Night 55: Greenhouse Yard

Apr 14, 2011 02:31

[from here]Sai stepped cautiously out into the yard. Now that they were outside, it was impossible to tell what they'd run into. Even with flashlights, they wouldn't be able to see far. Then there was the matter of the greenhouse and the fact that they'd be clearly visible to anything that might be waiting inside it ( Read more... )

sai, brook, the scarecrow

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scarefaux April 19 2011, 02:49:19 UTC
Watching Carter tie the makeshift ice pack to his arm, the Scarecrow was thankful for his optimism, even if it was becoming apparent they were trying to keep one another from recalling the nightmare they'd just lived through and all the consequences that came with it. "You're right. I'd be surprised if there's anything those nurses can't fix. Everything will be just fine by morning." The trick was going to be making it until morning arrived. The snow made the grounds look brighter than normal- it was hard to tell how late into the night it really was. If they were going to get to town before the sun came up, it was probably best that they got moving.

The Scarecrow slipped into his now-laceless boots; without the strings to keep them together, he couldn't think of a better way to carry them than either on his feet or in his hands, and he already knew the latter wasn't much of an option. Leaving them behind and risking the soldiers finding he'd lost them wasn't a better choice. He'd have to save feeling the crunch of the snow beneath human feet for later- with his arm, he'd had quite enough sensation for the time being, anyway.

Moving his arm a little to make sure the hat wasn't going anywhere, the Scarecrow gave Carter a nod. "This oughta hold me together for sure. How can I ever thank you enough?"


stlg13bomber April 19 2011, 23:53:07 UTC
"I...just..." Carter fumbled his words and Frank's hat, almost embarrassed by the statement. People didn't thank him so emphatically very often. Sure, he got scolded plenty, and maybe there was a brief bit of praise when he did something really right, but he'd never been so outright helpful.

"It's nothing. Just doing a soldier's duty, y'know?" he managed awkwardly as he knelt again to stuff the second hat with snow. "It's not a big deal. I'm just used to this sort of thing." When he tied the second hat to Frank's arm he did it with a bit more flourish and an eager smile, even making the knot look prettier just so he'd have done the best job he could.


scarefaux April 20 2011, 07:04:25 UTC
Even with his arm in questionable shape and the danger they'd faced still fresh on his mind, the Scarecrow couldn't help but wear a smile to match Carter's. The encounter with the Burning Man had taken a toll on them both, but as long as they stuck together, he was sure everything would turn out okay. He might not have known how to deal with burns, but he could at least return the favor by keeping the sergeant's spirits up.

With two hats tied to his arm and the wound feeling far less on-fire than it had been, it was time to tackle their next obstacle. "Well, now that I'm patched up, let's see what we can do about that wall. We've got a town to visit!"

The snow crunched pleasantly beneath his boots as the Scarecrow approached the wall that bordered the building. "It certainly looks higher from up close," he noted. "Are you sure you'll be able to hold me on your shoulders?" There was a pause as he thought for a second. "I'm not sure how much I weigh, to be perfectly honest."


stlg13bomber April 20 2011, 15:10:52 UTC
"You're pretty thin, and my arm's all fixed now. It should be fine." Carter wandered to the wall and pondered it, trying to judge how much of a lift he'd need to give Frank for him to be able to climb over on his own. He linked his fingers together and gave them a few practice raises, sucking on his lip in firm concentration.

The wind whispered through the courtyard, not strong but enough to make Carter very aware of how cold and wet his fingers were. The soldiers had given them some really nice outfits but they hadn't thought of gloves or mittens. Perhaps he could request some tomorrow.

He wiped his hands on his hands, then rubbed them together to try and get more feeling back into them. "Okay, I think I get it. You step on my hands and then you stand on my shoulders. I think that'll get you high enough that you only need one arm to climb over. Then I can just jump up and come over by myself. Is that okay?" He'd have a hard time climbing with the crowbar in hand...wait, it was a crowbar! He could just use it to hook on the wall and climb up that way, cgrappling hook style. Oh, he was so smart.


scarefaux April 20 2011, 19:00:40 UTC
The Scarecrow nodded vigorously as Carter explained how they were going to scale the wall. He put a hand on the brick, recalling when he'd climbed over the one connecting the Recreational Field to the Courtyard. Maybe this one only seemed higher because it led to the outside rather than to another part of the Institute? Or it might have been more intimidating because he wasn't sure what was on the other side.

Of course, when he, Remy, and Kibitoshin had climbed over the wall from the field, they had landed not in the Courtyard as expected, but in town. While he was sure it was probably an effect of the enchanted doors that had been everywhere that night, he supposed there was a chance it was something that all the walls did. Well, he was about to find out soon enough.

"That sounds just fine by me," the Scarecrow replied, preparing himself to step into Carter's grasp. "I'm ready when you are."


stlg13bomber April 20 2011, 19:20:04 UTC
Carter widened his stance and braced himself against the wall, waiting for Frank to step up onto him. He really hoped the man was as light as he looked, or this evening was going to end in even more pain.


scarefaux April 20 2011, 20:18:12 UTC
With as quick and tender steps as one could perform in clunky, unlaced boots, the Scarecrow stepped into Carter's hands and onto his shoulders, wobbling only a little before climbing to the top of the wall. Slick from the snow, the boots slid on the wall before finding a hold. He ended up using his wounded arm unthinkingly as he scrabbled to the top- it reminded him quickly not to put too much pressure on it.

He caught himself before falling over the other side, taking a moment to find a steady spot on the edge. Looking to the land outside of the wall, he turned his eyes to the ground. It only then occurred to him that he'd lost his flashlight somewhere along the way- oh, that was right! He'd dropped it in the hall. He supposed he couldn't blame himself for being distracted. Maybe Scar wouldn't mind if his flashlight was a little used when he got it.

Thankfully, the snow was bright enough to see the ground below him was clear. "All looks good on this side," he called to Carter. "Come on up!"


stlg13bomber April 21 2011, 04:48:30 UTC
"Okay!" Carter called back. Right, so the crowbar went up here to hang on the wall and the flashlight...went down his pants, since in his pocket there was a chance it would fall out. At least that one guy wasn't around to tease him for having strange things in his pants using euphemisms Carter didn't quite get.

It took some grunting and wiggling, but Carter finally made it to perch on top of the wall. He took the flashlight back out again and shone it playfully in Frank's face before crunching down into the snow besides him. "And there we go!" he said triumphantly. "Let's get walking."


scarefaux April 22 2011, 08:26:31 UTC
The Scarecrow smiled in return before sliding off the wall to the ground below. It had been a more dangerous endeavor than expected, but they were finally out!

[To here.]


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