Night 53: M81-90 Hallway

Dec 14, 2010 01:16


This was new for Scott. He was all changed and geared up to go for the night, but he couldn't get moving just yet. Instead, he had to wait for someone else to show up. What was his name again? Neko something? Whatever. Point was that right now, instead of heading out the door, Scott was sat down on his bed in the dark, awkwardly flipping a pair of AA batteries over and over in his hands as he waited for the knock that would signal him to his feet.

Not that he was in a huge rush to get back up to where he had been the previous night, of course. On the contrary, he was dreading the idea of having to go back through the same space he had faced NegaScott in. He knew, though, that going somewhere - anywhere - was better than just sitting around on his ass. ...Well, clarification: sitting around on his ass was better in most situations. Just not in ones where sitting on it could seriously hurt his chances for ever getting it back to his Ramona's bed in Toronto, where he could then comfortably sit on it to his heart's content. The less he did in the way of advancing in the Institute, the closer that left him to the ultimate game over. And so, he had to keep pushing forward. He had to fight on valiantly! For the sake of Ramona. For the sake of himself! For the sake of his ass!


How long is Neko Case here gonna be? Scott thought impatiently, checking the watch that wasn't there.

rita, guybrush, rubedo, scott pilgrim

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