A great man once said that morality was the herd-instinct in the individual.
Despite what others might tell themselves in order to sleep peacefully at night, he believed that statement carried a hard, undeniable truth. No matter how much the human race chose to try to elevate themselves by adopting meaningless systems of "higher values", or enacting laws and rules meant to keep others in their place, it did not change the fact that Homo sapiens were, at their core, social animals who felt the need to behave in certain ways.
Tonight's experiment had been designed in order to investigate reasons a man could forsake his personal code of ethics. That was why Klavier Gavin, a patient who thus far showed great reluctance even in matters of self-defense, had been chosen for this test. The procedures were somewhat unusual in that they had already begun the process while Gavin was sedated. Having been injected with a special chemical several minutes ago, the patient would find quite the surprise waiting for him the moment he saw his doctor's face.
For now, however, he busily prepared his tools, back facing the unconscious patient as he worked.