Day 53: Sun Room, Morning

Nov 26, 2010 14:48

With breakfast finished and a new acquaintance made, the Scarecrow's mind turned to his other friends. The disappearance of Depth Charge's friend had brought back memories of how he'd felt when Kaiji went missing: helpless, useless, as though he should have and could have done something more to find him. If only he had his brain, then maybe he ( Read more... )

leela, kirk, s.t., gambit, tsubaki, anise, minato, the doctor, goku (dragonball), niikura, taura, claire bennet, peter parker, snow, lunge, lana skye, ruby, mello, soren, brainiac 5, xemnas, minako, stefan, tsukasa, watson, mele, damon, two-face, erika, tifa, the scarecrow, matt, maya, ishida, yukari, zack, kratos, rubedo, haseo, jo, bella, scott pilgrim, kaito, aigis, elle, izaya, austria, claire littleton, sora, prussia, chuck, leon (so2), buzz, dean winchester, guy, kairi, venom, depth charge, kibitoshin, ilia, lightning, rita, castiel, katniss, riku, yomi, aerith, sai, yue, claire stanfield, edward cullen, ema skye, mccoy, scar (tlk)

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heroesdontshave November 26 2010, 22:08:53 UTC
So far so good. Despite his screw up last night, Snow was actually being better about containing his restlessness today. Maybe it was cause he actually got a full night's sleep. Or maybe it was cause he was getting a little more used to this place. Not that he was getting cozy or anything, but there was a definite rhythm to how stuff worked here. It was enough that he could just go with the flow for now. Besides, if he behaved himself more now, the more he can catch people off guard later ( ... )


predictator November 27 2010, 23:43:09 UTC
The day was slowly but surely taking a turn for the better. His mood had improved during breakfast, and while he was still planning on avoiding the denizens of Ikebukuro (particularly Shizuo, whom he wished would have choked on his waffles during breakfast and just died), there were plenty of other humans that Izaya didn't mind approaching. One of them was even standing in the Sun Room right now, looking around and craning his neck to look at the balcony above them.

With a smile and without a second thought, Izaya head for Snow Villiers.

He almost had to choke back surprise once he was close. He'd realized earlier that the other man was fairly tall, but... Izaya had underestimated how tall; Snow Villiers had to be just as big as Simon. But with the inital moment of surprise having passed, Izaya wasn't deterred. He may have been much smaller than either Simon or Snow, but size didn't intimidate him; it alone didn't make someone dangerous.

Besides, Snow's obvious interest in looking around was interesting"Planning to try ( ... )


heroesdontshave November 28 2010, 00:30:10 UTC
A familiar voice pulled Snow's attention away from the balcony above them and down to his side. He recognized the face immediately as that guy he met his first day here. Izaya, right? Yeah, that was it. His face instantly broke into a bright, greeting smile once the face registered. Ha, guy looked the same as ever.

"Heh. Maybe." Which pretty much meant yes. "Never noticed there was a second floor here. Know if anyone's ever gotten up there?"


predictator November 28 2010, 03:23:27 UTC
Izaya gave Snow a smile in return, though his was not nearly as cheerful. He gave a glance upward when the big man asked his question. That balcony up there would have been right about... Yeah, it had to have been the upstairs hall.

"I doubt any of the patients have been up there during the day," he commented. "At least, not without a nurse escort. But I know there are stairs you can take to the second floor at night."

It was more free information, but it was something that anyone could have gotten their hands on through a little exploration if nothing else. At this point, it was something of an investment, anyway... If there was any chance Snow was as strong as Simon in addition to being as big as the Russian was, it could be valuable to keep him around. First he would have to prove that he wasn't that bad of a guy, especially in case Shizuo showed up to ruin things with that protozoan intellect of his.


heroesdontshave December 2 2010, 16:57:15 UTC
He glanced back up at it, more than curious now with the prospect of a new, unexplored area. So Izaya knew there were stairs that led up to the second floor, but not if anyone had ever been up there for sure. Maybe it was secured. If they were hiding anything upstairs, they'd probably have guards stationed around the stairs and halls after dark. Not that a little thing like that was going to stop him, but if he saw anyone patrolling the area, he'd know they were hiding something for sure. What kind of something? He couldn't be sure. The fact that they were hiding anything at all was enough to make him want to go.

"Sounds to me like a place worth checking out." He turned his attention back down to Izaya. "Nothin' anyone's doing down here seems to be working, so might as well expand the playing field right?" Made sense to him.


predictator December 3 2010, 19:34:56 UTC
Izaya was entirely certain that people had been up there at night, but he kept quiet on that. Hearing it could potentially dampen Snow's enthusiasm, and that would have been a shame. Snow's fervor had been enjoyable thus far, after all; Izaya wanted to see where it might take him.

"That makes sense," he agreed, craning his head to take another look at the balcony. "Maybe I'll even check it out myself some time... Ah! But if you find anything up there that 'works' before I do, I'd like to hear all about it."

He looked at Snow, and then past him to the nurses, who looked a little less than pleased. Izaya nodded towards them. "Of course, it doesn't look like our 'friends' would quite approve."


heroesdontshave December 4 2010, 23:52:28 UTC
"Deal," he said with a confident wink. Snow was fully aware that putting up a fight wasn't really for everyone. Even in the face of all this crap, people were more likely to just sit around and hope things would get better. He couldn't really hold it against anyone.

Still, it was good to talk to someone who wasn't content in just sitting around and doing nothing. If Izaya was looking around on his end, too, Snow was more than willing to share whatever he managed to find out. Not that he was running around this place for the sake of finding information, exactly. Reconnaissance wasn't really, you know, his thing. But whatever works ( ... )


predictator December 5 2010, 23:18:01 UTC
Oh, but that one little suggestion already looked like it could pay off! Even if Snow didn't find out anything of real importance-Izaya wouldn't take anything he heard with full confidence in its accuracy here, no matter the source-the man certainly appeared eager to help. With Izaya trapped as he was (and with Heiwajima Shizuo nearby), he would certainly be keeping Snow's offer in mind, even if what he might need the man for wouldn't necessarily match up with what Snow might have intended.

Izaya didn't react at all to the large hand Snow had placed on his shoulder, but he did respond to the words that had come after. "How reassuring! It's nice to have someone reliable around here... I'll let you know if I could use your help."

He gave one last look at the nurses, and then shifted his weight, tilting to one side, to look up at Snow from the corners of his eyes. "And you may be right about the guards," he continued. "But if you give them too much to get upset over, I would think they'd try to sedate you. We would want that to ( ... )


heroesdontshave December 8 2010, 06:13:08 UTC
Someone reliable.

It might have been difficult to tell since Snow had already been smiling, but he was practically glowing with that label. Reliable. Yeah. ...Damn straight! That was him. He was reliable. The one you could depend on, no matter what. And with that established, there was no way he was going to let Izaya or anyone else in this place down. Not with people counting on him now.

And all that being the case, he wasn't going to let something silly like worrying about the guards "sedating" him ruin the moment. So he pulled his hand from Izaya's shoulder and fisted it in front of him. "Just let 'em try it! They wanna press their luck again, they'll have a nasty wake up call comin' their way."

As far as that whole mess last time went, he was sure that was some kind of a fluke. He still had no idea how only three people had managed to contain him. Snow knew he was stronger than that. He could only figure they'd gotten their uniforms rigged with AMP technology; it was the only explanation. Bad enough they took everything even ( ... )


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