he dare risk opening his mouth and pressing Albedo again regarding a single point?
...It was a short decision to mull over. Klavier had never been one to back down easily, after all. But he remained reserved as he carefully asked, "...If that's the case, why didn't you simply say so from the beginning?"
He just wanted the bus to stop. And to be away from this one as quickly as possible. "And it's none of your business," he added with no real heat. "What we do. You have no holding on either of us."
So might as well play. Nothing else to do. Right?
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