Night 55: Hall of Armour

Apr 08, 2011 11:12

[From here]

Scott couldn't help but open with a Keanuism upon entering the room: "Whoa."

The large hall was much better lit than the previous space had been, and just as Depth Charge had said, it had everything, apparently - or at least as close to everything as one could fit into nine displays. There were suits of armour there, one medieval, one samurai, and one Roman, among others. They were all lined along the brown stone walls, standing motionless and flecked with dry blood. He was almost expecting the lot of them to go all Bedknobs & Broomsticks on them, but thankfully, they stayed motionless even as the three moved into the space.

And it was as Scott moved in that he noticed one suit of armour on the end that looked more familiar than the rest. Not because it was familiar to him personally, but because he knew the design through sheer force of ingrained nostalgia alone. He started walking faster, then jogging, then outright dashed until he reached the thing. The polished orange and yellow chrome. The green visor. The mounted power beam.

It was Samus's power suit from Metroid.

Again. "Whoa."

Only one thing about it differed from the usual design of the power suit, however, and that was the thing sticking out of its chest. It too was familiar, and in a much bigger way. Scott had seen the thing again only just last night - how could it not be familiar? Coming out of a gash in the armour's metal chest plate was a katana hilt with a heart on the end - the hilt of the Power of Love. It too was covered in dried blood, moreso even than any of the armour.

"This... should not be here," Scott said, a very ominous chill running down his spine.

depth charge, s.t., scott pilgrim

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