Night 53: Disciplinary Therapy Room 1 [M-U for Elena Gilbert]

Dec 19, 2010 21:44

Memories were such fleeting things.

But taking them away was for simpler-minded individuals; no, it was returning them that made things truly interesting, especially for someone whose memories were so unique as hers. All inside the mind of a seemingly ordinary seventeen-year-old girl from a town that barely made its mark on a map.

Unlike most of these set-ups, this particular one was surprisingly benign. Elena sat on a nondescript couch-sort of an old couch, perhaps, but research was expensive and he did have a budget, after all-and the doctor was perched on the edge of an ordinary wooden desk. It would've almost looked like an office, if not for the complete lack of any other furniture. A small lamp provided the only source of light, casting a deceptively warm glow over the shadows.

She remained unrestrained; there was no possibility of her ever making it out of this room. He found those sorts of things uncouth, anyway. His preferred cleaner methods.

So there he sat, waiting patiently for her to come around. It would be any minute now.

m-u, elena gilbert

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