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bodhiandspirit April 4 2011, 01:28:25 UTC
So it was him. That saved some time, at least. Rita could forgive the lack of detail in his self-description since he'd been so punctual.

At the mention of her name, Rita gave a quick nod to confirm, not bothering to add her given name. This Morgan guy seemed to be more interested in getting on with business, anyway.

Search and Rescue... Rita had seen their messages on the bulletin board, and while she hadn't paid them much attention, she at least remembered what their general purpose was: to help those who had been taken for 'sleep studies'. Rita, who had no connection to this guy and his unlucky friend, briefly considered leaving him and going out on her own, but the gashes in her leg served as a reminder of the value of allies. Maybe a short detour wouldn't be that big a deal.

Aside from a small frown, Rita didn't react very strongly to Morgan's words. After taking a few moments to consider the situation, she decided she might as well accompany him. Maybe she'd learn a few things while she was at it. "Fine. We can talk on the way." She unfolded her arms, raising her right hand to show the ruby ring on her finger. "I'd like to know why you had such a specific interest in this, for starters."


swornandbroken April 8 2011, 02:43:39 UTC
"Come on, then."

Mello weighed his options as he made for the stairs. Telling most of the truth about what had prompted him to ask today gave away less than the reasons that had been secondary when he'd asked, though it would expose the misstep in strategy he'd made by not realizing that even people wearing the rings would have lost them when all the contraband vanished from the rooms.

"I wanted my friend to have it before lights-out. Might not have worked, but it was worth a try." He ignored, with an indifference he'd been practicing so long that he could no longer tell if it was feigned or not, the whisper in the back of his mind that told him he was consciously choosing to believe that, instead of having to feel he'd given it a go and failed.

[to here, and I'm sorry my slow posting was so very slow!]


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