Day 54: Lunch

Jan 25, 2011 01:07

All things considered, last shift had been pretty low key. After this morning's disaster, though, that was perfectly fine by Claude. Some fresh air and a chance to make sure Guy and Okita were all right weren't things to take for granted. It was also good to have a fairly normal, conversation with Guy that didn't slip off into awkward territory ( Read more... )

leela, sechs, asuka, senna, tsubaki, bella, scott pilgrim, anise, gumshoe, izaya, the doctor, gren, ranulf, sora, england, prussia, rei, claude, guybrush, niikura, taura, elena gilbert, claire bennet, javert, lana skye, ruby, mello, brainiac 5, byrne, albedo, sakura, guy, stefan, kairi, gaara, peter petrelli, nigredo, kibitoshin, tear, soma, damon, rita, two-face, yuffie, ritsuka, rapunzel, isaac, castiel, edgar, allelujah, hijikata, the scarecrow, trickster, ippo, alaric, yomi, riku, sai, mccoy, zack, kratos, l, captain jack

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girlsandgadgets January 24 2011, 18:43:07 UTC
Despite the chaos of the food fight and consequent gassing during the first shift, the cafeteria was as clean as ever by the time lunch rolled around. Edgar found himself pleasantly surprised as he entered the room- as one of the first there, it was still in pristine condition. The new guards stood watching from seemingly every corner, creating the same tense atmosphere that had been present before ( ... )


quarter_english January 24 2011, 20:45:44 UTC
L was one of the first people through the lunch line, his stomach rumbling at the scent of the food. Fish was out of the question, but fruit salad wouldn't be enough to tide him over until dinner; he would, at least, eat some chips, as well as whatever protein substitute they were feeding the vegetarians. The cafeteria was spotless; there was no visible surface evidence that it had been the site of mass revolt only a few hours earlier ( ... )


melodists January 25 2011, 00:16:21 UTC
Displeasure creased along her brow as Tear entered the cafeteria, the object of her ire centering on this morning's events. It was ridiculous, really, how one's whim can destroy the constructive elements of a single day. Furthermore, it was beyond ludicrous how anyone would believe inciting a food fight would provide enough cover for anything relatively productive. Especially in the presence of soldiers and children. For a variety of reasons, nothing in breakfast had been a good thing ( ... )


girlsandgadgets January 25 2011, 08:48:58 UTC
Hearing a nurse mention his assigned name, Edgar looked up, only to find Ryuuzaki joining him at the table. Even with the morning's events and the eyes of the Eagle's guards on them, the regular staff had no trouble with their usual duty of forcing conversation on lone patients. No matter- that made one more acquaintance he'd seen more than once, which seemed to be a rarity at times.

"To say the very least, Daniel," Edgar answered with a smirk after swallowing his bite. "I was able to take cover in the Sun Room, but it seems from the watery-eyed looks of the lineup outside that most patients weren't so fortunate. I'm starting to believe these guards ( ... )


quarter_english January 26 2011, 05:28:15 UTC
L would have to ask Edgar what he thought about the soldiers later.

The girl who approached them was young--attractive, too. It was difficult to gauge her exact age, but his best guess would be mid-to-late teens; the fresh texture of her skin, the scarcity of lines around her eyes and on her neck, and the development of her figure all suggested it.

He could think of at least two reasons why someone might seek him out. This could be Tear, from the bulletin board, or it could be someone else who had seen his instructions to look for him, and had reasons of their own for wanting to find him. It didn't seem like the girl had been sent by an acquaintance, because the acquaintance would have described him and pointed him out; she had needed to ask a nurse who he was.

He rolled his eyes at Edgar's attempt to flirt with her, then swallowed his latest bite of potato and stared at the girl with obvious curiosity. "I'm Daniel," he responded, in a tone more polite than his gaze. "Please sit down. There's a reason why you're looking for me?"


melodists January 27 2011, 00:54:20 UTC
There was a beat of conspicuous silence as Tear digested the responses from the first man. It stretched as she considered the connotations of the words "ravishing" and "lady", and for a brief moment, her cheeks turned a bright red. Despite what it seemed, the reason had little to do with the actual compliment and more the timing: she had approached with the expectation of business. The first greeting received was not exactly business. In fact, it only reminded the girl of a certain emperor who often went into bizarre tangents of a similar nature ( ... )


girlsandgadgets January 27 2011, 05:59:15 UTC
Edgar smiled in spite of the look Tear returned him. It wasn't uncommon for his advances to strike out, though her blushing was an entertaining touch. Her tone was familiar as she addressed Ryuuzaki: it was stiffly formal, reminding him of Celes in a way. Given the number of people he'd met with some form of military or combat training, there were bound to be others. From the way she carried herself and spoke, he was willing to bet she was one of them ( ... )


quarter_english January 28 2011, 07:55:58 UTC
She's businesslike, in spite of her age... professional. The tone of her messages on the board had also suggested it. What kind of life has she had, to have a military rank? A child soldier...?L wasn't categorically opposed to the idea of children doing work for which they were, by most reckonings, too young--not as long as they had the aptitude, the interest, and the maturity. It was how he had achieved his own position. Real battle was another matter; the exploitation that was usually involved didn't sit well with him. On the other hand, a look around the room would show anyone that Landel had thrust a number of Tear's near contemporaries into dangerous situations for which they might not be prepared. Disapproving of the concept of child combatants was pointless when you were eating lunch among them. If he could achieve his goals, their freedom would be one of the results ( ... )


melodists January 29 2011, 05:23:35 UTC
While Daniel's acquaintance busied himself with his meal, Daniel appeared intent on Tear--or more specifically, the facts left in her note. A lesser mind might have been impressed with the observations, but the soldier remained unmoved. They were obvious, after all. Anyone who paid attention would say the same. The things that truly surprised her, however, were his final statement and subsequent question.

Is he gauging my aptitude? It seemed to be the case. As for the reasons, she had somewhat of a guess. Nothing that could be proven, however.

She watched the dark-haired man for a minute, her mind knitting together the most appropriate response. What came was an honest assessment. There would be no danger in relaying this to a stranger. "...I find Landel's to be very unorthodox," stated Tear calmly. "I am not from Earth, but even we have need for hospitals. And this place--" Here, she hesitated. Fault of nostalgia, for certain. "--reminds me more of a research facility."


girlsandgadgets January 29 2011, 07:20:19 UTC
Continuing to show only passing interest in the conversation, Edgar listened to Ryuuzaki's question and Tear's response, recalling the aforementioned note from the board. Her answer followed along conclusions he'd reached as well: while potion shops and apothecaries were more common than clinics and hospitals in his world, they weren't entirely foreign to him. Landel's certainly did resemble an asylum during the day.

Her secondary observation caught his attention. Though Landel's was outwardly a far cry from the Empire's Magitek Research Facility, the experiments at night did create some similarities between the two. The Empire was using their prisoners for the development of Magitek weapons; however, Landel's intentions toward his captives, beyond the element of brainwashing, were unclear. The fact that so little was known- at least by the general populace, as far as Edgar could tell- made the Head Doctor even more dangerous.

Edgar remained quiet for now- it'd be rude to interrupt the conversation in its infancy, after all.


quarter_english January 31 2011, 08:40:01 UTC
"Yes, that's very astute." It was obvious that the Institute's purported 'therapeutic mission' was only a veneer, and that experimentation was its ultimate purpose. Still, there were some people who would never notice it, whether out of innate stupidity or because something about their past had left them unequipped to do so.

He frowned at an element of her statement, remembering something she had written about "a fonon-based ability." Phonons? He wasn't aware of any technology that manipulated sound on a quantum level for the specific purpose of healing, nor could he tell whether or not the change in spelling meant anything. He could accept that some of the people at Landel's thought they were from distant, impossible places, but he couldn't absolutely prove or disprove it; all he could do was judge on the basis of the evidence in front of him. A strength or weakness might still be useful, regardless of whether or not the person possessing it was delusional about their point of origin. Nothing about Tear spoke of self-deception or ( ... )


melodists February 1 2011, 06:03:53 UTC
Edgar? Her gaze briefly slid over the other gentleman's features before she turned back to Daniel, the pieces lined for processing. Edgar, or "Edward", was likely not from this world, especially if he was familiar with the concept of fonons. The possibility of a fellow dweller of Auldrant interested the young woman, and if the subject wasn't so serious, she might have probed for more details.

For now, she had to answer the presented question. "I am from the planet of Auldrant," Tear said. She shifted gears, pulling an age-old explanation, similar to one she had used on Luke some time ago and another most recently. "And that is correct. All matter in my world is made up of fonons, or basic particles of sound. There is more to it, of course--"


"--but I would like to know why you are interested." Until that can be clarified, she couldn't afford to start rattling off basic principles.


girlsandgadgets February 1 2011, 07:33:11 UTC
Though sorely tempted to return Tear's look with a wink, Edgar behaved himself for now, especially since Ryuuzaki turned a question toward him.

Now his curiosity was piqued: she'd mentioned Auldrant. What were the chances she knew Natalia? Auldrant wasn't likely to be small; however, seeing how he'd managed to meet two people from his own world already, he was still willing to take that bet. Even more interesting would be if she also had magical abilities- after all, magic may have been common in their world. He smiled to himself, thinking that she didn't need to share any more characteristics with Celes. Her stoic demeanor was quite enough.

"I'm not familiar with fonons," Edgar admitted with an upturned palm, shaking his head, "though I have heard of Auldrant since I arrived here. My arm would still be in a sling if not for the abilities of a woman named Natalia, who claimed she was from there. She was quite talented. Lovely, too."


quarter_english February 7 2011, 04:11:14 UTC
Edgar's comment was helpful. It could best be seen as inconclusive evidence that Natalia possessed the abilities that Tear claimed to have, but even shaky proof that those abilities existed was a point in Tear's favor. Absolute certainty was a luxury in this situation, when L's need for allies was so great. Still, it wouldn't be prudent to depend on her skills until I've seen a demonstration of them, he thought ( ... )


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