NIGHT 55: Crossroad's Bar and Casino

Apr 03, 2011 19:14

[From here]

The first bit of clarity came with the sudden realization that her butt was wet. Frowning, Tifa took her eyes from a rusty-edged door and looked down. She was sitting on a toilet!

"Ahh--!" Her scream dried in her throat to nothing more than a whisper as she flew off the porcelain with all haste. It would be hard to fight zombies in a cubicle if sounded the alarm this quickly. Her back slammed against the bathroom door, leaving her to topple out and onto the ground. Oh god, how thankful she was to have put on those gloves. The floor was surprisingly free of water and urine, but she still doubted this tile got washed all that often.

It was a delicate affair getting back on her feet, one that took more time than necessary, but she had all night long to finish this. Might as well not catch anything if she could help it. Once she made it to the mirrors above the sinks, Tifa noticed the true danger she was in.

This is the men's room. IT'S THE MEN'S ROOM!

The young woman didn't know where to look! The urinals were a terror, the tile was yellow, the walls... she wasn't even sure what the walls were covered in. The mirrors were her best bet. She kept here eyes on her own and just side-stepped her way out of there. With a hand on the door, Tifa slowly pushed it open, keeping the knife in her right hand. With no electricity running through the town (let alone the bar), Tifa could see her breath in the dark. At the time, she hadn't thought she'd need extra layers, having braved Gaea's Cliffs with a bra and not much else, but now it had been a wise choice indeed.

She kept low, crouching for safety and warmth, and tip-toed further into the establishment. Nothing around her suggested she was with company, but more than one person had told her the owner of the bar roamed free at night. She had a knife and her bare hands against an undead. The outcome wasn't in her favor, so the longer she could avoid that the better.


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