Night 55: M91-M100 Hallway

Apr 02, 2011 14:19

There existed nothing like forced silence and agitating static to cut through a meal. Any bad moods incurred were permanently sealed within him, and in veiled disgust, Nigredo swallowed what remained in his mouth. The declaration for causality was largely ignored; although others might have found the General's words to be foreboding, he had anticipated nothing else. Being observed and living in consequence were both daily factors to an U.R.T.V.'s life. It might as well have been his father speaking over the intercom, and that man was a complication. Nigredo would continue as though nothing had changed.

The problem, of course, was that his headache had now worsened. Eating, drinking, and tossing aside his beret had done little to relieve it; conversing with a disliked roommate and the ridiculous feedback from the intercom might have caused a tear in his nerves. He had a brother to meet and hopefully stay by. Any chance of sleep or sedation was out of the question. Tonight was going to be a telling experience, but maybe he could avoid most of the damage if he remembered not to send.

...Or maybe he could exchange his Y chromosome for an additional X. That was just as likely, no?

Sighing, he opened his closet and grabbed the leather jacket, throwing it on in an almost irritated fashion. Setting foot outside wasn't very likely tonight, but Nigredo was tired of being cold. He would rather exist in the dead of summer with the sun high above his head. At least then the boy would be pleasantly distracted, not painfully stuck in his surroundings.

He gathered the rest of his belongings--flashlight, bottle, and shield--and without throwing a look in Sync's direction, stormed out his room and down the hall.

[To here.]


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