Day 53: Sun Room, Morning

Nov 26, 2010 14:48

With breakfast finished and a new acquaintance made, the Scarecrow's mind turned to his other friends. The disappearance of Depth Charge's friend had brought back memories of how he'd felt when Kaiji went missing: helpless, useless, as though he should have and could have done something more to find him. If only he had his brain, then maybe he ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, s.t., gambit, tsubaki, anise, minato, the doctor, goku (dragonball), niikura, taura, claire bennet, peter parker, snow, lunge, lana skye, ruby, mello, soren, brainiac 5, xemnas, minako, stefan, tsukasa, watson, mele, damon, two-face, erika, tifa, the scarecrow, matt, maya, ishida, yukari, zack, kratos, rubedo, haseo, jo, bella, scott pilgrim, kaito, aigis, elle, izaya, austria, claire littleton, sora, prussia, chuck, leon (so2), buzz, dean winchester, guy, kairi, venom, depth charge, kibitoshin, ilia, lightning, rita, castiel, katniss, riku, yomi, aerith, sai, yue, claire stanfield, edward cullen, ema skye, mccoy, scar (tlk)

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bodhiandspirit November 29 2010, 07:52:42 UTC
As Furudo spoke, Rita listened in silence, offering no reactions to her words... until she mentioned the shadows touching people, which caused Rita's eyes to widen. "It touched you? You're sure?" That was unexpected. If true, it would create even more holes in Rita's existing hypotheses. However, if true, it would also bring them closer to the truth. No evidence could go overlooked. "How did it touch you? What did it feel like?"

Rita understood that she was expected to contribute some of her observations as well, though, so she began with what seemed the most relevant. "When I tried to attack the shadow that I encountered, my weapon passed right through it, and it gave no reaction. It didn't make any attempt to touch me," she described in a clinical manner that made no hint to the amount of panic Rita had actually experienced that night.

"I initially thought it had to be a projection of some kind, too. But if that was all it was, it doesn't explain how our own shadows appeared to disappear or become detached from our bodies..." Even Kida had noticed that hole in Rita's theory, frustratingly enough. "An alternative is that there was a much larger-scale illusion, extending beyond the fake shadows and somehow concealing the real shadows."

She gave a long, slow sigh, her shoulders sagging somewhat as she did. "... But I already know how impractical and unlikely that sounds." It still didn't sound as ridiculous as the idea of shadows suddenly getting up and talking by themselves, however. Unlikely theories were still infinitely better than impossible ones.


witchdetective November 29 2010, 19:16:28 UTC
"It was cold. Like metal." Erika stated this quite plainly, believing it to be an important clue. Indeed, it was like metal... though she wasn't able to touch it. Of course, at the time, Erika had thought of another explanation but didn't have the time to propose it before Sync's shadow went berserk. Erika hated to admit that she had lost her cool then... Not that she particularly cared about her companion, but it was a troubling sight. Now that her head was clearer, she was able to form a new theory to explain that little quirk. On top of that, Rita's shadow hadn't bothered to make contact, which meant perhaps the illusion truly remained an illusion to some. First, though, Erika wanted to address Rita's first point about the shadows.

Now, that... That, she had a slightly better explanation for.

"About the shadows... I believe the changes in the lighting was meant to play tricks on us to make it appear as if our shadows were dancing around. After all, depending on where the light is, your shadow would be very small, or very large, or very faint. Combine that with something that looks like your shadow is running from you and most people wouldn't bother checking, or might not even notice their real shadow. I believe your alternative theory is correct if you think about it like that."

Including herself, which Erika didn't bother mentioning. That was because she had thought that her shadow was with her the whole time. Not once would she bother believing that the thing she chased was actually, truly her shadow. To admit such a thing was like admitting that their shadows really did take a life on their own, and that line of reasoning was unacceptable to the detective. It wasn't even proper reasoning!


bodhiandspirit December 2 2010, 02:29:19 UTC
Cold, like metal. Rita nodded, acknowledging that this supported Furudo's theory of projections over a device. Rita's weapon could have passed through hers because she was striking at a non-solid portion of a thoroughly disguised device.

This girl's ideas about the lighting also seemed to make sense. "I suppose that's right," she agreed. "In the dim light, and with the distractions in front of us, it wouldn't be so difficult to obscure the real shadows to the point that we wouldn't see them." Could that really be it, though? It would still be insulting to know that her eyes had been deceived by such a simple trick.

For a short time, Rita's gaze wandered around the room, allowing her to watch some of the nurses as they went about their work. Looking back to Furudo, she asked, "So how often does the Head Doctor here reuse his tricks, anyway?" If at all, that was. Rita wasn't about to give him too much credit, however. "I can't say I want to run into those things again, but it would be easiest if we could just test these theories."


witchdetective December 2 2010, 02:55:32 UTC
Seeing Rita accept her theories so easily did wonders to Erika's bruised ego, and the detective had a look on her face that seemed to scream "well, of course it'd be right." Of course, then Rita had to go and ask her a question that she couldn't really answer, so Erika paused for a moment to think about it. Actually, she had been given a run-down of some recent events by Sync earlier... all of them sounded unique. He had been here much longer than she had, obviously, so while it wasn't the absolute proof that Erika would have wanted, it was an educated guess and that was acceptable enough.

"I haven't been here long enough to see if he does or not," Erika began, wondering herself if Landel-san's fancy tricks really would be reused. "But my companion last night listed several events that happened while he was here and they all seemed to be unique. If we stay here long enough, he may run out of tricks, but..."

It was pretty clear that Erika had no intention of actually staying that long. If the good doctor here was anything like Beatrice, as shabby as she was, Erika at least had to be astonished at the sheer number of stupid tricks the witch came up with to keep up her shoddy illusion. Yet even those were just that, illusions that couldn't hold up to the truth.

"I certainly don't plan on staying here long enough to wait for that. But I'm sure he'll have some more similar tricks to show us later." And if he was anything like Beatrice, there would be some common theme to those tricks that she could use to break them apart. Perhaps she should inquire with Sync or anyone else about those again... If Momo were still here, she might have been useful as well, but her time as a piece on this board had already passed. It was terribly inconvenient for the detective.

"... I do have one more question, but don't misunderstand. I simply want some broad information, not details. Am I right to assume that your shadow was trying to play on your insecurities? That it knew personal information about you that it shouldn't have?"

There was one more thing bugging Erika about this whole ordeal, and it might have supported a thought she had. The information that her shadow and Sync's shadow had... It wasn't something that Landel-san should have known, if he just pulled everyone in from different kakeras like the story was. At least, it shouldn't have been accurate in Erika's case. But it did support another theory that she was thinking of...


bodhiandspirit December 2 2010, 08:19:26 UTC
"So we may not get a chance to test anything," was what Rita was gathering from this. "But it's still possible that some elements of the illusions could be repeated in the future, so it can't hurt to keep our eyes peeled." Rita also didn't plan on staying long enough to see too many patterns take shape, but she was going to at least be prepared for a long term imprisonment, just in case.

Furudo's next question caused Rita's eyes to narrow; she couldn't help but feel apprehensive about discussing that particular aspect of the illusion.

But the actual information that was being sought wasn't anything so personal, so Rita forced away the knee-jerk reaction in order to give a proper answer. "... Yes," she answered succinctly at first, then elaborated after a pause. "Some were things I've never spoken to anyone about. I imagine Landel either has some way to spy on people over a long period without being detected... or he has some kind of technology that allows him to probe one's memories." The latter seemed a bit far-fetched, but Rita wasn't going to dismiss any possibility when she was surrounded by advanced alien technology. If it was conceivable in even the loosest sense, it was worth consideration.


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